Chapter 2: The Ride

Because You're Different


As he stepped into your car, you growled at yourself sitting in your seat. You kept thinking, "Geez! Why me?! Why her!? Why him!?" So anxious to finally get home because all Eli could ever talk about was himself. Throughout the whole car ride, you sat there, just paying attention to the road and nothing else. You blocked Yuri and Eli's voice, even if they did try to talk to you. All you fully heard was just a few words like, I'm awesome, or she's just irritated, or well something like that. 

You've finally managed to get home, alive, still irritated, and well tired. It's 4 am and you have school in the morning. You didn't bother helping Eli or Yuri bring in the bags. You thought, "He's a buff guy, hell he knows he is, he should be able to bring all that in. I'm going to bed." All you remember saying out loud was that you were tired and heading to bed. And all you heard was Yuri yell back an 'okay'. You stood at your front door for a good 2 minutes, slowly starting to doze off. You take out your key from your purse and try ever so hard to stick that damn key into the moving key hole, or so you thought. Finally, the key managed to make its way into the slot and you tried to open the door, "How come it won't open!?", you began to yell out. Took the key out and replaced that key with another. And the same process began again, so irritated, you yelled out "Yuri! Open this!" Not even realizing you were demanding her. She ran towards you, took your keys, used every key on the key ring, which was about a couple, and finally it opened. You sighed and said, "Finally!" Yuri knew how you were and knowing you're very cranky in the morning, especially if you didn't have any sleep. She said, "Come come, where's your room? I'll go bring you inside." You could barely open your mouth so Yuri just dragged you in, opened three different doors and finally, the last door should have been your room, was the bathroom. She was so frustrated, so she laid you on the couch, and ran back to Eli. She thought, "Well it's her house, she'll probably find her room when she realizes she's not on her bed." 

Eli began dragging in all the luggages and placed them at the doorstep. Yuri knew you had a guest room, and told Eli to put them there. He went around your house looking for any room that looked 'unoccupied'. At the end of a hall he went into this door which seemed like a closet, but it wasn't. He took a step in and saw that it was filled with a bed, a dresser, a few clothes scattered on the ground and a desk filled with messy papers. He thought, "This must be what's her faces room. It's nice. Well..for a girl." He turned around and right across your room was the bathroom, and beside that another door. He tried opening the door, but unfortunately, it was locked. He ran to Yuri asking her for your keys. She said she laid them in your hand before she ran off to help him. So, he went to you face flat on the couch, barely snoring, and hand fallen on the ground. He looked at you in some sort of disgust, and said, "Geez, that's how she sleeps? And she snores too?". Ignoring all of what he saw, he noticed your other hand was missing. You had your hand under your chest. He picked you up, turned you over and took the keys from your hand. He could have just pulled out your hand, but he was too irritated to take it the 'hard' way, so he thought. Rushing through your keys he went through each key on the key ring and tried it on the locked door. After five different keys, this sixth one had finally done the trick. Inside the door was a room with two beds, a closet and a tv. He didn't bother taking off his shoes, instead, he ran to the bed and face plunged himself to it. Quickly falling asleep.

Yuri ran into the house, woke you up to tell you she had finally finished bringing in the luggages. You nodded and fell back to the couch. As you hit your head on the top of the couches arm rest, you woke up. You wondered how you got home and wounded up on the couch, feeling as though you woke up from a dream. You walked towards your room, which had been opened. Threw yourself onto your bed, face facing the door. You noticed that there was a boy in the room almost across yours and noticed that he was on your sisters bed. You quickly got up and started freaking out. You ran into your sisters room, took a pillow and started hitting Eli, whom you thought was some sort of burglarer. You began yelling, "WHO ARE YOU!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SISTERS ROOM!? GET OUT!" As he woke up, turned around, he grabbed your hands and kissed you. You thought, "WHAT THE HELL!?" and slowly fell into the moment. Eli must have thought you were Yuri trying to play around with him. When he finally opened his eyes, he said, "Oh! GOD! MIRI! I'M SORRY! I THOUGHT YOU WER.." and cut himself off as he fell to the bed. You stood there shocked at what happened and said, "W..who are you? And.. how do you know my name?" He replied, "I'm Yuri's boyfriend. The guy you picked her up with from the air port just an hour ago?" You stood there thinking, "I thought that was a dream?" And Yuri walked in. She said, "So honey, is thi.." cut herself off as she saw you standing in front of her boyfriend, "Is this the room we'll be staying in Miri?" You couldn't even think, but immediately said, "Oh, yes. This is. I'll, um.. be in my room, which is right...or well about across okay?" You walked out, went straight into your room and fell flat on your bed still amazed at what has just happened. Yuri came into your room and asked, "Gwen Chanha?" You replied, "Oh, I'm good, I'm just tired, close the door when you go out.." a little muffled since you were face flat on your bed. You just kept thinking, "Please let this be a dream and let me wake up from it!"

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Chapter 11: Enjoying this :)