Chapter 24

The DJ Is Mine


I wake up and yawn, getting up from the couch and seeing empty energy drink cans littering the floor, along with pieces of paper from when oppa and I came up with some good lines and wrote them down for later. I look over and further along the floor is Jay oppa, snoring no less. I clean up the cans and stack the papers on the table in the next room. Then I glance up at the clock. It’s five PM. How late did we stay up? I run back out and shake Jay awake.

            “Oppa!! It’s five o’clock!”

            “Aish Chae Rin, at least let me sleep till eight…This is way too early…”

            “No, it’s five PM!”

            “What?!” Jaebeom bolts up and his eyes widen in a way that would be a lot more hilarious if we hadn’t just wasted away the entire day sleeping.

            “Oppa, I need to get ready for the competition…Do you think I should…work out?”

            “But you hate working out. And you don’t need to lose weight or anything. Why the sudden interest?”

            “I know but, do you think if I got into better shape my performance would improve?”

            “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt, but you don’t need to.”

            “I’m going to do anything I have to, oppa. Even things I hate.”

I run into my room and change into some sweatpants and a t-shirt. Then I practically shove Jay out the door so he can do the same, and when he emerges a few minutes later, I drag him down the stairs and to a nearby gym.

            “Okay, Chae Rin, where do you want to start?”

            “Anywhere. Show me what to do!”

            “It’s not that easy…You know what? Never mind. You should probably do some cardio.”

            “Some what?”

            “A machine that makes you run or bike, essentially. Do that for half an hour and meet me back by the weights when you’re done.”

I gulp. Running and weights?! Ahh!!

Good thing this is worth it. I head to a machine that looks sort of like a bike, and decide to get on. I turn the level up somewhat high. I need to challenge myself, after all. After half an hour, I feel like I’m about to fall over and die. I get off the machine and walk with knees like jello over to the weights area where Jaebeom oppa is.

            “Uh…Chae Rin…Maybe you should take it easy for a while…”

            “No! I have to keep going! Don’t pity me! What’s next?”

            “Okay. So next you should do 20 reps of this and…”

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