Chapter 9: Bathroom Break

Because You're Different

As you sat in your bed panicking at all that was happening, you started to yell, “YURI!? WHERE ARE YOU!? WHERE’D YOU GO!?” As you began to hyperventilate, you hear the sink run in your bathroom. Yuri walks out to find you half alive in your room with your eyes all teary. “Whoa, are you alright Miri?”, she asked. “You were in the bathroom this whole time!?”, you yelled to her. “Um, yeah. I needed to pee. What? A woman can’t pee in peace anymore?”, she said as she began to giggle. “You were really THAT worried?” “Well yeah!? I thought Eli came and killed you or something?! I mean he’s been acting like a vampire the whole time!?” “Wait! He told you?”, she asked. “Told me what?” “His secret? That he’s a vampire?” “WAIT WHAT!?”, you said as you immediately stood up. “Yeah, I was going to tell you, but apparently, you already knew.” “No! I didn’t! I was kidding!” “Oh..uh surprise!”, she said with her hands thrown in the air. “A vampire? Eli a vampire? Is that why he was never out of the house in the morning? How come there’s no coffin?”, you asked her. “Look, those vampire stores aren’t true. They don’t sleep in coffins, they just need a really dark place to sleep in, coffins would only work if there’s some sort of light peaking in.” “Wait, how come he’s awake during the day?” “He doesn’t have to be sleeping all the time.” “Can you actually kill him with a wooden steak?” “Nope, you just have to slice off their head and burn the rest of his body.” “You’ve known him for a long time huh?” “No, just long enough to know his secrets. About a year or so?” “Wow, that’s long.. Is there anything else?” “Oh right, vampires have the ability to love only one person in their whole existence, and once they do, they’re obligated to turn their lover, why? Well he does love them. Once they fall in love, to break them apart is the worst thing you can possibly do.” “Wait, why?” “Because they’re joined by blood. Once he turns them, they’re linked to be together forever, even more than what we humans call, ‘soul mates’.” “Really? Does he love you?” “I don’t know, I’ve been asking him to turn me, but he never did. He does feed on people, but he can only turn one into a vampire, their ‘true love’, so they’re called.” “Maybe..he’s waiting to get married?” “Maybe, but he’s been distant. There’s bound to be another girl.” “About that.. there is..” She stood up and yelled, “THERE IS!? WHO!? DID HE TELL YOU!?” “No, he didn’t.. He just told me he’s beginning to like someone new.. He wouldn’t tell me who it was.” “Why would he tell you and not me?” “Because.. I don’t know.. He sees how depressed you are?” “Sure.” Yuri walked to their room, stomping her way there, and left you on your bed confused at what had just happened. Eli? A vampire? Yeah right.

Once it struck midnight, Eli finally returned home. He went straight to their room, but before he could enter, you were just about to leave yours to go to the bathroom. “Eli?”, you said. “Oh, hey Miri, is Yuri asleep?” “Yeah, she’s a little mad, I don’t think you should sleep next to her tonight..” “Why? What’d she tell you?” “Nothing”, you insisted. “Really?”, he looked at you with a serious face. “I’m serious, nothing.” “Look, I know you’re lying, will you just spill?” “No, okay, it was a special talk; if you want to find out ask her instead.” “Fine.”

The next morning you tried to knock on their door, but you didn’t want to intrude so you just walked away. You did your normal routine, going to McDonalds, buying them breakfast and spilling your coffee on yourself as you sat in your seat thinking about Eli or Yuri, or something, but today, you were smart enough to buy another cup incase yours spilled. You coffee spilled for one reason, and one reason only, “Eli? A vampire?” Those same three words ran through your mind this whole morning. When you finally arrived home, you left the food on the table, along with the coffee, and went straight to your room to lie down. It was about eight in the morning when you finally realized that you heard no movement in their room, nor the fact that neither of them has come out. You finally soaked up the courage to get up and knock on their room. You placed your hand on the door knob and tried to turn it, but it was locked. You tried to knock, but no one answered. In frustration, you went back into your room, took your key and went back to the door, but before you unlocked it, you asked yourself, “Wait, is the food still on the table?” You went towards the kitchen, took a peak into the bag, and the food was still inside, all cold and untouched. You went back to their room, stuck in the key, and unlocked the door. You stood there because you couldn’t believe what you saw with your eyes.

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Chapter 11: Enjoying this :)