In the Cafeteria

Secret Agents

        We finished off our mission successfully without any injuries on our part but we did inflict just a bit of damage. "You can certainly kick when you need to despite your thin frame." Sungyeol said as you guys headed back in the convertible. I laughed and then said, "You guys aren't that bad yourselves, but you can't do better than me." They laughed and I got an incoming video message from Jade. "What's up?" I said as she showed up on the navigation screen in the car. "Success?" she asked. "What does it look like?" I said. "Okay, okay. I'm going to take that as a yes. Well Kimmy has everything under control and should be done in at least half an hour so just come back to HQ for now." she said. "Kayy." I said ending the call.  “How long have you known Jade?” Sungyeol asked as we cruised down the highway.  “Technically she’s my adoptive mother, but I’ve known her since I was at least 4 years old I think.” I answered.  “Well no wonder you’ve been training for such a long time.  I was surprised that there was someone who had been training longer than L.” Sungyeol said.  “Yeah, I was surprised that someone trained almost as long as I had.” I said.  “We definitely haven’t been training for as long as you, but we are somewhat almost as trained as you.” Woohyun said.  We drove off the freeway and down the street that the apartment was on. “When are you guys moving in?” I asked.  “Tomorrow or the next day I think.  Sunggyu would know.” Sungyeol said.  “UGGHHH… That means I have to wake up early again to help.” I said unhappily.  They laughed and you had a pouting face on the rest of the way to the apartment. 




        Our apartment complex looks like this:



          The actual apartment is the shorter one and HQ is the taller one.  The apartment is an exclusive expensive extension to HQ to make it seem normal.  These two buildings were the tallest ones within a hundred miles distance all around which did make it stand out just a bit.  The apartment is pretty much only used by the agents because others can’t afford to get even half of a room in the whole complex.  Anyways I live on the top floor penthouse with Kimmy and the view is absolutely amazing.  We can see the coast, the mountains, the city, everything. 


I sat down on the cushioned seats in the elevator and waited until I reached the top.  (Yeah we actually have couch seats in our elevators... It's cool though right?? Hehe) I walked out of the elevator and into the penthouse.  I went to the bathroom and washed up and changed into a pair of gray sweats and a black tank top.  After I came out of the bathroom I wrote a note for Kimmy saying that there was some food in the fridge for her to eat and that I was going to sleep.  I left it on the living room table and went to sleep on my bed.

I woke up the next morning to my alarm clock and got ready for school.  My uniform consisted of a white, button up, polo shirt; a brown, pleated skirt thatwent almost halfway down my thighs; white, knee high socks; and a brown, long sleeve blazer with only two buttons and the school's crest on the left side. Kimmy was making some breakfast for us and I grabbed our book bags from our rooms and we took our breakfast to go.  "I like our routine." I said after I swallowed a bite of toast.  She giggled softly and we waited until the elevator reached the garage level.  I drove the two of us to school and I parked in the student parking lot.  As we walked into the main building, all the students waved at us and said hello or good morning.  You could say we are the ‘popular girls’ of the school and I have to admit that it’s pretty fun.  We waved back and smiled.  We are in separate classes and our lockers are on the opposite sides of the building so we split up after we get to the end of the entrance hallway.  I go left, she goes right.  I walked down the hallway and then someone bumped into me.  "Yah! Watch where you're-" I started to say but then I saw who I had bumped into.  "Nice to see you too Minah." L said as he smiled.  "What are you doing here?" I asked.  "I'm at school, what do you think I'm doing here?" he said.  "Since when do you go to this school?" I asked.  "Since half an hour ago I think." he said.  "Oh, we'll that explains it.  Did Jade have you guys all transfer here?" I asked.  He nodded and there was silence.  "So what class are you in?" I asked.  "2-A." he said.  "Cool, I'm in 1-A." I said.  *awkward silence yet again* "Sungjong said he was in 1-A." he said.  "Really? That's cool." I said.  *Another moment of awkward silence* then the bell rang.  "Well I better get going..." he said.  "Yeah me too..." I said.  "Bye." we both said at the same time.  I walked off awkwardly and headed into the classroom.  "Minah!" I heard someone call as I walked Ito the classroom.  "Ah. Sungjong-sshi, L told me you were in this class." I said as I walked over to him.  "You saw L hyung?" he asked.  "Neh. Our conversation was very...awkward?" I said.  Sungjong laughed and then said, "Hyung can make things awkward all the time, you get used to it." The teacher came inside and you went to your seat by the window. 


Sungjong and I headed to the cafeteria during lunch and we sat together with Kimmy and the rest of Infinite.  "Dude, people are staring..." I said to Kimmy as I looked around at all the people in the cafeteria.  "I kind of noticed..." she said.  "I mean they are star models..." I said.  We looked back at the seven guys in front of us who were scarfing down their food like there was no tomorrow.  They noticed our stares and all stopped eating and looked back at us.  "Ummmm... Is something wrong?" Sunggyu asked.  We just stared and then snapped out of it with the rest of the cafeteria when Sunggyu waved his hands in front of our faces.  "Huh? What? Did you say something?" I said, gaining your mental conscience again.  "We asked if you guys were okay." He said.  "Oh, yeah, we're fine." I said, then I went back to picking at my cafeteria food.  The rest of the cafeteria that had been quite silent resumed eating and minding their own business.  "Are you not going to eat?" Sungyeol asked you.  "I don't particuallarly like the cafeteria food that they serve on Mondays.  Its always bland and just weird to eat." I said as I moved the contents of the dish around on the plate.  "Well, if you're not going to eat it, I suggest giving it to Sungjong, he is always hungry." Hoya said, motioning to Sungjong who was almost done with his plate of food.  I pushed you tray in front of him and he looked up at me.  " What is this for?" He asked, pointing at the plate of food.  "It's for you. I'm not going to eat it so Hoya said that you should eat it." I replied.  "Really?? Can I have it?" He asked excitedly.  "Sure, take it." I said.  "Yayy! More food for me!" He said clapping his hands like a little child.  Kimmy and I laughed at the scene and he switched his empty plate with my full plate.  "I'm going to go to my locker really quickly, I'll be right back." I said, getting up from my seat.  I walked out of the cafeteria and down the hallway towards my locker.  I opened my locker and took out some snacks that I had put in my bag the night before. 

I also went to get a drink from the student store that they had by the entrance of the school.  I carried the snacks in a plastic bag and I drank some of my drink as I walked back to the cafeteria.  When I got back, I saw two boys standing up at a table giving each other death glares.  Then one lunged for the other.  I threw my bag and drink to Kimmy who luckily say them and caught them before they fell on the floor and I walked over to the fighting boys.  "What is she going to do?" Dongwoo asked Kimmy.  " Just watch and wait." She said calmly, continuing to eat her food.  The whole cafeteria besides the boys were watching me and I stopped right in front of the quarrel.  "Ehem!" I said, 'accidentally kicking them both in the shins.  "What was that f-"  One boy started to say, but when he saw me, he instantly stood up straight.  The other boy followed in suit.  "What exactly do you think you are doing?  This is a freaking cafeteria, not a place where people fight." I started to say.  "Who do you think you are, starting a fight in a peaceful lunch area? What would have happened if you hit someone else? What if one of you guys got sent to the hostpital?" I went on.  "Think about you actions before you do them.  Stick that into you pea sized brains would you?" I finished.  I grabbed their arms and started to drag them out of the cafeteria.  Things went back to normal by the time I had reached the cafeteria exit.  I dragged them down to the dean's office and tossed them into the room.  "Detention, bathroom cleaning for two weeks.  Get them into peer mediation too, they seem like they need it.  Oh and send them to the nurses office when your done to ice up their bruises." I said to the dean.  "You really know how to fun this school don't you? It's only your first year too." The dean said.  "Well I believe that school should be a peaceful place for students and if someone ruins the peace for others then they should be punished." I said.  "See ya later! Don't get into any more trouble you guys." I said, giving them a light back rub.  I walked out of the office and headed back to the cafeteria. 


Narrator's POV


"Dude, what just happened?" Dongwoo asked Kimmy.  "Minnie has a reputation at this school, she is the person who stops fights, gets rid of drugies, stuff like that.  She practically runs this school when she wants to, but when nothing is going on, she acts like a regualar student like all the other kids in this school.  She gets mad when she sees others getting hurt, or when she sees people doing things they shouldn't do so she makes things right.  She doesn't go overboard with what she does and she always figures out how to mend things back together.  She may seem like a devil when she's angry, but you have to admit she's pretty sweet and cute like before when she gave Sungjong her food." Kimmy explained.  Infintie nodded and signalled her to go on.  "She doesn't accept people as easily as I do so that's why she hasn't really opened up to all of you guys yet, but over time she will accept you guys and become friends with you; unless you do something that either makes her really mad or annoys her a lot." She said.  "So we won't get on her good side if we do something she doesn't 'like'?" Woohyun asked.  "Yeah.  Like once, this kid went up to her and started hitting on her right? Yeah, so she listened to his cheesy pick up lines and such until he put his arm around her waist.  Then she went ninja on him and kicked him to the other side of the hallway."  Kimmy said.  She was talking to us like we had been her friends forever and you could tell Hoya was enjoying it.  "Minah-sshi kicked another guy all the way to the other side of a hallway?!" Sungjong asked with a high pitched, worried voice.  Kimmy laughed and nodded.  "You guys don't have to worry as long as you don't mess up and do something that makes her mad.  Especially since you guys are idols, Minnie will probably report it to the media..." Kimmy said.  Sungjong just stared at her with an are-you-serious-face.  "Geogjeong hajima.  If she hurts you guys she'll get in trouble with Jade and she hates when Jade gives her 'the punishment'." Kimmy said.  "Do we want to know what that 'punishment' is?" Sungyeol asked.  "You'll find out eventually.  It's not that bad, Minnie just absolutely hates it for some reason." She said. 

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