Chapter 10: How Could You?

Because You're Different


You find Yuri half alive on the bed. Eli was standing in front of her. “How could you!?”, you yelled. He looked at you and his eyes grew wider as he finally began to realize what you asked. “How could I what?”, he asked you. “How could you kill her!?” “Kill her? What are you talking about?” “She’s half alive! Look! You drank her blood!” “What? Um no, she’s sleeping, and I’m trying out my role. I’m an actor, and I’m portraying the role of a vampire? So I asked her last night that if I wake up and she’s still asleep is I could PRETEND to feed on her.”, he replied with a confused expression. “Wait,’re not a real vampire?”, you asked him with a confused expression yourself. “No, who told you I was?” “Yuri! She definitely believed you were! She even said so many things about you! Like how all the stories aren’t even true!” “Oh god! She wasn’t supposed to tell anyone about that! That role is a secret!” “Are you kidding me!?” “No. I’m an actor remember? I have to hide this role for now because we’re still rehearsing which is why I always go out at night. The director likes to shoot prescreens or behind the scenes things.” “She said that you go out to feed.” “Yeah during the set, we eat and we PRETEND to eat other people, or more or less their blood.” “What!? I am so confused!” “Dear god! How can this not make sense to you woman!? I’m an actor, who’s role is to be a vampire, I go out every night so that we can rehearse, and I’m using your best friend as a dummy or well something like that.” “No, I know, but..”, you sighed and continued, “just whatever.” You looked at him one last time, still with a confused expression and began to walk out of their room. “You better clean that up!”, you yelled out as you walked out. “Sure! Just don’t bother me anymore. I’m rehearsing!”, he yelled back. “Oh yeah! Your breakfast is on the table!”, you yelled again. “Yeah yeah okay!”, you heard him yell.

You walked back into your room, trying to recollect all that has happened. “So, Eli isn’t a vampire? Why did Yuri seem so sure of it? He acts like a vampire too. Not to mention he’s always at home during the day. He has to be hiding something. But he said he’s an actor, maybe he needs to sleep during the day because he does stay out all night ‘rehearsing’.”, you told yourself as you laid on your bed staring at the ceiling once again. “He better not be lying.”, you insisted. You immediately remembered that Eli was about to, or well not tell you, but hint to you whom he had feelings for, so you got up and walked towards your door. “Eli?”, you yelled out. “Yeah?”, you hear him reply. “Can we talk?” “I thought I asked you not to bother me? I’m rehearsing!” “Pleaseeeeeee?”, you insisted. “God! Fine!”, he said in an irritated manner. “What?”, he said as he appeared in front of your door. “Can we talk? Come here, sit somewhere, please close the door behind you.” “About?”, he said as he did what you asked. “Wait, is Yuri awake?” “No, she’s still asleep.” “Did you clean up?” “Not yet, but I will, soon. I pro..I will.” “So anyway, back to that talk…um who..was it that you liked? Or well, did you talk to her?”, you asked him. “Why are we talking about this? Can we not talk about this?” “Please, I just want to know because Yuri is really worried..” “Look, just don’t worry about it okay?”, he said and began to stand and walk out of your room, but before he could leave, you chased after him, took his hand and said, “Please, I need to know, for Yuri’s sake.” All of a sudden the thing you could never imagine would happen, happened.

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Chapter 11: Enjoying this :)