Apologizing Is Harder Than It Looks

A Journey Called Life

Rena's P.O.V

Seoul, Korea: 2:00 P.M

"No. No, no, no, no," I complained as my jerk brother dragged me down the streets of Seoul, Korea.

We had left the cafe, and said our good byes. The rest of the MBLAQ boys had to make up some recordings, so, right now, it was just my brother, the jerk, and I. And he said it was about to get me registered.

My brother was wearing sunglasses and a hoodie with the hood pulled over. And he was literally dragging me down the streets.

When I say drag and literally, I mean it.

People glanced at us, eyeing my brother suspiciously.

I couldn't blame them, I mean, well, this whole scene we were causing did look like a kidnapping.

And yet, no one called the police.

"I said, I don't want to go."

"Shut up Rena, you're going. You even promised me during breakfast."

Did he just tell me to shut up?

"No. I'm not going. I'm not. Done. End of conversation."

"Yes, you are going. Now shut up before you make things more complicated then they already are."

"Seungho, you jerk. I hate you so much, did you know that?"

"Aww, how nice of you Rena. I love you too."

This jerk.

Seoul Korea High School of Science and Technology: 2:10 P.M 

Why the hell am I here?

I looked around the huge school.


This was no school.

This was hell.


I said I wasn't going!

And you might be wondering, since I was such a good student back in America, why wouldn't I like school?

The answer is too simple.

Who the hell likes school?!

Just because you're good at something — it doesn't mean you like it!

I rolled my eyes as I waited for my brother to finish talking with the... I don't know.



Assistant Principal?

I don't know.

I dont't know anymore.

Everything's too messed up for me to take right now.

First, I find out my parents passed away. Next, I find out that my Harvard scholarship has been given to some other student in my school. Then, I get shipped off to Korea. After that, I find out that my brother and his friends are idols working under a kpop boy band called MBLACK or however it's spelled. And then, I find out that more friends of my brother are idols — the hell, are like everyone idols here in Korea?! Following that, I get involved with some fan rampage and who knows if right now any of those pictures taken are posted on the internet right now? And finally, I'm being registered to a school. A school!  Repeat. A school — which thankfully, majors in science, math, and technology, but that doesn't matter since it's still a school. And to top it off, it starts tomorrow! Tomorrow, dammit!

Ok, Rena.

Breathe in. Breathe out.


Ok, now calm down.


Then, I felt something on my shoulder.

I turned around.

That's when I noticed someone has been tapping on my shoulder... for quite some time now.

Who is this boy?

Does he know it's disrespectful to touch strangers?

And no, for all you erts out there, I did not mean touch touch.

Aish... give me a break.

???'s P.O.V

So like, I was going to get registered to attend this school.

And then the first thing I see when I walk in is... none other than a girl having mental outbreaks.

And believe me, she did not look like the happiest person alive on this earth.

So, being the nice person I am, I walked up to her, and tried to cheer her up.

You see how nice I am?

It doesn't even matter if she's a stranger or not.

I called out to her, but she didn't respond, so like any normal person would do, I started tapping her shoulder.

And then after... let's say, 123,456,789 years, she finally responds.

And she turns around with this... What the hell are you doing? Who the hell are you? Don't touch me! face.

People these days... they need to get manners.

But you know, being the big shot idol, I am, I gotta preserve my image, you know? So let's say... I remained nice...?

"You don't seem all that happy to attend this school," I said, trying to get a conversation started.

"Do I look like I am?" She shot back almost immediately.

Woah, she's got to calm down.

This is why I hate hot heads.

And what's with the way she just treated me?

Like dirt?

Do you treat an idol like that?

Do you treat the Lee Taemin like that?

"Yah, calm down," I instructed. "And putting school aside... you don't know who I am?!"

Rena's P.O.V

Ok, I have decided.

I have permanately decided that, everyone that asks me, "You don't know who I am?" "Do you know who I am?" are offially idols.

And this arrogant guy right before me, is probably one too.

You know, people, ahem, idols, stop asking me, "Do you know who I am?" because obviously, your name isn't written on your face.

"Let me guess... you're an idol," I spat out, as a random guess.

"Oh, so you do know! You want my autograph?!"



"Wait, you're kidding me, right? That was just a guess."

"Ok, so I guess I'll sign right here on you arm — wait, WHAT?!"

Obviously, me not knowing him made him shocked.

"You don't know me? Have you heard of SHINee?! Taemin? You know, the handsome maknae everyone adores?"

What is with all these names?



And what's a maknae?

And no, I don't know you... I thought I just gave a whole lecture on that!

"No, I don't know you. Pabo, your name isn't written on your face... and I don't want your autograph."

Man, this day... my life is getting more and more messed up by the second.

What is this?

Some idol invasion?!

I looked over at my brother, the jerk.

Please, hurry up and register me in.

I want to get my away from this creep.

Seungho's P.O.V

Seoul Korea High School of Science and Technology, Principal's Office: 2:20 P.M

"Ok," The Principal said calmly.

She probably had to hold herself back from squealing — like any fan girl would.

"Your sister will attend Seoul Korea High School of Science and Technology starting tomorrow, like all the other students."

I nodded.

"Her homeroom will be 3-A. Any other questions?"

"Yes... about her schedule—"

"Like the rest of the students, her schedule will be handed out to her tomorrow, on the first day of school."

"3-A... is that the advanced class?"

"Well, yes. According to her files, it says she was offered many scholarships, and her overall averages are some of the best I've seen. It'll be a waste if she wasn't placed in the advanced class."

Yeah, that's right.

Keep on praising my baby sis.

Then, something hit me.

"Isn't the advanced class... also the class idols get placed in?" I paused and thought about it. "I mean, this is the best acedemic school in South Korea, and I do know that there are a few idols that attend here."

The principal nodded. "Yes, that's right. But we have strict rules that they are to act like normal students on campus. So you may rest assured. Everyone here is treated equally."

Hm... idols and regular students treated equally... I wonder about that.

"Ok... so school starts tomorrow, right?"

She nodded. "Right."

The principal — Principal Park, as she told me earlier, put away the files and I headed to where my sister was.

Rena, you are so going to love this school!

I hope.

Rena's P.O.V

"What do you mean?! You don't know who I am?! And miss, even if my name wasn't written on my face — it should be written in your brain by now!" He huffed and took a breath. "Ok, let me tell you something. EVERYONE THAT LIVES IN SOUTH KOREA, SHOULD KNOW WHO I AM."

"Well, yeah, let me tell you something. Just 'cuz I'm korean, and I'm in Korea right now — DOESN'T MEAN I'VE LIVED HERE MY WHOLE LIFE." I screeched back in his face.

"But you're living here right now, aren't you?"

That. Son. Of. A. Gun.

"But I just came here 2 days ago!"

"And you still don't know of SHINee?"

Oh. My. God.

"Does it look like I can learn everything about Korea — IN TWO DAYS?!"

He just stood there, silent.

Probably can't think of a good comeback, huh?

Serves him right.

"Look, miss. I was just trying to be nice, you know? You looked all depressed, so I tried to cheer you up, you know?"

Uh... no, I don't know.

And uh... do you call screaming in someone's face and calling them stupid and missiong out on the world... being nice?

"Do you know how lucky you are? Tons and tons of fangirls probably would die to be in your place, having an idol talk to them."

Not when you don't even know the person in front of your face, yelling and lecturing you, is an idol.

That, fangirls don't die for.

"And, do you know, after me being all nice to you — you just turn all mean and bichy on me?! You freaking hothead!"

"Oh. OH. So you call this being mean and y, huh? Well, I'm sorry Mr. Sensetive, for being such a hothead. I am so, so sorry. But as you might not know, Lady Gaga says, I was born this way."

Taemin's P.O.V

That's it.

Next time, before I talk to strangers, I'm going to ask them if they're a fan of SHINee.

That's it.

No more Mr. Nice Guy.

This will get what she gives.

"Ah, well, I'm sorry for you having to be born like... that."

What other insults can I use?

"Your parents just don't care, huh?"

That wasn't supposed to be taken seriously, I mean, her parents must care ebough to enroll her into this school.

And she can't be that stupid, I mean, she is eligible to attend this school.

She became quiet.

Oh, my bad.

Did that offend you?

But please forgive me, because I'm saying these things in totally, the nicest ways possible.

Sarcasm. Sarcasm.

"And um, if you'll excuse me, I'll be heading over to register now, since the counter is empty."

I took a step and made my way into the office.

Then, I hear these awfully loud footsteps.

Man, I didn't expect her to be this fat!

And then, it came.

That filthy hand on my shoulder.

How. Dare. She.

So she was one of those, I'll pretend I don't know you, so you can talk to me more and give me your autograph fans, wasn't she?

Hyungs, I'll be more careful now.

I turned around to meet this really, disgusting face.

Can a girl go through change and become a boy in less than 20 seconds?

"Lee Taemin!"

Haha, very funny, Taemin.

This ain't no girl.

This is the Yang Seungho.

And he seems pretty mad.

Seungho's P.O.V

Before anything, why do I always come back to meet my sister in her worst possible moments?

It just proves how much of a failed brother I am.

Shame. On. Me.

And now, let's get to the point.

"Lee Taemin!" I screeched, placing my hand on his shoulder.

It's been a while since I've seen him.

That kid... was always the cute and erm... pretty funny one.

People change quickly, don't they?

He turned around, gasping.


Now, that wasn't the voice of a happy maknae.

It was the voice of totally terrified, about to be threatened maknae.

"You made my sister pretty upset back there, didn't you?!" I asked him, threatening him to tell the truth.

He swallowed.

Man, I'm not that scary, am I?

"She was the one being mean!"

Well, you know how parents are always one their children's side?

Yeah, I was on my sister's side.

"So why is she the one that looks upset, and why are you the one that looks as if he doesn't give a damn?!"

"Uh, I don't know. But honestly, she's the one that turned y on me! She seemed depressed and so I wanted to cheer her up, but then, during the process of trying to cheer her up — she lashed out the within her!"

Oh... that's her alright.

My sister, the hothead.

"Yah! Stop saying , , ! My sister isn't a !"

"Look, Seungho Hyung. I don't even know what I said that made her so upset, ok?"

"Then what was the last thing... offensive you said to her?"

He stopped and was deep into his thoughts.

So he was having trouble finding the last insultive statement he made to her?

He must've said a lot of mean things to ny sister, that son of a gun.

"Something with her parents not caring, but I didn't mean it for her to take it to heart, I mean, well, her parents must care a lot to enroll her into this school."


So that's why.

"Taemin-ah," I began.

I looked over at my sister, who seemed rather still depressed.

"You shouldn't have said that — even if it was just a joke."

He looked at me confused.

"Because, let's say, her parents... our parents, no longer... exsist?"

Saying that, was harder than it looked.

Taemin's P.O.V


I hate myself.

Now everyone must hate me too, including that girl.

I didn't know!

I always say that to my hyungs and noonas as a joke, and they never seemed to take it seriously, so... I thought It'd be alright.


Give me a break, I didn't know!

And I also didn't know Seungho Hyung had a sister... but that's not the important part!

You've done it, Taemin, you made her upset. Are you happy now? My conscience was asking me.

I guess... I gotta apologize.

Except I'm a coward, and so, I can't.

"Hyung," I said. "I'm going to apologize."

He nodded, thankfully, he knew I hadn't meant it and wan't mad... sort of.

"After I register because I honestly don't believe in myself, and so I don't believe I can apologize right away," I added.

Seungho Hyung opened his mouth — to probably yell at me, so I darted to the office, slamming the door behind me.

I'm a wimp, I know.

I'm a coward, I know.

And yet, I'm an idol, I know.

But at least for now, I was safe.

Rena's P.O.V

Yeah, that made me pretty upset.

But being the, I keep my feelings to myself, person I am, I kept it all in, and let my feelings build up.

But at the same time, being a hothead, I screamed and yelled at him.

But that's just who I am.

When I'm depressed, or jealous, or frustrated over the important, big things, I keep it all to myself.

When I'm depressed, or jealous, or frustrated over the useless, small things, I yell it all out.

But that's just who I am.

And I can't change.

Yeah, I'm also the one at fault.

I shouldn't have been such an... .

I should've just accepted his kindness.

Why did I just turn all y at him in the first place?

Because I was in a bad mood and he added oil to the fire?

He was just trying to cheer me up!

Why am I like this?

Why am I such a hothead?!


Yeah, I'm reflecting on my bad actions.

Yeah, I, Yang Rena, is reflecting on my bad actions.


So what?

It's the least I can do!

And when he gets out of that Principal's Office, I'm going to apologize!

As if on cue, the Office door opened, and out he came.

Actually, screw that.

Apologize? Me?

I can't apologize!

Yeah, I know, I'm a coward.

But that's just who I am.

Taemin's P.O.V

Seoul Korea High School of Science and Technology: 2:40 P.M

I stepped out of the office and the first thing I see?

A pair of eyes.

His pair of eyes.

Great, so much for an easy time apologizing.

I walked up to the two siblings.

The girl seemed lost in her thoughts and Seungho Hyung was staring at me, as if it was a signal to, say sorry.

It's either now, or never.

"Mianhae!" I bowed at a 90° angle, my back making a loud cracking sound during the process. Man, I gotta work out more. "I'm so sorry!"

She looked up. "Huh?"

Wow, now, I need to go through all that embarrassment again.

"Mianhae!" I apologized, bowing in that same stupid 90° angle again.

"Wae?" She asked, confused.

I straightned my back.

"WAE?!" I yelled. Seungho eyed me. Oh right, better be nice. "What do you mean why?! I made you upset!"

She thought about it, and then made that, oh I get it now, face.

Yeah, it's about time.

Then, get this.

She bowed a 95° angle and apologized like crazy.

"Mianhae, mianhae!" She was screaming.

Seungho Hyung and I were left... quite... speechless.

"Mianhae, I'm sorry," She repeated for the 100th time. "It's also my fault for turny all y on you... you were just trying to help."

Honestly, I think I deserved that apology.

"I'm sorry, but I was born a hothead."

Yeah, I know that much.

"And," She began.

No... not long lectures! Please!

"Please don't speak of my parents again."

Her voice was unstable.

"They're not here anymore."

I immediately looked at the ground.

Geez Taemin!

First day you meet a stranger — and this is what happens?!

Shame. On. You. Taemin.

Shame on you!

Rena's P.O.V

Omo, did I just make him feel bad?

Is he going to start treating me nice out of pity?

Is he going to look at me with those eyes now?

Omo, I hate this.

Me and my dumb mouth.

I said too much.

And dude, he's just a stranger!

First day I meet a stranger and — BAM! One of my biggest secrets revealed!

First day I meet a stranger and — BAM! I make them feel awfuilly bad. 

Shame. On. Me.

Shame on me!

"Oh um..." I let out. Man, I hate this awkwardness between us right now!

"Asdfghjkl! Qwertyuiop! Zxcvbnm!"

Who the hell was making those... spamming noises?

I turned to Seungho, who had his mouth opened, yelling and screaming gibberish.

Culprint — found.

Aish... why did he have to make things more awkward?! This is hard enough!

Taemin... or whatever his name was had a blank look pasted on his face.

Dammit! Why are you unamused?!

Then, seconds later, he started cracking up.

Oh... so I guessed my brother did help, for once.

"Hey... you hothead," He managed to say, still laughing. Was my brother's word spasms that funny? Or does your sense of humor just ?  "Your brother... is quite—"

I cut him off. "A pabo."

The guy started laughing even more. Honestly, I don't think my words were funny... but ok. Whatever. I doesn't matter as long as this awkwardness was fading.

"Lee Taemin," He introduced himself for the second — if not yet, first time. "Maknae of SHINee—"

I had a feeling that he was going to ramble on what SHINee was, so I cut him off. "A Kpop boy group — right?" I asked. "The name's Rena Yang." I paused, realizing I had introduced myself the American way — with the given name stated first and the family name next. Oh right.... America... Aish, I gotta stop thinking about things like this.  "Yang Rena," I corrected. "Not hothead."

Taemin smiled. "Rena, you'll be attending this school starting tomorrow, right?" He questioned, as if he didn't already know the answer.

I nodded.

"OMO. REALLY?!" He gasped.

Um... and why does this affect you in any way? Or should I say, how?

"I'm going to be attending here too!"


"Rena, Rena!" He went on, pestering me. "What homeroom are you going to be in?!"

"Uh... um... actually, I don't know exactly—"

"She's going to be in 3-A," Seungho jumped in.

What a great brother... I mean seriously. If you knew — you should've told me! Now I look like some dumb fool that doesn't even know her own class.

Taemin started jumping up and down like some crazy fangirl that just met her bias.

Oops, my bad.

He's already an idol himself — isn't he?

Cough, cough, he doesn't, cough, cough, look or act like one, cough.

"Rena! Yay!" He threw his arms around me. Which, I quickly brushed off... since well, I need personal space...? And it wasn't exactly reassuring knowing someone could've snapped a picture, posted it on the internet, and then have the swarms of SHINee fangirls kill me for hugging their bias. Ugh, just thinking about that sent chills down my body. And wait — I'm pretty sure there were a few fans that snapped a picture of us back at the mall... Argh! Stop being such a pessimest Rena! "We're going to be in the same homeroom! Which means we'll be in a lot of the smae classes!"

Huh? What?

"Let's be friends — OK?"

Is it just me... or was the ok... threatening?

"I am so looking forward to tomorrow," He said, glancing at me, giving me this awfully... digusting smirk. "It's going to be just lovely."

Taemin, your fangirls are going to freak out when they see you like this.

"Yah," Seungho said, whacking Taemin on the back of his head. "Stop scaring my sister.... and... you look like a creep. Please wipe that smile off of that ugly face of yours."

Offended, Taemin put his hand on the back of his head. "Hyung!" He complained. "All my noonas tell me I'm pretty! You're just jealous nobody compliments you! And oh no — don't get me started on that yakuza belly of yours... it's just... that... Hyung, don't you think that..." He paused as if he was deciding if he wanted to make a death wish. "You're a bit too fat for a dance idol?"

I looked over at Seungho.

Taemin must've pulled his last string.

"I'm. Not. Fat!" Seungho screeched.

Eew. My brother and this half stranger, half friend of mine are such babies. They're such an embarrassment.

10 Minutes Later

I just stood there, watching the school security guard yell at my brother and — screw that.

I just stood there, watching the school security guard yell at the two dumb bums.

I figured they'd get yelled at.

And what made the whole lecture 1000 times more interesting was that the guard paid no attention to the fact that she was screaming her off — at an idol. Two, to be exact.

I'm not in this. So, don't lump me in with them.

Seoul, Korea: 3:10 P.M

Ugh. That freaking lecture was so long.

Ok, I admit, at first it was interesting and amusing and all. But did you seriously have to ramble on and on about the same things for 20 freaking minutes?! I have a life, you know? And it doesn't help that I have to wait for my brother so we could get out asses back home. Ugh. That crazy woman.

Note to self: Be careful around the school security guard. For she will give you a whole 20 minute lecture.

After saying our farewells with Taemin — who I found out, has the same birthday as me, Seungh oand I were walking home, back to MBLAQ's dorm.

I know, I know.

He's an idol — yet, why do we always walk?

The answer is simple.

Because the members of MBLAQ are cheap s and won't spend money on public transportation, and since G.O and Seungho shared a car... well let's say... they were really stubborn and made sure that the amount of times each person used the car was even. And let me tell you, the score is not even, for Seungho used the car practically a whole half more than G.O did, and so, G.O refused to let him use it, since he said, it wasn't fair.

It was erm... 3:10 P.M, and we were like miles away from home. By the time we'd get back... it'll be say... 123,456,789 years later? Or maybe, I should just shut up, because I'm obviously exaggerating.

We just had 4 more streets to go, until my brother, which have I told you, is a jerk, spotted some Ramen Shop and asked if I was hungry.

And let me tell you. I clearly said no, but he just dragged me in the shop as if he was performing some kidnapping.

Ramen Shop: 3:20 P.M

My jerk brother swiftly grabbed one of the menus and started flipping through the pages like mad. Here and there, he would make some body gestures and nod his head.

"Um," He called out to one of the waitresses. "Excuse me."

Uh... you're excused?

One female waitress came rushing to us, probably after realizing that it was the Yang Seungho that called out to her.

The first thing she did when she came over at our table that was practically hidden by pots and pots of tall plants?

She flashed a huge, I think it's supposed to be seductive smile at my brother, and flashed me that, Who the hell are you? You're not an idol, so what the hell are you doing with my boy? And what are you to him?, look at me.

Let me tell you one thing people.

It does not feel comfortable having this overly I don't know anymore... jealous (?) fangirl/waitress staring at you, while taking your order for some ramen.

This is also one of the reasons why I don't like going out to eat with my brother — or idols, in general.

Seungho's P.O.V

"I would like to order 2 bowls of chicken flavored ramen, 2 bowls of beef flavored ramen, 2 bowls of steak flavored ramen, 2 bowls of lamb flavored ramen, 2 bowls of seafood flavored ramen, 4 bowls of miso soup — ah, 2 bowls to be served in the beginning of the meal, and 2 later in the meal, and please throw in 2 cups of iced water," I said, as the waitress wrote down my order with fury.

When she left, I realized my order had taken up 7 pages of her notepad.


That wasn't a lot, I tell you. When the whole MBLAQ goes out to eat, we practically order the whole menu!

I looked at my baby sister.That's when I realized her shocked face.

"Are we seriously going to eat all that?!" She questioned me in awe.

I nodded. "I ordered it, didn't I?"

"OMO. You cheap bums don't have enough to afford a ride on the public bus — but you have enough to order all the favors of ramen?! You're seriously paying for that — right?"

I nodded.

Oh no... don't tell me my sis was one of those girls that didn't eat because they were always on diets 24/7.

Not after I ordered all that!

"OMG!" She exclaimed. "That's so awesome! I've always wanted to try all the flavors at once! But I just never had the money on me!"

Thank god.

The miso soup came, and we gulped it down like no tomorrow.

Then came the first bowl of ramen.

The real meal starts here.

20 Minutes Later


My stomach.

My stomach.


The seafood flavored ramen just came, and I was geting full. I looked up at Rena, who was sitting across from me.

She was practically devouring the whole table.

OMO. I never expected my sister to become a hardcore fatass in just 6 years.

People change.

Where was that cute, inoccent girl that barely touched her dinner plate 6 years ago? Seungho, you . Accept reality. That girl from 6 years ago is the one in front of your face. Yes, that's right, it's that girl that's eating the whole table.

I stared at her more, wondering how she still only remained 43 kg and without a fat body.

This is... SPARTA.


What witch craft is this?

I guess she realized me staring at her, because she stared right back. Then, she finally opened to talk — which thank god, she had manners, had no chewed up pieces of food in there.

I thought she was going to insult me for staring at her, but I was wrong."Yah, Seungho," She said. "If you're not going to eat your ramen, it'll get cold," She noted, pointing at the bowl. "Or if you don't want it, you can give it to me."

"No, I'll rather eat it," I replied.

Actually, I'm awfully full, but if my sister continues like this, she'll really become a hardcore fatass.

I forced myself to eat that bowl of... would be goodness if I wasn't full.

The miso soup came and after that, I quickly paid. We had to get out of there — and fast.

I could not bare the thought of my sister chomping on any more food anymore.

Seoul, Korea: 4:00 P.M

We were now back on our way home, back to MBLAQ'S Dorm.

I was literally having difficulties walking, due to my filled and sticking out, yakuza belly.


I looked over at Rena.


How did she manage to walk despite being full?

How did she even manage to have a flat belly even after all that?!

Man, I don't know anymore.

Rena's P.O.V

MBLAQ's Dorm: 4:15 P.M

Seungho turned his keys, and the door to room 207 flung open.

Home sweet home.

We walked in, and the lights were opened. That meant the members of MBLAQ were all back from their make up recordings.

Didn't I tell you that this wasn't an everyday thing for me?

Well, it's starting to be one.

The only thing that seemed out of place were the huge pile of shopping bags from earlier.

And well, the Muscle Pabo wasn't in his usual place doing sit ups and push ups. Or more like he wasn't even exercising.

Was something up?

No, was someone here?

"Annyeong..." The members of MBLAQ chorused. "Welcome home..."

Even it was such a simple greeting, and even though I've only met them for two days, I could sense a sort of tense feeling in their voices.

No, not just their voices, but the whole room was tense.

Something was definitely up.

"So they're back."

An unfamiliar voice.

Someone else was here.

I'm scared.

I'm nervous.

I'm tense.

I'm uncomfortable.

Something's eating up my stomach.

I can't breathe.

What is this feeling?

Just then, a man appeared right before my brother and I.

"So," He said. "This is your sister?"


Annyeong! This is AN0NYM0US!

And yeah, you angry readers probably already figured out why I'm actually writing something here, in this author's note area, or whatever you want to call it. So before I even apologize and blabber on and on with excuses, and before you angry readers rage at me and complain — let me bow! Bows a full 90° angle. Ok. Now, for excuses.

Mianhae! Mianhae! I'm sorry for the really long wait! Ok, so I know, I know, it's been like 2 weeks (?) and I still hadn't updated. But now that I did... I guess I'm considered forgiven?

And you readers are probably all like: No. Shut up, AN0NYM0US! We don't even want to hear it! We don't like you anymore, and shut up, because your story wasn't all that good in the first place! Humph!

;A; <------- And that is my reaction. (If you readers will actually say something like that to me) 

Ok, so... instead of apologizing, I guess I should ramble on about my excuses.

Excuse 1: I had a lot of projects the past 2 weeks... and well there are days in which you tell yourself, "Ok, I'm gonna do this!" but like... before you know it, you end up sufing the internet — when you're actually supposed to be collecting data and . And it doesn't help that I'm a procrastinator.

Excuse 2: I've been having heaps of homework lately. When I say heaps, I mean freaking heaps. Well, I guess it's normal and all, coming from a smart school (Shut up, you bragger! XD) but it really wears me out sometimes, not to mention this takes away time I have for projects.

Excuse 3: I may be updating and writing stories on this website, but it doesn't mean that I do that because I don't have a social life. You know, there are just those times in which you just gotta spend time with friends and chill and play some handball or something. Which actually, I don't even know why I'm putting this as an excuse, because I do this like everyday.

Excuse 4: I know I said this like, 2 updates ago (?) but I'm also writing another fanfic, starring Mir. So if you readers have nothing to read, or are just waiting for this story to update, you might want to check it out. Check out the Mir fanfic here: I'm The Tourist And You're The Mona Lisa I Can't Have  

Ok. Honestly, I think I went overboard with the excuses, but I can't help it!

And to any of you readers, that actually read all that, well, you're awesome. Awesome for being able to read my lame excuses that just took away like 2 minutes of your life. It was an honor for me, knowing that you did so.

Oh and, how many of you realized that the P.O.V format changed?

Ah... whatever, I bet none of you cared.

But FYI: I changed it because more and more characters are yet to come, and I was running out off colors already. I know, I know. EPIC FAIL.

And so, let's end this on a happy note!


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Chapter 12: Just started reading this story last night and I am completely hooked!! You have done an excellent job with this story :D Can't wait for the next chapter ^_^
ailisu #2
aww its still good though!!:)
love the update~~ haha
@SonHiraChanB2st: Kamsamnida! And I will try my best to update. [Insert Ultra-Pumped-Up Face Here]
SonHiraChanB2st #4
Nae. I love your story. I hope you can update it soon.
@ailisu: Haha, it's ok (?) But don't forget next time! >:D And yes, I tried to make Joon cute in this chapter... keep in mind, I at fluff and those kind of sweet, warm, scenes. XD
ailisu #6
RAIN~~ ^_^
lol i forgot rain is their manager/leader haha~~
@alisu: Maybe... Who knows..? For all you know, it could be her parents from the dead. JK JK. No, but seriously. You'll see in thre next chapter.
@doongdoogie: Thanks! And here's the update! :DDD
@SHINeeForeverLove: Oh, the compliments! :D
@alisu: Ah, yes. Arrogant makeup freaks they are. >:D
ailisu #8
I bet its he manager XD
XD ur story is incredible plz updat soon!!!
Love your story :) update soon! ^^