Chapter 6

The DJ Is Mine


“Hey everybody, it’s me-” “YUBIIIIINNNNN!” the crowd finishes for my opposer. She must be the reigning champ here, with the way they cheer and know her name. She’s really pretty, with long brown hair and eyes that I could tell would melt guys’ hearts.  The DJ starts spinning a beat. She starts rapping.

“Who’s this chick here that came up against me?”

“My name is Lee Chae Rin and I ain’t a baby, so you can address me. Pro-per-ly.”

There’s a collective “whoaaaa” from the crowd.

“I don’t think you understand, I’m Kim Yubin- I run this land. Ev’rybody knows my name, now what’s your claim to fame?”

“I ain’t got fame but I got a dream, and I plan to hold on no matter how tough it seem.”

I can hear a few cheers. My confidence builds a little.

“It’s one thing to got dreams, it’s another to got talent. I don’t think you got some, let’s see how you take it.”

Smack talk.

Okay, then. Two can play at that game.

“Maybe I ain’t perfect, but who said you were? It certainly wasn’t someone famous, I’ll bet it was her.”

I point to a female audience member.

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