Get Them Together Part 1

Secret Agents

A few days passed by and we haven't had any hard missions concerning the previous mission and school has been pretty boring as well.  "Neh, can we go somewhere? Being stuck in HQ has been really boring these days..." I said, but I earned a glare from Jade.  "You guys still can't go out, we haven't gotten to the bottom of the case just yet." She said.  We were all sitting in Jade's office yet again and it was early afternoon, right after school.  We had all changed into casual clothing and I was wearing a blue, black, grey, and white plaid long sleeve shirt with a pair of dark blue skinny jeans.  I laid my body out on one of the couches and sighed.  "Let's go to the cafe then." Minhyuk suggested.  We had gone all over HQ and we have adventured around the building since there wasn't anything to do at all.  "I'm kind of hungry now that you mention it." Kimmy said.  Hoya walked next to her while we walked to the cafe and I stood in between Minhyuk and L.  It has been that way these past few days whenever we started adventuring. 


I walked slower than them by a little bit and they didn't notice.  I found my way to the back and I walked next to Ilhoon and Changsob.  "Those two are acting weird..." I whispered.  "It's like they're competing for something." Ilhoon said.  They still hadn't noticed my disappearance and we walked into the cafe.  "What do you want to eat?" They both asked at the same time to the empty space next to them.  The three of us giggled and we made conversation so we didn't look like we were watching them.  Everybody ordered food and we took our meals to a spot near the window of the cafe so we could look outside.  The cafe was on the tenth floor and we looked out at the tall buildings as we ate.  Eunkwang and Hyunsik were cracking jokes with Sungjae, Sungyeol, Sunggyu and Sungjong while Minhyuk and L were stuck at your sides.  Hoya, Dongwoo, Ilhoon and Changsub were talking with Kimmy.  Peniel, Minhyuk, L, and Woohyun were sitting with me.  I ate my food contently and I couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable under the two boys' gazes.  They noticed my behaviour and looked away in unison.  "Woohyun oppa, why are those two being so weird?" I whispered.  "Personally, I have no idea, why don't you ask them?" He whispered back.  I paused for a moment before shaking my head.  "I'll ask them later..."


In the car on our way to school the next day, I sat with Kimmy, Hoya, and Sunggyu.  "I don't wanna go to schooool~" I whined.  "Yah! Minnie-ah stop whining." Kimmy said as she smacked my arm lightly.  "But school !" I said.  Kimmy sighed and turned to face Hoya instead.  His face instantly brightened up and she smiled.  "We need to get those two together or something pronto." I whispered to Sunggyu.  "Everyone was thinking the same thing." He whispered back.  "Let's think of a plan tonight okay?" I said.  He nodded and we smiled.  When we got to school, I went to class with Sungjong and we talked together while we walked through the hallways.  "Okay, Sunggyu and I decided that we should find some way to get Hoya and Kimmy together, we should start planning." I said excitedly.  "Really?" He asked.  I nodded.  We walked into the class room to find 'Self Study' written on the board and a note saying that the substitute would be coming late.  "Perfect!" I said happily.  Sungjong and I put our desks together and we started talking about the perfect way to set the two of them up.  "Kimmy likes mushy romantic stuff." I said as I thought about it.  "Let's write this stuff down." He said.  He pulled out his  notebook and opened it to a random page and I handed him a pen.  "Really? A Pororo pen?" He asked.  "Pororo is cute!" I said with a hmph.  He laughed and then wrote down what I had said before. 

"What is her favorite flower?"

"She likes tulips."

"Favorite food?"


"No wonder she's so skinny... Anyways, does she like the beach?"

"Yeah I guess so, we don't usually go though."

"Hmmm, maybe we should set up something on the beach then..."

I sighed and thought about how hard it actually might be to set them up.  I texted the others and waited for their ideas.  "Oh my gosh this is perfect!" I said as I read Sungyeol's idea.  I showed it to Sungjong and he smiled excitedly.  "We can get the stuff after school." He said as he review what we might need in his head.  I nodded excitedly and started writing a list of stuff. 




Okay guys I'm so sorry about not updating like what so ever this past like month......


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Update :)
blockbangel #2
Update soon plz