It's The First Day Of School, And Because Of You, Mir, I'm Going To Be Late!

A Journey Called Life

Rena's POV

MBLAQ's Dorm: 6:00 AM

Man, I feel so freggin' cranky right now.

I don't even know why Seungho, my half-assed, or as of right now, full-assed brother, woke me up so early today.

He knows — knows, I tell you, that I'm no morning person.


And I to even think I was feeling pretty good since yesterday...


MBLAQ's Dorm: 7:20 PM

"Joon, are you sure that I'm not a burden here?" I asked, doubled checking the answer.

He  my hair once more before leaving it alone. "You're no burden here." He took a deep breath before going on. "What are you talking about? Of course you're no burden."

"You're sure I can stay here, right?"

"Rain Hyung said yes, didn't he?"

"No... I'm not talking about it like that."

Even though I was already told not to think this way, and even though I reminded myself countless times too, I couldn't help it.

Am I a burden here?

Do they really want me here, or are they only letting me stay because they pity me?

What can I even do for them, besides getting in their way if I remain here?

Is this feeling... guilt?

"You idiot," He scowled. "I told you to trust us, didn't I?"

Still refusing to make direct eye contact, I slowly began picking my head up from my knees.

"Of course you can stay here, it's your home too, you know?" 

End Of Flashback

l was still half-asleep when I made my way to the bathroom, probably walking through the narrow hallway like a stupid, wasted, drunk.

I brushed up and took a quick shower.

I put my clothes on and headed for the kitchen.

"Morning Rena," G.O greeted when he realized I had taken a seat at the dinner table.

"Good morning G.O," I sheepishly grunted back.

"You're... not quite the morning person, aren't you?" He questioned, asking the obvious.

I just nodded. "Man, I don't even know why my brother woke me up so early," I complained.

"Wait... you're saying you don't know what today is?" G.O asked me, quite startled by the response I gave him.

Actually, now that he brang that up, what was today anyways?

"OMG, OMG, OMG! RENA!" Mir exclaimed, in his boomingly loud voice.

G.O raised his finger and made that shush gesture. "Yah, shut up, you're going to wake the neighbors, and your Hyungs are going to kill you."

In a quieter voice, Mir continued. "Why are you still in your pajama?!" He asked, demanding for an answer.

"Because...?" I said, giving him a half-assed answer.

"BECAUSE WHAT?!" He yelled, returning to using his normal, ultra, super-sonic, awfully loud voice. He cowarded when G.O made a threatening gesture. "Go get changed into your uniform! You have school today!" He ordered.

I immediately stood up, with so much force, that my chair went flying back and hit Thunder as he made his way into the kitchen.






I totally forgot.

Thunder, completely clueless about the situation, realized I wasn't in my uniform, and instantly asked, "Shouldn't you be wearing...?"

"Mianhae. I'm sorry for hitting you with that chair," I quickly apologized — even though that was completely not what he asked.

I tore down the narrow hallway for the second time today, except this time, fully awake.

"You have an hour and 40 minutes!" G.O called to me from inside the kitchen. "It's 6:20 right now!"

Although he couldn't see, I nodded.

Joon's POV

A wonderful Tuesday morning... woken up by the screams and awfully loud voices of my dormmates once again.

"YAH!" I automatically yelled the moment I walked out of my room and into the narrow hallway. "SHUT UP!"

But of course, my yelling did nothing, for I could still hear G.O and Mir screaming and shouting and Thunder's faint voice, questioning his Hyung and Doesang.

Then, out of completely nowhere — nowhere, I repeat, Rena speeds past at maximum speed, darting for her room.

I turn to the direction of her room, just in time to see her shut it tightly closed.


Rena's POV

Uniform... uniform... uniform... WHERE THE HELL IS IT?!



I lifted up the last plushie in which I didn't check under yet.



Panic Bar: Loading... 20% Full

Panic Bar: Loading... 50% Full

Panic Bar: Loading... 75% Full

Then, the door creaks open, and I see my brother, totally calm and collected, holding my folded uniforms that he probably washed in the shared laundry room down in the basement of the Apartment Complex.

Did I mention I was , except with an underwear and a (training) bra on?

"G-GET OUT!" I screamed immediately, and when I say immediately, I freggin' mean it.

Even if we were blood-related, nothing could be more embarrassing than having someone of the opposite gender see you like that.

Seungho as if on instinct, dropped my clothes and slammed the door shut.

"I-I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!" I heard him yelling, defending himself and his pride from the other side of the door.

I grunted as I made my way to the now messy pile of clothes by the door. "OF COURSE YOU DIDN'T!" I screeched back.

Still embarrassed but flustered, I put on my uniform.

Being the fast dresser I am, I was done in less than 5 minutes.

As soon as I exited my room, Seungho, the erted, half-assed jerk, ran up to me.

He scanned me, from head to toe.

"DON'T. YOU. EVEN. DARE." I warned him, threateningly. "Or you won't be seeing another sun rise  —EVER!"

He backed away, not necessarily scared. "Ok, ok. Chillax sis." He cooed. "Your Oppa isn't like that, ok?" He reassured.

Ok, I'll be honest. I actually trusted him.

But he, going right back to scanning me from head to toe... made me have second guessings.

"Yah, what are you do—"

"Rena, I presume... you aren't wearing anything but an underwear under that skirt, am I right?"

I nodded, awkwardly.

This ert!

He then pointed to my room. "Then, go back in there and add a pair of leggings! I don't care if their long or short, just wear something under that!" He demanded. "In this world, there are very, very, very, harmful creatures known as boys. Now, go and get changed!" He finished, shoving me forcefully back into my room. "Leggings!" He repeated once again.

I came out 1 minute later, wearing my uniform... and of course, plus a pair of black, shorter than my skirt, leggings.

"You're wearing something under that, right?" He asked, double checking. "Don't make me have to check!"

"Shut up, you creepy ert," I said, mockingly. I lifted a bit of my skirt to show him. "SEE?!"

Then it occured to me that my brother's eyes were shut closed, with hands covering them. "Alright, alright!" He called out, giving up being all mom like. Well, at least he has some shame.

I ran to the kitchen table to enjoy some breakfast.

I was just in time, in fact, G.O just began serving the plates of pancakes (A rather not traditional Korean breakfast, but he said it'd be special since it was my first day at a school in Korea). He put down a plate in front of me, and when everyone arrived at the table, we started to eat.

Halfway, I decided to glance at the clock, just to see if I was late.

6:55 AM... I still have quite a while if you ask me. Guess I just have to take my good, sweet time, huh?

"You still have a good hour and 5 minutes or so," G.O pointed out, as if to reassure me.

I nodded. "Yeah."

Seoul, Korea: 7:53 AM

If I remembered correctly, G.O said I had a good hour and 5 minutes or so just a while ago... so... WHY THE HELL WAS I TEARING DOWN THE STREETS OF SEOUL, KOREA, RUNNING IN FULL SPEED IN MY BLACK CONVERSES?!

I was nearly choking on my last bite of pancake when I paused to check my watch for the time.

The school wasn't that far, just about 7 blocks or so from the Dorm, so, if I walked there, it would take me, a fast walker, about 15 minutes or so to get there. But if I ran... the possibilities are endless.

But, right now, I was only on block 2, and still had 5 blocks to go. And to top that off, I only had 7 minutes left.




MBLAQ's Dorm: 7:15 AM

G.O was cleaning up the table, Thunder was helping him out, Seungho was taking a shower, and Joon of course, was working out.

And Mir?

He came up to me, challenging me to a Pokémon battle.

Now, ok, ok. I know, I know.

Why the hell agree to a battle on the D.S when the it's the morning of the first day of school when it's just like... 45 minutes away?

Um, dude.

This is Pokémon we're talking about.

And I could never, never, I repeat, turn down Pokémon.

And so, we battled, with me winning the first round.

And Mir of course... called for a rematch, since he was a jerk and could not accept the fact that he lost.

And me of course... accepted that challenge and agreed to the rematch, since I was an overconfident bum and was 100% certain I'd kick his yet again.

And I did.

Which is why we had 5 rematches after that.

End Of Flashback


Dammit. Dammit. DAMN. IT.

I checked my watch — 7:56 AM.

Only 4 more minutes left, and 5 more blocks to go.

And to top it off, my legs freggin' hurt, even though back in High School in the U.S, I was in the Track Club. Basically, in short, my legs hurt so much even though I'm pretty darn athletic.

"RENA! RENA!" Some voice called out to me.

Oh please, don't tell me I fainted on the sidewalk because of over exhaustion and the angels were now going to take me to heaven.

I turned to my right, where the voice was coming from.

When I run in the street, this is what I see.

A guy on a motorcycle looking at me.

He calls out my name, and I'm pretty sure he knows me, know me, knows me.

He's Taemin and I know it.

"TAEMIN!" I shout, after realizing who he was.

"Riding a motorcycle is faster than running and you look pretty darn desperate, so..." He tossed me a helmet. "Hop on."

He stopped his motorcycle a few inches away from the sidewalk and I made my way to it.

Why do I feel as if this isn't my first time seeing this motorcycle?

"You drive?" I asked him out of curiosity when I got on.

He just nodded. "Well, kinda. This is my brother's actually."

"Oh... ok."

"I'm going to start the engine."

"Sure, go ahead."

"If you don't hold on to me, you're going to fall off and die."

I reluctantly wrapped my arms around his waist — as if I was hugging him. (?)

And let me make this clear.

I, Yang Rena, has never hugged a boy besides my dad and brother before in my whole entire life.


And it is totally unbelievable to me that Taemin is the first guy I ever hugged — besides the two mentioned above... but of course, I will never tell him.

"Are you feeling alright?" He questioned me, when I was in the midst of my thoughts. "You look... really tense."

"Huhwhatno," I replied instantly, my mouth automatically moving on its own. My words were slurred, and I bet I didn't sound clear. "I mean, yeah, thisisdefinatelynotthefirsttimeI'veeverhuggedaguy. Pfft, what were you even thinking, of course not."

Taemin started laughing, for his body was... shaking. (?) How else do you describe it, huh?

I don't know why, but... I felt really embarrassed.

Like really embarrassed.

Maybe because I hugging some guy?

Maybe because when we get off, people that might end up being my classmates are going to take notice of us arriving to school together?

Maybe because people could've taken pictures?

Or maybe, it's just the fact that... we might've seen like... what do they call it... a couple?

I don't know, but I just feel really embarrassed.

And maybe that's why I insisted that I should get off a few steps to the main entrance gate instead of in front of it.

"You sure?" Taemin asked. "You'll have to spend approximately 34 seconds and 12 milliseconds extra? And dude, it's not like you really have much fat to burn off. Come on, I insist."

I bent over to him and nonchalantly whispered. "But I don't want it to look like I'm your girlfriend or something."

He gawked at me and nodded like a child, completely understanding.

He left me on the corner of the block of the school.

And according to my calculations, it would take me about... 27 steps to reach the school entrance gate?

Aish, why am I even calculating?

As if reality suddenly hit me — I checked my watch.

Thank god.

7:59 AM.

And then, I ran to the gate.

Before walking past it, I looked up and admired the school building.

Today... on this very fateful day... it's once again  journey with twists and turns, huh?

After all, the journey called life is never ending.

And then, I took a step forward, and being me, Yang Rena, I dashed to the open doors.

Hi! This is AN0NYM0US! <------- You know what? Screw this. After this update, I will not be greeting you people like this anymore.

To be 100% honest, I think this chapter was pretty short compared to my other chapters and it practically wasn't all that important at all.

And I'm sorry for all those people out there who were secretly happy about the Lee Joon moments back in the previous chapter... since well, there were no Rena & Lee Joon moments in this chapter.

And no, I'm also sorry for all those people out there who likes love triangles... I'm sorry if this chapter kinda got your hopes up... but... it wasn't supposed to be a start of some love triangle or anything.

And, and, who realized the song used somewhere up there, in the mash of text in itallics was, LMFAO's: I'm y and I Know It (?)

So yeah.

Bye! \('v')/ <------- Is it just me, but I think these things look horribly cute. d(^v^)b

And since I write MANY, MANY HAPPY too much, here:

\(^v^)/ MANY, MANY HAPPY! \(^v^)/

(It's the edited version. It has awesome faces and the text has been enlarged. And yes, I know, it's not in size 72, so, deal with it.)

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Chapter 12: Just started reading this story last night and I am completely hooked!! You have done an excellent job with this story :D Can't wait for the next chapter ^_^
ailisu #2
aww its still good though!!:)
love the update~~ haha
@SonHiraChanB2st: Kamsamnida! And I will try my best to update. [Insert Ultra-Pumped-Up Face Here]
SonHiraChanB2st #4
Nae. I love your story. I hope you can update it soon.
@ailisu: Haha, it's ok (?) But don't forget next time! >:D And yes, I tried to make Joon cute in this chapter... keep in mind, I at fluff and those kind of sweet, warm, scenes. XD
ailisu #6
RAIN~~ ^_^
lol i forgot rain is their manager/leader haha~~
@alisu: Maybe... Who knows..? For all you know, it could be her parents from the dead. JK JK. No, but seriously. You'll see in thre next chapter.
@doongdoogie: Thanks! And here's the update! :DDD
@SHINeeForeverLove: Oh, the compliments! :D
@alisu: Ah, yes. Arrogant makeup freaks they are. >:D
ailisu #8
I bet its he manager XD
XD ur story is incredible plz updat soon!!!
Love your story :) update soon! ^^