Chapter 8

The DJ Is Mine


    I drive home, furious with myself. How could I let her do that to me?! I should have practiced more. I need to study some more poetry. That always helps. I try to relax and focus on the road. My phone rings. Jaebeom oppa. He’s my best friend, but my gosh- it’s almost midnight and he’s calling me. And I’m so ticked right now. He tends to make me feel better though, so I guess I should answer.


“Chae Rin-ah, what’s up?”

He sounds way too cheerful.

“Oh, just driving home...”

“Oh that’s right, you had a rap battle right?? How’d it go?!”

“It...Was a tie.”

“A tie?”

“There’s a rematch in two weeks.”

“That’s legit. Don’t worry, you’ll beat her. You can practice on me if you want.”

“Okay oppa. I’ll probably have to take you up on that.”

Ever since I started going to college and moved into my apartment, Jaebeom oppa has been my neighbor across the hall, and is a very helpful and supportive friend. Sometimes though, he gets a little too crazy and annoys me. Like right now.

“Yo, you’re gonna be awesome!!!”

“Yah, some chick just ripped on me for what felt like hours, I fought back and it was a tie. Don’t yell in my ear and don’t tell me how good I am, because if I was that good I would have won.”

Silence on the other end.

“I’m sorry, oppa. I’m just...Not in the mood right now. I’ll meet you at the cafe tomorrow? I need to start planning and practicing right away.”


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