Moving Day

Secret Agents

The rest of the day at school went by quickly and Jade called me and Kimmy telling us to help Infinite move all their stuff into the apartment.  We all piled into Infinite's van and they drove us to their old dorm rooms.  (Think of Infinite's first dorm complex where they filmed Sesame player and YAMO)  "THIS is where you guys live?" I asked as we all walked into the messy and unorganized dorm room.  "Unfortunately yes.  But thanks to Jade, we are moving out and living with you guys!" Sungjong said.  "Yeah..." I said, still shocked by the messiness of the dorm.  "We did start packing already so it won't be too much work." Sunggyu said.  "Let's split up into teams and work on our groups rooms.  Sungyu, Woohyun, Dongwoo, L and I were one group.  Sungjong, Sunyeol, Hoya, and Kimmy were the other group.  "Fighting!" We shouted and then we invaded the rooms.  We started with Sunggyu and Woohyun's room.  I went no where NEAR the bookshelf or computer just to be 'safe' and I helped packed up clothes.  "Sunggyu-sshi, Woohyun-sshi, you guys have very interesting style..." I said, holding up a cheetah print t-shirt.  *I don't even wear things like this...*  "Hehehe..." They said and shrugged.  I laughed.  We spent at least two hours just cleaning up this one room and then we moved all the boxes out to the moving truck outside. 


"On to the next room!" We shouted.  We walked into Dongwoo and L's room which was at least twice as neat at the other room was.  I stayed away from books and computers agian and packed clothes.  "Who's plaid shirts are these?" I asked, holding a bunch of folded plaid t-shirts in my arms.  "L's" Dongwoo said.  "Really? They aren't both of your's?" I asked, surprised.  "Yup, the hats that are all the same style over there are his too." He said pointing to the hats on the side of the clothing rack.  "He needs a new wardrobe..." I mumbled.  Dongwoo laughed his hysterical laugh and you guys got back to work.  "Dongwoo! Why do you have so much junk in your room?" Sunggyu asked.  "That stuff isn't junk hyung! It's treasures!" He said.  "A towing paper is a treasure?" I asked, picking up a piece of paper from the floor.  "Well...." he sighed.  We all laughed and then brought out all the boxes and trash bags.  Kimmy's group was still working on that one room since three people lived in it and they all had a LOT of stuff.  Sunggyu, Woohyun, Dongwoo, and L went to clean the attic while I worked on cleaning out the kitchen.  "I worry about you guys..." I said, taking three jugs of rotten milk out of the fridge while pinching my nose shut so I couldn't smell it.  There were unfinished leftovers, rotten fruit, and expired juices in the fridge as well.  Then I opened the pantry and saw millions of packets of ramyun.  "So this is what the eat all the time." I said.  I took out all the packages and put them in a plastic garbage bag so we could carry all of them at once.  "Are you throwing those away?" Someone asked.  I turned around to see Sungyeol.  "Anio, I'm putting them in here so it's easier to take with us instead of a bunch of smaller plasitc bags." I said.  "Ah, I thought you were throwing away our precious ramyun." He said smiling.  I laughed and he grabbed a glass of water. 


We all finished gathering stuff and dragged the boxes and bags outside.  The trash bag full of ramyun packets went into the moving truck and we set off to the HQ apartments.  "No wonder you guys are so skinny and short, all you eat is ramyun..." I said as we  drove to the apartments.  "We aren't that short..." Sunggyu said.  "Sure...." I said giggling.  "You guys should start calling us oppas instead of ____-sshi all the time don't you think guys?" Woohyun said.  "Sure why not?" I said.  "Cool so from now on, we are oppas to you guys except maybe Sungjong..." Sunggyu said.  "Neh Sunggyu OPPA!" I said, exaggurating the oppa part.  We all laughed and then we soon arrived at the apartment.  We took at least five trips up and down the elevators as we took all the boxes up to the apartments.  The place looked like this:

Our apartment room looked the same and you have to admit it's pretty cool right? Hehehe.  Anyways we helped them organize their things, again not going near their computers or books.  The room arrangements were the same and we worked together again.  I felt a little tired so I decided to take a nap on one of the beds for a while.  I went into the nearest room and laid down on the bed.  I quickly fell asleep for a while. 


I woke up and the sun was still up in the sky.  I walked out of the room and Infinite were all sitting watching TV.  "The princess has woken up." L said.  "Did you just call me princess?" I asked.  He nodded.  "Should I not call you that?" He asked.  "It's fine.  It's jus that my dad used to call me that when I was little." I said sheepishly.  "Oh, are you sure it's okay for me to call you that?" he asked.  "Neh oppa. It's fine." I said with a smile.  "Oh, where is Kimmy?" I asked, noticing she wasn't there in the room.  "She went back to your apartment a while ago." Hoya said.  "Ah, okay.  Thanks for letting me sleep here for a while! I'll see you guys later.  I'm going to cook you guys some actual food tonight okay?" I said as I put my shoes on at the entrance.  "Yayy! Home cooking! Are you better than Woohyun hyung?" Sungjong said.  "I don't know, but I hope I am." I said.  "Bye!" they said.  I walked out the door and walked eight steps and I was at my door.  "This is going to be interesting, having them living so close..." I said. 


Later at around 5:30, I went back to start cooking.  Kimmy came with me to help as well and we walked the eight steps and knocked on their door.  "It's open!' I heard Sungjong yell.  "The nicer thing to do would be to come and open the door for us, but I'll let it slide this time!" I shouted back as we opened the door.  I walked over to the fridge and opened it, only to find it empty.  "Oh, I forgot you guys don't have food...." I said.  "Who wants to go to the market?" I asked.  Sungjong, Woohyun and Sunggyu came with me to the market down the street and we picked out stuff to cook.  "We need side dishes, ingredients for the kimchi jigae, meat, and some other neccessities that you guys need for the fridge.  And this time, don't let the food spoil." I said.  "You were the one who cleaned out the fridge am I correct?" Sunggyu asked.  "Yup, and it wasn't a pretty picture..." I said shuddering at all the rotten food.  They laughed and we grabbed a cart.  We picked out healthy foods and some yummy snacks as well and then went to the cashier to pay.  They told me to carry the lighter bags and I ended up carrying the snack bags.  "You guys really have to check the fridge at least twice a week to see if anything is spoiled or rotten." I said.  "Wait I have an idea.  I'll make up some dorm rules for you guys and if you guys follow them, each week I'll cook for you guys.  How does that sound?" I said.  "That actually sounds pretty reasonable." Sunggyu said.  "Yeah, food is the best way to get us to do things." Sungjong said.  We laughed and then talked together until we arrived at the apartment. 


Kimmy and I cooked kimchi jigae and then we set it down on the dining table so we could all eat together.  They enjoyed the food and gobbled it up within half an hour.  Everyone joked around and we talked together like we had been friends for years even though we just met each other yesterday.  Then my phone started to ring and I went to the living room to answer it.  "Hey Jade what's up?" I asked.  "We need all of you guys for another mission stat and make it quick, this is a level 8 emergency." She said.  "Got it, we'll be there in a few." I said.  "What level?" Kimmy asked as she stood up from the table as I walked back into the dining room.  "8.  Jade wants all of us." I said.  "Okay guys let's go." Sunggyu said.  The guys went to their rooms to put on their gear and we went to our apartment to get ready.

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blockbangel #2
Update soon plz