Chapter 22

The DJ Is Mine

I kick my boots off my feet and across the room. Anger gives me super powers, I guess. There’s a knock at my door.


“It’s me, Jaebeom, but, I know you’re mad, so…”

I open the door.

“How do you know?”

“The whole building knows- Anyone can hear an angry Chae Rin stomping up the staircase in high-heeled boots.”

“Aish, I’m sorry. Did they complain?”

“No. But, if we’re going to have a conversation, can you at least let me in?”

“Ah, sorry. Sure, oppa.”

“So what happened? Did you go out somewhere?”

“Argh. It’s a very stupid story, oppa. All you need to know is I’m angry and even more determined to win against Kim Yubin.”

“Did you see her somewhere, or…?”

“I already told you it’s stupid. I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Alright Chae Rin-ah. I get it. I’m gonna go home, then.”

“No! You need to help me practice.”

“Alright then. That’s more like it. I’m gonna need some caffeine first, then.”

“On it.” I open the fridge and toss him an energy drink.

“Chae Rin-ah, these are bad for you! Good choice!”

I laugh a little despite myself. And so begins a very, very long night.

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