The 6 Year Reunion Hug

A Journey Called Life

Rena's P.O.V

Is it just me, or is there a group of idiots running towards me?

Is it just me, or is one of them my brother?

No, surely, it's not just me.

"RENA! MY BABY SISTER!" One of them yelled to me.

Was that my brother..? Well, yeah, DUH, who else am I a baby sister to?

This is my first time seeing my brother in 6 years.

What do I do?



"SEUNGHO!" I yelled out, my mouth moving on its own.

Then I noticed 3 people standing behind him. "Those your... friends?" I asked, gesturing at them.

"Huh..? Uh. Yeah." He answered.

"Annyeong! I'm Mir!"

"Annyeong! I'm Thunder!"

"Annyeong! I'm G.O"

Be cheerful... be cheerful... be cheerful... This is the start of your new life. "Annyeong! The name's Rena." I greeted back, smiling.

They then led me to their car. They helped my load my luggage into the trunk. We go seated, and G.O started driving.

During the ride, we were talking about randomness, until Thunder asked me, "Do you know what MBLAQ is?"

The whole car shut up. Dead silence as if this was the biggest event so far.

MBLAQ... doesn't ring a clear bell.

"No," I flatly answered.

"WHAT?" My brother shrieked. "MBLAQ! You never heard of it?!"

"Hey- hey... you should know I don't know about these things."

He hesitated. "Oh well, of course you don't... haha...ha."

Dude, is this guy really supposed to be my brother, the guy that understood my the most back in my childhood?

But then again... MBLAQ... that does kinda sound familiar.

No, I'm pretty sure I know of it.

Now where did I hear of it?

If only I could remember...

Hyuna... 4 Minute... 2NE1... Beast... and the other one she made me listen to was... M...BLAQ.

Wait. What? Oh yeah! Hyuna made me listen to a few songs during the planed ride. Some of the songs she made me listen to by this group called MBLAQ! Some Kpop group or something like that.

Oh well, I already answered. And they seemed so serious about it. Whatever. It's not they're MBLAQ right? Like hell my brother is some Kpop idol.

The car pulled to a stop. We had been driving for about a hour or so already.

I got out and witnessed a sight that burned my eyes.


Wait. What? So that dope's saying he's my brother and not this dope?

And what's with those ultra expensive looking idol-ish stage clothes he's wearing?

I turned and gave that imposter a glare.

"Haha, it was nice being your brother for an hour."

That son of a .

So there he was my REAL brother right in front of my very eyes. He was the one who probably planned all this from the start.

He was grinning like a fool, with his arms wide open, as if he expected me to jump into them. I looked up.  How could I be tricked like this? There it was - MBLAQ's dorm. I knew a lot of things. I knew that something was fishy from the very start, I knew that there was no turning back, and most of all, I knew that my life would never be the same after today. After all, life is a journey. You never know where you end up, that's why you just have to make the best of it. 

Oh right... and the reason I know this building here is MBLAQ's dorm? It's simple.

Fans. No, not those electrical ones. No, not Michelle Phan. But those... you know... those fans.

They were all around us. I saw them alright - even if they were hiding in under dim shadows and between corners and cracks. One of them accidently screamed, "MBLAQ!" and ran.

There was just no way they were going to take a picture of my brother, some famous guy, hugging some girl. It was for both his sake, and mine. But it's not like I wanted to hug him anyways.

My brother kept on gesturing at his arms completely unaware of the fans - and how they just might snap a picture of us. His movements were signaling: Come on, jump into these arms. Arms of THE Yang Seungho.

Ok, let me clear up some stuff, and add on to the list of why I should not hug him.

I haven't seen my brother in 6 years. And the reason is all because him.

I literally adored him as a kid, and he left. Just like that. His reason? To chase after his dream. Resulting in turining around my whole life.

He left as a kid and now he was practically an adult whom I could barely realize. Explains why I was convinced another guy was my brother.

Our parents are gone, and he probably has no clue. No, not even the slightest

He pulled a stupid prank - as a joke, on me - resulting in he, my own brother whom I didn't see in 6 years, not picking up his own sister, from the damn Airport.

Wonderful, huh?

And now he expects me to jump into his arms for some long, 10 minute, bone crashing hug?

Oh, of course. Maybe a stupid would have forgave him - or would be too dumb to even think of the negative outturns. But, sorry, I'm not that . I actually have a brain, and I use it.

Thunder handed me my luggage and I thanked him. Then, like a boss, I ran, ran I repeat, to my brother. But stopped right in front of him.

He smiled bigger, closed his eyes, and opened his arms a bit wider, as if I was actually going to jump into them.

I lifted the luggage up to his face and dropped it, causing a loud thud to be made. He opened his eyes.

"Aren't you going to take your beloved baby sister's luggage up 16 flights?"

He looked down at the luggage. "Sure... I'll be using the elevator anyway." Then he stopped. "How about a hug..?"

"How about... no."

Lee Joon's P.O.V

Dissapointment was written all over his face. It was quite, obvious.

I kinda felt bad for the guy, you know? Having his oen sister diss him like that. I heard they haven't seen each other in 6 years too.

I looked at the girl. She made her way in the building. I couldn't help but think how much of a she was.

Following her, the rest of us entered the building.

We checked in, and while we did, the woman at the counter did some kind of agyeo. Guess she can't help it. I mean, we are famous. Not to mention, good looking, of course.

Then we got in the elevator. It was all crammed and hard to breathe. How I wish we were there already.

Then I started to wonder. Why is SHE here anyway? And it's obvious that the reason isn't to visit her brother. Nor get autographs from us. Oh well, it's not like I really care.

The doors opened and out we went.

Oh, it was so nice to get out of that crammed thing.

Seungho was leading us to the room.

"Room 207. That's where you'll be living from now on," He said opening the door.

His sister just nodded.

We stepped inside, her bring the first to do so.

G.O the lights.

"Not bad... huh?" Seungho remarked.

"Not bad?!" His sister began.

Oh no... please don't start insulting it. We actually worked hard to clean it up.

"It's awesome!" She complimented. "I can't believe you guys actually keep it this clean!"

Was that a compliment? But her saying it was awesome was enough. It meant we did a good job on last second cleaning. I smiled.

"Stop it Hyung," Mir adviced me. "Your smile is creepy."

Rena's P.O.V

The place was awesome! And no, I'm not kidding. It was pretty big, neat, and nice looking. It was also comfortable and had this kind of home feel to it.

"Hey, hey." I said tapping my brother's shoulder. "Where's my room?"

He perked up. He seemed so excited or something like that. His smile was so wide, it was creepy. These actions only mean one thing - the room is amazing.

"It's down there," He answered all happy.

I ran to my room.

"It's the 2nd to last one!" He called out.

"Got it!"

I turned the door knob.

Yang Rena, be prepared to meet... your new room!

I flung open the door, and there it was - paradise.

My brother was right behind me.

"You like it? Please tell me you do!" He begged.

I flung my arms around him and started jumping.

"I love it!" I replied still jumping.

My brother was literally frozen when I stopped jumping.

Confused, I asked, "What, what is it?"

Then this really creepy smile flashed on his face. "No... it's just... you didn't hug me for 6 years now."

Ah... 6 years... thinking again, that's a long time.

"Yeah, I know." I let go, breaking our 6 year reunion hug.

Suddenly, my brother got all dramatic. "When ypu refused to hug me just a few minutes ago, I was SO heartbroken!"

"About that... your fans were scattered all around. They were everywhere." I comforted.

"Really? You didn't hug me... for my own good?"

The way he said it was just to gross.

"Not to mention you did oull this stupid prank on me. Resulting in you, personally, not picking your own sister from the Airport."

I could feel rain clouds above his head. Imaginary rain started to pour on him.

"But... what matters is that I actually hugged you right? And it's just a hug."

Oh, there we go. The rain clouds got overpowered by the Sun.

"Hm... yeah." He stopped. "Did you get good sleep?"

"Uh... kind of?"

"How many hours?"

"Like... 7?"

"Good enough... Oh but, you're not tired, right?"

"Erm... no?"

"Have you eaten?"


"Are you hungry?"

"Kind of... yes?"

There we go, that same creepy smile.

"Hey! Boys!" My brother shouted.

In almost an instant, they gave their response. "What Hyung?"

"Tonight... I mean, right now, we're going out to eat! We have to show my baby sis the wonderous Korean dishes!"

"YAY!" The 4 boys cheered.

Everyone sped out of the room. I walked out of my room to the living room. There, my luggage was just plopped on the floor. Idiots, at least make it stand up straight. I picked it up and gave it good posture. Then I put on my converses and followed the rest.

So far, it's not that bad I guess. I smiled to myself, probably in the same way Seungho did.

Now, for some wonderful Korean food!

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Chapter 12: Just started reading this story last night and I am completely hooked!! You have done an excellent job with this story :D Can't wait for the next chapter ^_^
ailisu #2
aww its still good though!!:)
love the update~~ haha
@SonHiraChanB2st: Kamsamnida! And I will try my best to update. [Insert Ultra-Pumped-Up Face Here]
SonHiraChanB2st #4
Nae. I love your story. I hope you can update it soon.
@ailisu: Haha, it's ok (?) But don't forget next time! >:D And yes, I tried to make Joon cute in this chapter... keep in mind, I at fluff and those kind of sweet, warm, scenes. XD
ailisu #6
RAIN~~ ^_^
lol i forgot rain is their manager/leader haha~~
@alisu: Maybe... Who knows..? For all you know, it could be her parents from the dead. JK JK. No, but seriously. You'll see in thre next chapter.
@doongdoogie: Thanks! And here's the update! :DDD
@SHINeeForeverLove: Oh, the compliments! :D
@alisu: Ah, yes. Arrogant makeup freaks they are. >:D
ailisu #8
I bet its he manager XD
XD ur story is incredible plz updat soon!!!
Love your story :) update soon! ^^