Level 8

Secret Agents

If you don't like mentions of killings and things then skip around and find the parts that don't include those things.  Also from now on there may be some swearing and words like that, so if you aren't comfortable with the words then try not to read them and replace them with words like fudge and shoe. - infinitesummer623 ~


"Damn, this is the first level 8 we've had in such a long time..." I said as we ran over to the elevator.  I pressed the secret HQ button and we were taken all the way under ground , under the HQ building and then up to Jade's office.  I could see some of the guys getting a bit tense.  "Don't worry you guys, level 8 isn't that bad compared to levels 9 and 10." I said.  "You've been on level 10 missions? Even L hasn't been on a level 10 mission." Sunggyu said.  I nodded and we all sat in silence and waited until the doors opened up and we were at Jade's office.  "You guys are splitting into teams again, just go with the same teams.  Minnie's team here is your part of the mission and Kimmy here is your part of the mission." She said, handing us hologram cards and papers.  "There has been a murder, theft and a bombing over here at the Seoul city hall.  Minnie's team will try to figure out who the murderer was and where the stolen money is.  You guys will be going in as a detective team.  Kimmy's team will go and find the sources of the bombing and find the people responsible. Understand?" she said.  "Yes ma'am." I said.  "Okay you guys better hurry or else the clues will start to fade." Jade said, pushing us all back into the elevator. 


"Convertible.  Damn its really far away..." I said as we got out of the elevator at the garage level.  "Remember the convertible isn't called a convertible for nothing."  Kimmy said.  "Oh yeah! The car has jet wings!" I said.  "Are you serious? People have invented things like that?" Woohyun asked.  "Duh!" I said.  My team jumped into the convertible and we drove out of the garage.  "Let's test these babies out shall we?" I said.  "You have used these before right?" Sungyeol asked before letting me do anything.  "Of course! I wouldn't have this car if I didn't have a license to use all it's abilities." I said.  We drove at a speed of 50 mph and then I let the wings out.  Thankfully no one was out on this street and it was dark so you could barely see the black convertible anyways.  The guys relaxed once we were at a steady height and I was getting the hang of steering the thing.  Sungyeol told me the directions and we arrived at the scene as quick as possible.  We landed on a quiet empty street and drove towards the city hall building which was surrounded by police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances. 


We stepped out of the car and people made way for us.  "Dude, check it out! It's the super detective Min!" people were saying.  "You definitely have a lot of nicknames." Sungyeol whispered.  "I have like fifteen different names. It sort of freaks me out." I said.  We walked up the stairs of city hall and went into the room where the cops were analyzing the scene.  "Detective Min! Are we glad you're here.  This case is quite a difficult one." the old detective ahjussi said.  "Ahjussi, what has your team come up with so far?" I asked.  He explained the details and I gathered the culprits of the murder within ten minutes.  The guys helped me analyze the alibis and it was amazing how dumb these people could be. "Arrest him." I said.  "What were you thinking? Killing this innocent man? And your reason was because he owed you something? People like you are some of the shallowest people on earth. You were taught to be nice to people when you were young were you not? Take him away, I can't bear to look at this pathetic soul for another minute." I said.  The police took him out of the room and the dead guy's body was taken as well.  "Well part on is figured out, now we have to find our treasure." Woohyun said.  "Let's go!" I said.  We walked out of the building and people took pictures of us as we walked down the stairs.  Thank goodness we were wearing sunglasses or else we would've been totally busted.  We got back into the convertible and headed to the city hall gardens.  From the information that you had gotten from the suspects and the killer, the money was somewhere in this garden.  We walked around the garden for a while and then I spotted a plot of grass that looked unnaturally green.  "Found it." I said. 


We dug up the money and brought it back with us to city hall.  "Here's the missing money. They were right, it was in the garden." Woohyun said as he handed the money to the governor.  "See guys, that wasn't even twice as bad as the last mission and the last mission was a level 5. It was just the circumstances that changed the level of the mission.  I mean some people can't handle things as well as we do." I said as we drove back to HQ.  Kimmy's group was having a bit of trouble so Jade sent us over there before we got all the way back to the HQ.  "This is odd, Kimmy's having trouble?" I said.  "What do you mean it's odd?" L asked concerned.  "It's just that Kimmy usually has everything under control even on a level 8." I said.  "Well that can't be good." Sungyeol said. 


We headed back to city hall to the bombing site.  "Kimmy!!!" I shouted.  "Over here!" She called back.  They came out of the never ending smoke with gas masks on.  "This is precisely why it's a level 8 mission." I told the guys.  They walked towards us and they took off the masks.  "Ahh, finally fresh air..." Dongwoo said as he took a deep breath.  "So what's the problem?" I asked Kimmy.  "We can't find the source in all this smoke, we're gonna have to wait until it clears out or we need some kind of 'bomb detector' that they have in those movies..." she said with a thinking face.  "Let's try once more with all of us, maybe with more people it'll be easier." I said.  She nodded and Hoya went to get the extra gas masks.  He came back within three minutes and we put them on.  "Ugh I hate these things, remember the last time we had to wear them?" I asked Kimmy.  She laughed and it sounded funny through the mask.  We stepped into the smoke and started to search for the bomb remnants.  I walked low to the floor and then I bumped into something.  I screamed.  "Calm down, it's just me." I heard someone say.  I couldn't recognize the voice.  "Who are you?" I asked as I took a step back.  I still couldn't even see what I had bumped into.  "Is me Sungyeol." the person said.  I looked closer and then I could make out his tall figure in front of me.  "Oh, hi!" I said.  He chuckled and it sounded funny.  "Find anything yet?" I asked.  He shook his head.  "Kimmy was right, I think we have to wait until the smoke clears a bit more." he said.  "Why did we all separate? That was a really bad idea..." I said.  "Damn you're right.  HEY GUYS! FOLLOW MY VOICE, WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THE SMOKE FOR NOW!" he yelled.  Everyone shouted back.  He grabbed my arm and we found our way out of the smoke. 


"Where is Kimmy?" I asked after the others had come out of the smoke.  "I'm right here!" Kimmy said.  She was still in the smoke but I could see her figure walking out of the smoke towards us.  "Okay let's wait for fifteen minutes and then try again.  This time we link arms or something." I said.  Everyone nodded and we headed to the cars.  We sat in the cars for exactly 15 minutes and then we walked back to the bombing site.  There was still quite a lot of smoke and it was getting darker.  “Should we wait a little longer?”  Kimmy asked as she looked at the smoke with an unsure expression.  “You guys should stay here for a few more minutes, but I’m gonna go in really quickly to see if it’s any better.” I said, stepping closer to the smoke.  Kimmy grabbed my arm.  “And do you really think I’m going to let you go alone when there is a freaking bomber on the loose?” She said, giving me the motherly look.  “Well I’m only going in really quickly…” I said looking at the floor with a pout.  “Aegyo is not gonna work in this situation Minnie.”  She said.  Then she grabbed Sungyeol and Woohyun and attached their hands to either one of my arms.  “That’s better, off you go now.” She said.  “Really?? Ughh, fine, if it makes you feel better.” I said.  She smiled triumphantly and we slipped out gas masks on and headed into the smoke. 


“This is even worse than how it was before.” I said.  We could barely see each other even though we had linked arms and were standing right next to one another.  Then I felt something touch my back and I yelped.  “What’s wrong?” They asked.  I let go of their arms and turn around.  Suddenly there was a pair of hands around my neck, strangling me.  I threw a punch at this unknown person but the person lifted me off the ground, tightening their grasp on my neck.  I could hear Sungyeol and Woohyun searching for me, but I couldn’t say anything.  Then I kicked the person at their private area and I heard a faint and muffled moan.  *definitely a guy.*  I pushed away from his grasp since his hold on my neck had loosened and I slumped to the floor trying to breathe, but since we were in a smoke cloud, it was hard.  “There you are, what happened?” Sungyeol asked, pulling Woohyun along with him towards me.  After noticing something was wrong, they carried me and we found our way out of the smoke cloud back to where the others were. 


We walked out of the smoke and when we were far enough away to take our masks off I ripped it off my head and took deep breaths.  “What happened to her?” Sunggyu asked Sungyeol and Woohyun.  “We have no idea.  She screamed and got out of our grasps and then we found her on the floor having trouble breathing.  Kimmy came over to me and then she saw blood.  “Oh my god, Minnie you’re bleeding!” She said with the outmost fear and concern.  I regained my breath and air was going into my body like it should.  Kimmy had gone back to the car for her emergency kit.  “What happened back there?” Sungyeol asked, squatting down next to me.  Kimmy got back and took a couple pictures of my neck for evidence.  “There was a man in there who tried to kill me.” I said quietly.  Kimmy had frozen and the others were silent with shock.  “What?!” L shouted, breaking the silence.  Kimmy shook it off momentarily and started to clean my neck wound.  “Did you see the person’s face?” Sungyeol asked shakily.  I shook my head and they looked down with disappointment.  “It was impossible to see anything in there and he was wearing a black mask.”  I said.  “Then how did you know it was a guy?” Woohyun asked.  “I kicked him in the balls.” I said bluntly.  “Of course.” They all said with a small smile on their faces.  Then the guys winced after imagining how much that must have hurt for him, considering my strength especially when it comes to kicking.  I started to laugh, but then my neck hurt and I went into a small coughing fit.  “Sunggyu oppa, can you call Jade and tell her that Minnie is injured and that we should wait until morning to come back and check this place out.” Kimmy said as she sprayed some of the stingy stuff on my injuries.  “OWWW!!!” I shouted.  My neck hurt a lot now.  “Sorryyyy!” She said.  “Should’ve at least given me a warning of some sort!” I shouted.  She smiled at my energy and then put gauze on my neck and taped it so it would stay. 


Sunggyu called and we headed back to HQ.  Kimmy drove her team back while Woohyun drove us back.  I told him I could drive, but he literally picked me up and set me down in the back seat with L.  We turned out of the parking lot and I saw a figure dressed in black by the smoke cloud looking at us.  I gasped.  “What?” L asked concerned.  “It’s the guy who tried to kill me…” I said looking back at the guy.  I turned to face L and I saw his concerned face, which only grew even more concerned when he saw my face.  “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.  Come here.” He said, pulling me in for a comforting hug. 


We made it back to HQ and Kimmy’s team was already at the office.  The three guys surrounded me like I was some kind of thing that needed a LOT of protection.  “You guys are gonna suffocate me if you get any closer.” I said.  They took a small step away, but it wasn’t far enough.  I sighed and gave up.  We walked into the elevator and stayed silent the whole ride up to Jade’s office.  We walked inside and sat down on the leather couches.  “I’m gonna kill the bastard who tried to kill me.” I said angrily.  Everyone smiled that I was somewhat back to normal.  Jade came over to examine my neck. 


“Explanation?” She asked.  I explained and she waited until I was finished until she said anything.  She went back to her desk and dialed to phone to call someone.  I sat there and my eyelids felt heavy so I knocked out for a little bit.  Jade got off the phone and sighed.  “Jade, can you explain to the oppas why Minnie was having trouble breathing for me?” Kimmy asked quietly.  “Neh Kimmy.  So boys, Minah wasn’t breathing weirdly completely because of the guy who strangled her.” Jade said.  They all stayed quiet, but gave her confused looks.  “She’s told you guys before that she is adopted by me right?” She asked.  The three who were on my team nodded, but the others still looked confused.  “So, when Minah was a little girl, she always had fights with her parents.  They of course weren’t secret agents, but they were both strong athletic types of people.  One day, she and her father got into an intense fight when she was only 4 years old.  Her mother was coming home from work and she had no one to defend her.  Her father tended to be moody and he was usually always drunk out of his mind.  So that day, he was drunk and he grabbed her by the neck with one hand.” She explained.  They all gasped at the last part and you stirred in your sleep from the noise.  “Thank goodness her mother and I were close to home or else he probably would’ve killed her.  Minah’s mother got home and she saw her husband strangling their daughter.  I called the police and she went to kicked him away from Minah.  The poor baby fell unconscious on the floor and her mother was beating her father senseless.  He ran up the stairs and her mother followed him since she wasn’t finished with him.  But then her father pushed her mother down the stairs, but she brought him down with her.  They both died at the spot and the police and paramedics came rushing in moments later.” The guys were silent and some of them looked like they were on the verge of tears.  “I went with her to the hospital and she recovered two months later.  She was in a coma for three weeks and she had slight amnesia for three more.  Since she was still a bit unstable, they made her stay for two weeks more.  During her stay at the hospital, I signed to adopt her and I took her in.  I taught her about being a secret agent and everything she knows now.” She said, looking at my sleeping figure. 


“Cheer up you guys, she’s here and alive isn’t she?” Kimmy said.  “Come on, even though we’ve only known each other for like a day, she’s almost completely opened up to you guys already!” She added.  They smiled and then I woke up.  “What’s with all the noise??” I asked.  “We were just talking about what we were going to do about the mission.  So tomorrow, we will be sending the holograms to school while you guys go check out the site again.” Jade said calmly.  “We told them about your past Minnie.” Kimmy whispered.  I went rigid for a second, but then I realized it was better if they knew what happened then just blindly going around, so I shook it off easily.  “Oh, really? Thanks for taking the load off my shoulders then.” I said.  “You guys should head off and get some rest okay?  Also, Kimmy, Minah, sleep with them tonight, just for safety measures.” Jade said.  “Sleep over?” I asked.  “Yay!” Sungjong said.  “We get to have a welcoming sleep over!” he added.  We laughed and headed to the elevator. 


Kimmy and I insisted on sleeping on the couch-beds since they were really comfy and we never used them.  I immediately fell asleep again once we got changed and the bed was made.  The guys stayed there in the living room watching us until we fell asleep and then they went to their rooms and went to sleep themselves.

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blockbangel #2
Update soon plz