Chapter 11: Yuri? Dead?

Because You're Different

Eli turned around as you grabbed his hand, and said those words, but he took his other hand, placed it on your face and pulled you in for a kiss. You stood there uncertain of what was happening, was he really kissing you? He can’t be. You both stood there in the moment of the kiss. As a minute passed by you finally realized what was happening, so you pulled yourself away. “Okay, the first time you kissed me was fine, but this time. You can NOT tell me you thought I was Yuri!”, you yelled to him. “I didn’t think you were.”, he looked at you with a sudden sparkle in his eye. “What?” “I said, I didn’t think you were.” “Now? Or last time?” “Now. Last time I promise I didn’t, but..let’s go sit on your bed.”, he said as he began to pull you towards your bed. “But ever since then, I don’t know, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you, but then again, it might just be because I’m a little attracted to you.” “Me? What about Yuri?” “About her, she’s died..” “WHAT!?” “I’m kidding.” “THAT’S NOT SOMETHING TO KID ABOUT!” “Well she is dead… in my heart.” “Wow, way to go deep bro.” “I’m not kidding. Look, I don’t like her anymore, I would say love but hey I never loved her.” “Then who’s this new girl?” “Oh my god, are you serious? You really don’t understand my hints?!” “Are you talking” “Well duh stupid!” “Wait, but no, you have to be with Yuri! She’ll die without you!” “I don’t care! I have to be with you! I need to turn you!” “No! You can…wait what? Turn?”, you looked at him more confused than ever. “Yeah, turn.” “What do you mean?” “I’m a vampire.” You gave him a fake laugh and said, “Yeah, in a movie. I get it, don’t play tricks with me. Now go be with Yuri!” “I’m not kidding Miri! God!” “You’re not!?” “Okay yeah I am.” “WILL YOU STOP THAT!?” “Okay, fine! You’re mad. I swear to god, I’m a vampire.” “Really? Prove it.” “Fine,”, he said as he pulled you over by the neck. “Tilt your head,” he said. “Wait, why?” “This is the only way I can show you, by turning you.” “TURNING ME!? But I thought you can only turn the girl you love?” “Who told you that?” “Yuri?” “Crap, she wasn’t supposed to tell you that. What else did she tell you?” “Should I tell him?”, you asked yourself. You sat there thinking and then said, “Wait, before you turn me, can I go to the bathroom? I need to pee.. And then can you just meet me in the living room?” He looked you at you, sighed, then said, “Alright, please hurry, we still need to talk.” You gave him a nod and ran into the bathroom, as though your bladder were about to burst.

You stood in your bathroom asking yourself endless questions. “What happened to Yuri? Is she actually alive or dead? My best friend! I can’t do this to her! Or let him do this to her! But..I..No! I don’t love him! I don’t even like him! Do..I?” You walked out of the bathroom after trying to asses everything that has been happening as thoroughly as you could. You looked over into the living room to see if Eli was sitting there. You saw him looking straight at the television. Trying to not make any noise, you walked up to their room and placed your hand on the doorknob to see if Yuri was still inside and breathing, but before you could turn the knob and push the door in, Eli was right beside you grabbing your wrist. “What are you doing? I thought we were going to talk? Why ar..?”, you stopped his sentence before he could finish by saying, “I thought you were on the cou..”, he interrupted you by saying, “You wanted proof right? There, I have speed, and I can see into the future.” “You what?” “Nevermind”, he pulled you by the arm that be previously grabbed and dragged you over to the couch.

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Chapter 11: Enjoying this :)