Chapter 8: The Secret

Because You're Different


Yuri has finally arrived home, and you were there in your room still thinking about your talk with Eli. You heard your sisters room door shut, and you thought that maybe Yuri went inside. “Should I tell her what happened? Would she hate me? It’s not like I like Eli..Do I?”, you asked yourself. In the mitts of thinking whether or not to tell Yuri, you decided to just talk to her about it. “It wouldn’t hurt..right?”, you asked yourself. “Yuri!? Can you please come into my room?”, you yelled out. For a good five minutes you heard no reply whatsoever, so you tried again, “Yuri? Please! I need to talk to you!” You hear their door shut and find Yuri at your door.

“Neh?”, Yuri asked. “Can we talk?” “Sure”, she said as she began heading towards your bed. “What about?”, she continued. “It’s about Eli..” “Wait, let’s not talk here, while he’s in the house, he might hear us. We’ll wait till when he goes out tonight.” “Tonight?”, you asked. “Yeah, he’s going out to dinner.” “Without you?” “He doesn’t eat dinner with me anymore.. He’s been real distant lately..”, she said as her face began to change from fear to sadness. “Alright then.”

The clock struck seven and Eli was just about to leave until he yelled, “Miri! Yuri! I’m going out to dinner! Anyone wanna come along?” He heard no reply from neither you nor Yuri, so he decided to go out on his own. “Why didn’t Yuri say yes? This means I have to talk to her. Ugh. Wait, did he really say my name first? God, that must have broken Yuri’s heart.. if she noticed it..”, you told yourself. “Yuri!”, you yelled out from your room. “I’m coming!”, Yuri yelled back.

It took her a good five minutes to get from her room to yours, which wasn’t even that far, she just had to take three steps. “Dude, why’d you take so long?”, you asked her. “Sorry, I was fixing something.”, she said, “are we still going to talk about Eli?” “Do you want to?”, you asked. “Yeah. Why what about him?” “Well…” “Wait, before you start.. there’s something I have to tell you about Eli..” “What?” “He’s a real man..who..” You cut her off before she could finish what she was going to say, “Oh..don’t even continue that sentence darling! I know.” “Oh okay then.” “Well, remember how you told me to keep an eye on him?” “Mhm..?” “We got to talking, and..he..” “Wait.. I don’t think I can handle this without telling you the truth about him, he isn’t JUST a know.. he’s…” And the phone rang before she could finish, you rushed out to answer it. "Hello?", you asked, but there was no reply. You walked back to your room to find Yuri was gone.

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Chapter 11: Enjoying this :)