Old Friends

Secret Agents

"I seriously don't know how I could forget..." I said.  "It's okay, we haven't seen each other in like what, five years?" He said.  "Hold on one sec." I said.  "Kimmy, it's Minhyuk oppa!" I shouted over to Kimmy.  Her expression changed from really alert to happy after only half a second after hearing his name.  I looked at Hoya from the corner of my eye and I saw him frowning a little bit, and I could tell he was trying not to jump to conclusions.  I handed the phone to Kimmy and she started talking with Minhyuk.  She handed the phone back to me with a large smile and then she went over to the guys again.  I watched as Hoya slowly made his way nearer to her and I smiled.  "So, how are the guys?" I asked.  He chuckled a little.  "They're good, couldn't be better actually, since we're coming back tomorrow." He said.  "Wait, TOMORROW?" I asked.  He laughed again.  "Yes, tomorrow.  Aren't you happy?" He said.  "Yeah of course! But why did you call so suddenly? And where did you guys go anyways?" I asked.  "Well, actually, Jade is here right now.  We are at the HQ in London and we just finished the training sessino for the new trainees.  Those kids sure have nerve, considering they had the courage to talk back to Jade.  I swear, half of them will have numb faces tomorrow from the hits that Jade threw and they couldn't block." He explained.  "You guys went to London?!" I asked/shouted.  "Yes, how did you know she was in London?" He asked.  "Weelllll, we kinda got ambushed on our day off from work today and we were going to talk to her, but she was already gone." I said.  "Ambushed?" He asked in a confused tone.  I was about to answer him, but I heard muffled noises and Jade's voice was the next voice I heard.  "Something about an ambush? Is everyone okay? What happened?" She said.  "Hold on, let me put you guys on speaker." I said.  I walked over to everyone in the living room and I set the phone on the table after changing it to speaker mode.  "So, explination about ambush." Jade said. 


We told her about what had happened and how we were shot at by medival archers and since that was pretty much it, the conversastion was short.  "No one was hurt?" She asked.  "Small cut on my cheek, but nothing else." I said.  "Get it checked for poison, now, and then report back later." Jade said.  "Fine..." I said.  We both hung up the phone and I went with Kimmy and Sunggyu to the clinic in HQ to get my cheek checked.  "Everything is fine, but it was smart to come here for a check." The nurse said.  "Thank you." I said.  Then we walked back and got comfortable on the elevator.  Everyone was watching TV and we joined them when we arrived.  "So, who was the person you were talking to before." Sungjong asked.  "Ah, that was Minhyuk oppa.  He is in an agent group like you guys.  They also have seven members and they are the second best male group from their company." I said.  "We've known each other for a pretty long time, but five years ago, they were sent to London to work there instead of here." I added.  "Oh, and Kimmy's had a crush on Minhyuk oppa for the longest time." I blurted out quickly before she could stop me.  I saw Hoya tense up and Kimmy gave me the ultimate death glare.  "Sungjong, L, protect me please!" I said as I hid behind the two of them.  We all laughed and Kimmy chased me around the room for a little while until she gave up.  We got ready for bed and the guys decided to sleep in the living room and the guest room in our dorm.  We all got ready and headed off to sleep since we were all pretty tired. 


The next morning, I woke up at around 8 and I got a call from Jade.  She said that she and Minhyuk's group would be arriving in two hours at the Incheon airport.  She told us to come, but she made sure that there would be security around the two vans at all times.  "Does that mean we get like a police ?" Sungjong asked.  "Maybe, who knows?" Woohyun said.  We all got up and got ready.  I wore a casual outfit and put my camoflauged weapons in my little bag.  I waited for the others in the living room and we all left and got into the van.  There actually were a bunch of police cars that surrounded the van and escorted us to the airport.  Another van was following behind us and we were surrounded by quiet police cars with flashing sirens.  When we got to the airport, we waited in the arrival area, but we were slightly surrounded by the cops so we kind of stood out.  Then people from the same flight as Minhyuk oppa's group's flight started to flow out of the arrival area and the two of us waited for them to come out.  "Minnie!!" I heard someone shout.  I saw Minhyuk with sunglasses on and he was followed by the other members of his group called BtoB.  Kimmy and I went to hug all of them and Minhyuk even kissed my forehead. 


"I can't believe you guys are back!" I said happily.  "Of course, we're back.  Did you expect us to stay in London forever?" Eunkwang asked.  We laughed and headed over to Infinite.  "Okay guys, we can introduce people to people when we get back to HQ so let's just go for now." Kimmy said.  We all headed to the vans and we all walked alertedly.  "I saw that same guy earlier, he looks really suspicious..." Kimmy whispered to me as she looked towards a guy who was sitting on a bench observing everyone's movements.  "Yeah, he does look a bit suspicious..." I whispered back.  Then the mysterious guy caught my gaze and he smirked.  He put his hand in his pocket and dropped a note on the floor.  He stood up and walked out of the airport.  "He dropped something on the floor after looking at me. I have to go and get it." I said.  We walked over in a group towards the bench and I picked up the paper.  I started reading the messy hand writing and gasped.  "Holy mother of...." I said.  I dropped the note on the floor and fainted. 



SO..... I havent really worked on this story as you guys can tell, but I had been having some writers block with this one since I don't usually write these kinds of angst stories so I'm trying my best to make this interesting...

If you have anything to say, please comment and help me!!


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Update :)
blockbangel #2
Update soon plz