Chapter 37

|♥| My Only Love is You |♥|
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Author POV

It wasn't easy to control her overflowing emotions, you felt Minhyuk's joy, the world stopped indeed; her world especially. Those cameras flashed like a series of lightnings, threatening their future together. Those merciless questions from the reporters sounded like never ending buzzes around them. But time has stopped at last. It has been fair to them finally. 

Almost 4 years since the first time they met, it was her first day in school. She was expectant and excited to the new environment and of course looking forward to making awesome new friends. It was the cafeteria where they met. They were having an impromptu gig at the furthest end of the whole area. The crowd around them, their voices, the stumming of the guitar, the cheers attracted her...

It was the first time he carried her in his strong arms as she draped her arm over his neck. It was the first time he smiled, if only just for a few short seconds, she remembered it all too clearly... 

4 years later, he stood beside her smiling. The same brighter smile. Their eyes met and he leaned over resting his forehead on hers. She remembered how she has always wanted him this close. His lips lightly brushed her nose bridge and she squeezed her eyes shut. There were so many things she wanted to say at the moment. She wanted to tell him she couldn't totally forget him at all. All these years a part of her yearned for him, even though she moved on for a new life, he always lived in her like a soul never lost. But she was afraid her words would come out as random mumbles. She hesitated and a tear fell and slipped down her flushed cheeks. He lightly brushed it off right before it slipped off her jaws. She felt him laugh. 

'I love you.' He whispered in the most romantic way he ever managed in public. Despite the commotion, she heard him perfectly. Every syllable, every word and his every breath. Instead, she enjoyed the attention. Especially when he was the one to shower her with all the love she ever needed...

* * * * *

CEO Hong lay back in his leather seat, frowning. It was hard to see if he was actually angry. Phone calls could be heard from the marketing department next door, ringing a few times every

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lisa66384 #1
Chapter 27: thank u 4 using my name (I waz shocked)
Jungkoyoung #2
Chapter 38: Conviently my name;)
alicheungmss #3
Shinee2013 #4
Chapter 6: love your story!!!
Chapter 39: I was shocked when my name appeared owo. I LOVE IT!
Kpop66 #6
Chapter 6: I can not believe you put my name in here, thank u I love it
Kpop66 #7
Chapter 2: My n ID Kpop66, YAAY
Chapter 39: This is so beautiful T___T
Chapter 39: This story is so cute. It really felt like I was dating Minhyuk. Thanks for writing such an amazing story. •﹏•
ESCshine #10
Chapter 2: I was kind of surprise to see my username. Its so cool! And im totally looking forward to this fanfic already!