Stuck in the Cabinet....

Secret Agents


          I woke up at 6 in the morning to the emergency alarm and I immediately my video watch to see what was going on.  “What’s up?” You said as Jade’s picture showed up on the screen.  “Today you have to meet with the guys.  Get ready and wear your mission attire.” She said and then she ended the call.  “Is she serious?? Waking me up at… what time is it? 6 IN THE MORNING! And it wasn’t even for a mission! UGHHHH! Okay, calmmmm” I said.  “What’s all the noise for?” Kimmy said as she walked into my room with her pillow in her arms.  “Jade told us to get ready because we have to meet the mystery boys today.  Oh and we have to be in our ‘mission attire’.  Dude, why doesn’t she just say mission outfit?  It sounds so much better than ‘Mission attire’.” I said.  “Oh calm down… gosh you really need to stop yelling first thing in the morning.” Kimmy said as she walked out of my room.  I sighed and went into my closet which had a very limited selection.  It was mostly mission OUTFIT spares and school uniforms.  I had only a few shirts and jeans for when I went out with Kimmy or my other friends.  I took my black mission outfit that looks like this: (without the hat, FBI thingy, hand cuffs, and boots)


The shoes I wear look like these:


          Kimmy’s outfit is the same but it’s gray instead of black.  I walked into the bathroom and put my hair up like this:

 (hehe its SUNNY! From SNSD :D & make up was done the same way)


          I walked back to my room and I picked up my important ‘devices’.  The first item was the video watch, just in case Jade decided to call again.  I have this really cool mirror compact that transforms into a mirror knife (yeah its weird, I know…).  Then I have this lip gloss that doubles as a laser when I have it set as ‘laser’ instead of ‘lip gloss’. 


          I waited in the living room for Kimmy and when she came out of the bathroom we headed into the secret door and we walked into the headquarters.  We were greeted by the other agents and staff as we walked through the hallways of the HQ building.  “Oh my god!! Infinite’s here!” We heard some of the younger female staff and agents squeal.  Kimmy and I stopped walking and turned around to see what the noise was about.   “Who’s Infinity?” You asked one of the nearest agents.  “You mean Infinite Minah sunbae.  They are the most talented agents in the industry besides you guys.” The agent said.  “No one could possibly be as good as us in this industry yet…” You thought as you went back to Kimmy.  “Look over there.” She said as she nodded her head towards the seven boys walking out of the elevator.  “That must be them.  I’m also guessing that they are the ones who we will be working with.” I said with absolutely no emotion what so ever.  Kimmy laughed and you guys watched as they greeted the other agents.  “They seem nice…” She said.  “Hmph, nice…” I muttered.  We left the lobby and headed to the Jade’s office. 


          “Thanks for coming so early in the morning girls.” Jade said as we sat down in the chairs at the table near her desk.  “Annyeonghaseyo Jade-sunbaenim.” We said together.  “The boys should be here any minute so just make your selves comfortable for the time being.” She said; then she went back to filling out papers and taking phone calls from the other HQs around the world.  I played on my IPhone for a few minutes until they finally walked in.  ‘Took them long enough.’ I thought.  They sat down in the empty seats across from us and there was an awkward silence.  Kimmy was reading a book and I was playing on my IPhone while they just sat there with confused and blank expressions.  Then Jade finally spoke.  “Minnie put your phone away and Kimmy stop reading.” She said, looking at us with slanted eyes.  “Thanks you boys for coming here so early.” She said nicely to Infinite.  I stared at her with a ‘WTF?’ look because of her sudden change from evil to sweet.  Kimmy just sat there looking from me to Jade and then back to me and then back to Jade.  “So, introduce yourselves please.” She said.  I stood up and talked.  “My name is Young Minah, 16 years old, secret agent since age 5.” I said and then I sat down.  “Yoon Kimmy, 16 years old, secret agent since age 7.” Kimmy said.  The tallest boy who was very skinny stood up.  “My name is Lee Sungyeol, 17 years old, secret agent since age 8.” He said.  The guy next to him with a very feminine face stood up.  “Lee Sungjong, 16 years old, secret agent since age 8.” He said with a cheerful smile.  Then the guy at the end with small eyes stood up slowly.  “Kim Sunggyu, 19 years old, agent since age 11.” He said.  The guy next to him with a very arrogant look stood up.  “Nam Woohyun, 18 years old, agent since age 9.”  He said adding a greasy smile at the end.  A shorter guy with slightly shyer personality stood up.  “Lee Howon, call me Hoya, 18 years old, agent since age 10.” He said.  The guy who had an interesting hairdo stood up.  “Jang Dongwoo, 19 years old, agent since age 11.” He said.  The last guy was looking out the window and then he stood up.  “Kim Myungsoo, L, 17 years old, agent since age 7.” He said.  “Annyeonghaseyo, Infinite ibnida!” They said together. 


          “So now that you know each other’s names, we can get to business.  Infinite will be moving into the apartment complex with you guys so that it will be easier to meet up.  We have set up times for them to give you guys lessons on modeling and you will receive lessons by other professionals along the way.  Minnie and Kimmy’s group name will be either Ignition or Ties, you will have your own fashion lines, and you guys will all be featuring in my fashion show in two weeks.” She said as she read some information off a paper in her hands.  “Whoa, back track please! How are they going to teach us how to be models in two weeks?” I asked.  “You two will go through extensive training throughout these two weeks.  I expect that you guys will be ready by that time.” She said.  She talked about more things and then the meeting was interrupted by a mission call.  “Minnie, Sungyeol, L, and Woohyun will be one team.  Kimmy, Sunggyu, Sungjong, Dongwoo, and Hoya will be the other team.  Minnie’s team has to make sure that these chemicals do NOT get to this man’s hands.” She said, handing us newly faxed papers.  You took them and analyzed the picture of the chemicals and the man.  The location was very specific and it seemed to be behind a large chemical making company.  There was a description on the bottom:

This company, KTCH Pesticides, has been making illegal poisons and other unidentified chemicals that could possibly kill people within seconds.   The other CEO and the other high ups of the company do not know about this and are completely oblivious to the things that happen in the labs.  This man, Lim Kwangju, has ordered a batch of these ‘new chemicals’ to murder a group of people.  Please stop them from giving these chemicals to him and stop all production of these chemicals as well. 

-       Kim Jangkyung CEO of KTCH Pesticides. 


“Kimmy’s team will head over to this location and sneak into the building to retrieve this person and arrest the people who have held him captive for this reason.” She said, giving Kimmy a larger pile of papers.  “Head over to fittings and get ready as soon as possible.  Those scientists are progressing quickly and I just received a message that the people have been torturing the victim.” Jade said as she listened to the head piece she was wearing.  You guys got up and headed into the elevator to get to the fitting floor.


“Okay guys, should we take my mustang or my convertible?” I asked as our teams separated and my group walked with me to our fitting room.  “Depends, which one will be less noticeable?” Sungyeol asked.  “Convertible it is.” I said.  We walked through the automatic glass doors and I started up the makeover machine.  I chose a simple outfit which consisted of a longsleeve white blouse and a black, mini, pencil cut skirt.  I wore my mission clothes under it and I was wearing my combat boots as well.  I took a small shoulder bag and put my lip gloss, compact mirror and my watch was already on. 


The guys got outfits that looked like these (from left to right: Woohyun, Sungyeol, L)



They each wore regular glasses or sunglasses.  L wore one of his fedora hats with sunglasses, Sungyeol wore regular glasses with a black beanie, and Woohyun just wore a pair of sunglasses and styled his hair differently.   We all piled into my convertible and I drove us out of the garage.  I kept the top part on because it would make us less obvious and we headed down the highway towards the company building.  “Am I going the right way? Sorry I never trust the GPS completely so I have to ask someone.” I asked.  “Yeah just take the next exit here and we should be on the right road for a couple blocks.” Woohyun said as he looked at the directions that Jade had given us.  We drove off the highway and towards the building. 


We all had out mission clothes under the outfits we were wearing and I was just going to have to deal with the heels that I had gotten. “Okay, let’s do this. By the way, if I get mad, it’s just my personality.” I said as we walked into the building. We were wearing ID tags that said that we were guests for the special meeting that day. “How may I help you?” The lady at the desk asked us as we walked in. “We are here to go to the meeting about pesticides and chemical use. Which way might the meeting room be?” I asked nicely. “It’s on floor 7, seventh door down from the elevator.” She said. “Thank you.” I said and we headed towards the elevators. We had gone over the procedure of the mission in the car. “Okay let’s split up now.” I said as we stepped out of the elevator.  We split up into our sub teams: Me and L, and Sungyeol and Woohyun. L and I headed towards the chemicals lab and when we got there we stealthy entered the lab without getting noticed. "The chemical is in a bottle like this." I said showing a hologram that was projecting from my video watch. "Okay, so we get the chemicals, get out of this lab, meet up with the other two and arrest the company workers who were a part of this, and the guys who were coming to retrieve the chemical." he said, restating our mission. "Yup. Let's do this a quickly and painlessly as possible. Fighting!" I said. We searched around the lab quietly and found the tubes, papers, ingredients, and other things that were involved in the making of the deadly chemicals. "Found our main object I whispered to L as I picked up the marked tubes from behind a desk. "Okay let's take all this stuff and get out of here. I'll tell Jade to send someone to pick up the items." L said as he turned his video camera on. "Hey Min-" he started to say, but then we heard rushing foot steps coming this way.


I grabbed him and covered his mouth with my hand as we hid in one of the unused cabinets. He put his hand over my mouth like I did to him at the same time and we held our breaths calmly while we were stuck inside the cramped cabinet. The footsteps went past the entrance to this lab, but we were still alert. Then I noticed how awkward it was to be in a cramped cabinet with a guy you barely knew. I started to freak out about the little distance there was between us in this small space, but I calmed myself down until we got out of the cabinet. We felt too cramped and then we suddenly fell out of the cabinet since we tried to change positions to make it more comfortable.  We moved around but it ended up that I was sitting on his lap and we were now extremely close which made it even more uncomfortable; mission unaccomplished...  There were a few footsteps coming closer to the cabinet and we stopped moving around so that we didn't make any noise.  Then the doors to the cabinet opened and we had been found.  "So what do we have here?" The guy said.  The guy was at least 29, tall, fit, and mostlikely strong.  He shoved us out of the cabinet and onto the floor.  The chemicals were now scattered across the floor and we couldn't reach them.  "No one pushes me and expects to get away with it." I said as I stood up from the floor and sent an evil glare his way.  "Oppa! This man hurt me AND interuppted us. Will you help me teach him a lesson?" I said to L with a sad pouty face and a look that told him to follow along.  "Neh, this man needs to learn his lesson about interuppting people while they are in the middle of something." L said sending his ice prince stare at the man.  The man took a step back with frightened face while L advanced and threw a punch at his face.  The man smirked when the hit 'missed' his face but then he gained a shocked look when I swiftly punched him in the stomach.  He slumped to the floor and we started to gather up the chemicals that were on the floor.  We heard footsteps coming towards the lab and then several burly men walked in.  "Stop it right there!" One of the men shouted.  "I'll get the two in back, you get the two in the front." He said.  I nodded and we advanced as quickly as we could go which was pretty much almost the speed of light.  We finished them off in the matter of seconds and finished gathering the chemicals. 

We headed out of the lab and towards the back entrance on the first floor. Jade was sending over an agent to pick up the bag full of lab stuff and we left it where she told us to leave it. Then we headed back to the roof on the fifteenth floor and met up with Woohyun and Sungyeol. "What took you guys so long? You should've been here ten minutes ago." Woohyun said. I retold what happened, including the whole pretend couple part and the two of them started laughing.  "Wait you two were stuck in a cabinet?" Sungyeol asked. "Yeah why do you ask tha-... Oh... Nothing happened." I said realizing why he had asked that question. They laughed quietly and we waited for the helicopter to arrive.  "She can definitely kick when she needs to."  L said.  I laughed.  "She can do a roundhouse kick ten times better than me, and a lot quicker." He added.  The other two just stared at me.  "It's not nice to stare..." I said, getting uncomfortable with their looks.  "You are better at a roundhouse kick than L is?" Woohyun asked.  "I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention..." I said.  "Well I was and she is definitely better." L said. 

Then we heard footsteps coming from the other end of the hallway.  "Well I guess we will be seeing your kick in the near future." Sungyeol said as he cracked his knuckles, preparing for the fight.  "Ready?" Woohyun asked.  "Ready as I could possibly be." I said with a smug smile.  There were about fifteen men and we ran into the biggest room on that floor.  Three guys ganged up on me and I punched two of them in the faces while I kicked the other in his privates.  "This is too easy!" I said as I executed a jumping back kick and took out five guys at once.  A few got up again and I finished them off with a couple face punches and I accidentally stepped on one of them.  "That I wasn't planning on doing, but whatever..." I mumbled.  We put our cover clothes back on and went back to the convertible without being noticed.  "You really can kick." Sungyeol said as he drove us down the highway.  "Mind blowing..." Woohyun said.  We all laughed and then we listened to music the rest of the way to HQ.



So??? Was it any good? I really need to know if this was good or not because i don't know if i should keep writing this one!!

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-infinitesummer623 :D

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blockbangel #2
Update soon plz