The Flower Shop

Secret Agents

The next morning, I woke up to the really annoying yelling that was coming from across the hall.  I sighed as I got out of bed and I remembered what the past day had been like.  So much was happening in such a short amount of time.  I got changed into a different agent outfit that I had and I met up with Kimmy in the living room.  "The oppas are too noisy..." I said as I yawned.  She just nodded sleepily in response.  We knocked on their door and told them to get ready and meet us in the weapon room in half an hour or before.  We told BtoB oppas as well.  The two of us headed to the elevator and took it all the way to the weapons room in HQ.  As we walked inside, the lab scientist was inside and she was analyzing the newest weapon as it was being tried out.  "Ah, I was expecting you two.  Where are the others? I've already gotten everything ready after I heard Jade went missing in London." She said.  All of the HQ's were notified about her disappearance and they were all currently searching for her.  "They're getting ready." Kimmy said.  She led us to a room and it was completely full of different weapons and things like that.  "The usual? Or do you want more? Less? Something different?" She asked.  "I'll take my usual, plus some other things just in case." I said.  I grabbed my trusty pistol and a couple of poison darts just in case I needed them.  Kimmy grabbed her gun as well and she took some other weapons that might come in handy later. 


The guys all came down at the same time and they arrived fifteen minutes early, which meant we would probably get to eat something before we left.  They grabbed their weapons and we headed to the HQ cafe quickly.  On our way there, we talked about the plan.  "Okay, so this is the plan I came up with this morning.  I am going to go inside with Kimmy, Minhyuk, L and Hoya first and then we are going to find where he is keeping her.  I will signal you guys through our ear pieces and tell you the directions to the place where she is.  Sungyeol, Sungjong, Dongwoo, Woohyun, and Sunggyu go and release her; Eunkwang, Hyunsik, Ilhoon, Sungjae, and Peniel follow my other directions to meet up with us when we find him so that we can create an ambush." I said.  "Sounds good." They said and then we bought our small breakfast.  We headed to the three cars and split up into our teams.  I drove and the other two cars followed my lead.


We drove to 'the place' and they looked in awe at how the place looked.  We were at the last place that they would've expected; a flower shop.  Yes a flower shop, but this flower wasn't something to underestimate.  This flower shop was in the middle of no where, but that gave it more space underground.  There were many tunnels, and secret places underground in this flower shop and it was a really complicated place, but I remembered it very clearly.  The five of us walked into the flower shop and it was completely empty and quiet.  I walked behind the cash register and pulled out a button on the keyboard.  I went to a picture of the father and Jade from many years ago and I took it off the wall.  Behind it was a small indent where I placed the button and then I stepped back.  I watched as the wall started to move up and as it did, a gust of wind blew out.  When the wall was up completely, we walked into the darkened staircase.  The wall stayed up as we walked into the darkness and I pulled out a flash light to lead our way.  Hoya stayed near Kimmy and the other two stayed uncomfortably close to me.  We walked cautiously and quietly down the stairs and when we reached a door way, I pulled a brick on the wall and the door opened.  "You certainly remember this place..." L said.  "What can I say, I've had a lot of memories here..." I said with a shrug. 


We walked the dusty hallways until we heard a loud crash and we all stopped in our tracks.  "Let me go!" I heard Jade shout.  "It's Jade!" I whispered.  We hurried down the hallway and followed her shouts and the loud crashes.  We reached an open door that spewed light and I held my back against the wall and turned my head in a little bit to see.  I saw Jade being tied up to the wall and there was a bunch of crushed furniture all over the floor.  "Dayumm, she can through a tantrum..." Minhyuk said.  I stiffled a laugh and so did the others.  I was glad he was there since he could easily lighten up the mood.  "I have you here for a 'reason' and you are staying her until that 'reason' gets here." Her father said.  I cringed at his harsh voice and I knew that I was the 'reason' he was talking about.  She looked like she was going to yell back, but she restrained her self.  Then she saw me from the corner of her eye and her eyes widened for about half a second and then they went back to normal.  "Dad, come over here, I want to tell you something, but those goons can't hear it." She said.  She opened one of her hands, telling me that there were five goons in the room and I nodded.  She whispered something in his ear and his eyes widened when I clamped his hands with cuffs.  I had run into the room at the speed of light and the goons were a few seconds too late at realizing what was going on since they were cuffed as well.  I pushed him up against the wall and put my foot on his chest.  The goons were thrown down and the others kept an eye on them.  I knew they were equipped with weapons, so I had to keep them under security. 


"So you came." He said.  "What do you want?" I bluntly stated.  "I see you're as agressive as ever." He said.  I pushed harder on his chest with my foot.  "Answer my damn question." I growled.  "You know what I want, it's simple." He said.  "Answer the ing question!" I shouted.  His eyes showed the slightest bit of fear, but he tried to act calm.  "I can kill him right?" I asked Jade.  "Go ahead, I was going to do it myself." She said  heartlessly.  The Infinite group arrived on the scene and helped Jade out of her handcuffs and helped restrict the other goons more.  I pulled out my gun and aimed it at him, but I didn't shoot, not yet.  "Tell me, and tell me now, what you wanted from me." I said calmly.  He took a deep breath and glared at me.  "You stole everything from me, my daughter, her fiance, this very place even.  You were the center of everyone's world.  I know, pathetic isn't it, me and old man was jealous of a young girl like you.  People have their needs.  But one day when I everyone and you 'killed' me, you said some words that I would never forget." He said.  Jade was looking at him like he was crazy, while the others were just focusing on anything besides us.  "You said, 'You are a filthy man from this world.  You will never learn the true meaning of love.  You treated your daughter like and you let her fiance take advantage of you.  What in the world is wrong with you.  Too bad you won't be able to live to regain you dignity as a man.' That was truly awakening." he said.  "Well what does that have to do with me? You didn't have to capture Jade and make me come all the way out here to tell me that." I said.  "You didn't let me finish." He said.  You glared at him.  "After you left, a man came and brought me to the hospital nearby and I got fixed as you can see.  He didn't tell me his name, he didn't tell me his age, he didn't tell me anything except for one thing.  He said he wanted you dead.  I was flustered at first from his words and he didn't even explain why." he said.  You were shocked, why did so many people want you dead?  "He told me things and turned me against you even more than I already was.  He made me realize how much I disliked you.  That man helped me set everything up, but as you can see, the plan didn't turn out how it was supposed to." he said as he looked down at the floor.  "L, Minhyuk, tie him up.  We're taking him to jail, this guy will come in handy later." I said as I kicked him to the floor. 


The two of them tied him up and I called the agency's security and the police.  They showed up quickly and I brought them down to the tunnels where everyone was at and they took Jade's father and the goons.  The police searched all the tunnels and made sure that there wasn't anyone else in the tunnels.  The agency claimed ownership of the flower shop and they cut off all entrances of the tunnels.  "Why didn't you kill him?" Jade asked.  "He has important information about this man who wants to kill me, and if I want to find that person, he is my first hint." I explained.  "He doesn't even know the dude's name." Kimmy said.  "He knows what he looks like, that is a very important factor even though appearances can be changed.  He also knows his attitude and way of thinking." I said.  Kimmy nodded in realization.  "Do you think it's the same guy from the bombing?" Kimmy asked.  "I don't know, but I think he might be.  Though there is no evidence yet that they are connected in any way." I said.  We all headed back to the agency and we all took a little rest. 


That evening, Jade told all of us to go to her office later and we met up for dinner since she still didn't want us going out anywhere.  I changed into a more comfortable outfit after taking a shower and then I rested for a while in the living room.  Later, inside her office, there was a long table set up and we all took seats, Jade at the head of the table.  I sat between L and Minhyuk and the others surrounded us.  Kimmy was sitting in between Minhyuk and Hoya and I could see Hoya's look of distaste when Kimmy looked at Minhyuk.  "Those two are so cute~ He's jealous of Minhyuk." I whispered to L.  He just smiled and looked over at Hoya who was making an unsatisfactory face.  The food arrived and we all dug into our meals.  When we finished, we sat on the couches and Jade sat at her desk.  The blinds were down in her office and the lights from the ceiling were bright.  I could hear rain from outside and I curled up on the plush couch next to Kimmy and played on my phone.  At around 9, we all headed back to our rooms and Jade went to her's as well.  That night I slept soundly from the sounds of the rain.



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blockbangel #2
Update soon plz