Chapter 10

The DJ Is Mine


I roll out of bed at nine in the morning, still tired, and still irritated as heck. I feel pretty much dead. I need some caffeine desperately, so it’s a good thing I’m meeting oppa at the café down the street. I take a shower and put on some jeans with an old t-shirt and my leather jacket. I do just enough makeup to feel comfortable leaving the building with, and put on some big shades. Then I grab my wallet and keys and I go. I walk down the street to the coffee shop and step inside. It’s a small little shop, with lots of cozy couches and tables for two. I find Jaebeom at a table and sit down in front of him, essentially throwing my belongings down on the table and practically knocking over the two lattes. It’s all he can do to keep them from tipping.

“Wake up on the wrong side of the bed, dongsaeng?”

“I need coffee before I can answer anything.” I say, eyes still halfway shut.

He hands me a latte and I take a deep, long sip. I feel a lot more alert already.

“Okay, how about now?” he asks expectantly.

I can tell he’s trying hard not to annoy me while I’m like this. “Yeah, sure. What do you wanna know?”

“What’s the other rapper’s name?”

He pulls out a laptop. “Kim Yubin.” I answer with some resentment.

He types for a minute and then says, “Aha! I found her.”

He turns the laptop around so the screen is facing me, and sure enough, there she is. The local news covered her a few years ago. It says that even as a rookie she beat her challengers every week at Neon. The article goes on to list random facts such as her other favorite things to do, and favorite foods. Jay looks giddy and it’s really starting to annoy the crap out of me. What reason is there to smile?

“Yah, Jaebeom, why are you smiling?”

“Don’t you get it? You’re the first rapper she hasn’t beat!”

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