Chapter 4: School

Because You're Different

After your long morning of realizing last night was no dream, you've finally reached you destination. School. Great, you were in such a rush you left your laptop at home, which held half of your term paper which is due in a couple of days. Who knew having your best friend back would make things so hectic for you? Well, you certainly didn't. As you got out of your car you noticed one of the boys from school looking at you. You looked up and said, "May I help you?" He replied, "No, may I?" "Excuse me?", you asked. "No, may I help you? You seem so stressed, and you looked like you need help.", said the student. "Oh, no, I'm fine, thank you. It's good to know there are still some gentlemen walking around the earth. Thanks again." "Don't mention it!", he yelled back as he walked away. Remembering you were late for class, you rushed through everything, trying to get your books and bag out of your car. You slammed the door shut, making all the other students look at you strangely. As you ran to class, you realized that your watch was set a whole 15 minutes before class started. Your parents had always told you to always be early, so you set your watch 15 minutes ahead of time. While you stood at the door of your class, you tried to think of Yuri, and if Eli had told her what had happened, but you told yourself, "He said he would. I bet he has.. He wouldn't lie to her.. Would he?" You turned around as you heard someone behind you say, "Miri, are you going into class or are you going to stand out here the whole day?" You realized it was your teacher. "Oh! No sir! I think the door was locked." He placed his hand on the door knob, turned it and said, "Um, I'm pretty sure it isn't locked, see?" "I'm sorry, sir. I just have a lot of things on my mind." He looked at you a little confused and walked into class.

Finally reaching your seat, you didn't bother noticing all the notes written on the board. Mr. Wise looked at you and yelled out, "Miri? Are you paying attention?" You replied quickly, "Yes!" He replied back, "Oh really? So what were we talking about?" Ashamed of lying you replied, "Okay, no.. I wasn't. I'm sorry Mist..." He cut you off before you could finish saying his name, "I think it's best you go home.. Just copy notes from one of your classmates." You looked at him, still ashamed of what had happened, you slowly looked down and yelled back, "Okay then.."

As you walked steadily to your car, you didn't realize you left something in class. You ran back and looked for your keys on your desk. It wasn't there. You ran back out the classroom with all the students and your teacher looking at you, rushed to your car and noticed your keys were inside. You must have left them while you rushed to get to class. Luckily, you have a spare key in your wallet, but the alarm went off as you tried to open the door. "Oh the embarrassment, how can this day get any worse?", you told yourself out loud. The loud alarm from your car attracted the eyes of all the other wandering students at the campus, and then suddenly, it began to rain. "Why me?!", you yelled as you looked towards the sky. You tried so hard to ignore it all, went into your car and drove back home.

Finally arriving to your house, you unlocked the door. Eli was still on the couch and Yuri was nowhere to be found. "Why are you all wet?", he asked. "It rained at school..", you replied in an uninterested manner. "Want me to get you a towel?", he asked. "Is he actually being nice to me?", you asked yourself. "No, it's okay, I got it.", you replied to him. You began walking into the house, body soaking wet in rain, and headed towards the bathroom. "Where’s Yuri?", you yelled out loud, aiming the question towards Eli. "She went out.. to uh.. buy some food.", he yelled back. "Why? There's food in the fridge.", you yelled again. "Not cooked food.", he said. Finally drying your hair, you walked out into the living room and asked, "Why does it have to be cooked? Can't Yuri cook?" "No, I thought you would have known that, since you're her best friend and all.", he replied sarcastically. "Well, sorry. No I didn't. She never told me much. Our conversations only last so long, since she was in the states and all that.", you also replied sarcastically. "What's pushing your buttons?", he asked you. "Everything", you replied angrily. After being so frustrated this whole morning, you decided to just end the conversation there. You ran towards your room and threw your door shut, leaving Eli more confused than ever.

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Chapter 11: Enjoying this :)