If I Stay Here, Will I Just Be Burden?

A Journey Called Life

Rena's POV

MBLAQ's Dorm: 4:20 PM

The stranger reached out his hands to me.

OMG. Am I supposed to shake it?

OMG. If I don't shake it, it'll seem as if I'm being impolite.

OMG. What if he's just stretching, and I'm not actually supposed to shake it?

OMG. People don't just stretch their hands that far for nothing, so I'm supposed to shake it — right?

OMG. Are my hands clean right now?


I am so lost.

This man... he's a complete stranger.

And yet, why do I even care so much?

I snapped out of my thoughts.

His hand was still extended, but he had on an awkward expression on his face.

I'm supposed to shake it — right?!

From the corner of my eye, I could see the Muscle Pabo clasping his hands together, signaling something along the lines of: You're supposed to shake his freaking hands, you ugly pabo! Something like that.

I extended my hands, and we shook.

Right now, I am shaking hands with a complete stranger in which I didn't even greet, say hi to, or even get introduced to.

Didn't my mom teach me about strangers when I was 3?

Lee Joon's POV

That girl is such a !


Watching her not know how to shake hands, pisses me off.

And yeah, ok, ok, I'm not the smartest person in the world... but at least I have some common sense!

They shook hands, and it seemed like forever until they stopped shaking.

The moment their hands broke apart, the whole room became awkward.

Rena had this totally confused look on her face — which I don't blame her for, since she doesn't even know the guy.

Seungho was left completely clueless, for he probably didn't expect this day to come so fast.

G.O just had on this really tense and worried look glued on to his face. He was nervous. Overly nervous. Literally, beads of sweat rolled down his face. Dude, chillax.

Thunder was sipping his (empty) can of coke, trying not to look as awkward as possible.

Mir... he was just... I don't know anymore, frozen. This is quite the shock I tell you. When you see someone that normally is overly hyper, not do a thing, you know something is bound to go wrong.

And me? I'm narrating the scene.

The room was quiet. Too quiet.

And none of us were used to this.

"Um... w-who are you?" Rena asked, her words stuttering a bit.


Did you just so disrespectfully ask him, THE BI RAIN, MY MENTOR, a question — without even greeting him, or introducing yourself?

That girl, I tell you, is not the best first impression.

Rena's POV

The man stared at me blankly.

Then he laughed awkwardly, and smiled.

"My name is Bi Rain," He began. "Annyeonghasaeyo and nice to meet you."



Bi Rain, I swear I've heard that name before.


A few Hours Ago

"Who's this Rain you speak of? What a weird name. Or, are you just using the word wrong? Seriously now, learn english."

The BEAST members was holding in their laughter. They were doing a really bad job.

"Rena-ah," Doojoon started, suppressing his laughter. "Rain is like their dad. He's the one who composes, writes, produces, and choreographs MBLAQ's music."

"WOAH! That's so cool!"

End of Flashback

I looked at the man in the face.

So this is Rain?!


Thinking back a bit... did I just so disrespectfully ask him a question... without honorifics and without introducing myself?

Shame on me.

"AISH!" I let out, accidently. I then quickly bowed. "Mianhae, that was oh, so rude of me."

I could feel the Muscle Pabo giving me that: But aren't you always rude? look. I'll get him later for that.

I was still blaming myself, worrying that Rain wouldn't except me and my rudeness.

I had forgotten this wasn't like America — everything had to be done in the politest manner if you met someone new, or if the person was older than you.

Then, I felt this hand patting my head.

Seungho, you jerk- brother, now's not the time.

I looked up, and surprisingly... it was not Seungho.

Rain was patting my head, and laughing to himself.

"Ah," He said, realizing I was looking at him, with a confused face. "It's alright, you don't have to be that polite with me — in fact, it'd be better if we were friendlier with each other, so no need to hold yourself back."

Ok. That was really nice of him and all... but I was more happy with the fact that Rain, the RAIN, was patting my head.

"Oh, sorry, I never really got... your name."

Oh right! Aish... how rude of me.

"Rena inmida," I said, trying to be polite.

But then, after straightening my back from bowing, I realized there was this: What did I tell you? look on Rain's face.

Oh right, to not be formal.

"ANNYEONG, THENAME'SRENA!" I stated, my words slightly... ok, very slurred. I said it in a loud and nervous tone... and after realizing I was practically screaming a greeting, I got all embarrassed.

And this was in front of Rain!

Seungho's POV

Rena, my poor baby sister.

She must feel embarrassed.

And it wasn't helping that I was laughing at her.

As if she was fully recovered from her being embarrassed, she eyed me and when Rain wasn't looking, punched me.

Nevermind, take away my sympathy for her.

"So," I said, a bit nervous to bring up the topic. "Erm... why'd you... come today, Rain?"

"Seungho... how rude of you," He said jokingly. "You know I have my reasons for everything I do,"  He paused, and then rampaged through his duffel bag. He pulled something out. "But, let me ask you something." Shoving the papers in my face, he continued talking. "These pictures... I suppose you have an explanation, no?"

I took a better look at the pictures.

How come no one told me about this?

Joon's POV

I could tell Seungho Hyung was confused.

Of course, he had no clue about the pictures.

1. He wasn't there during the incident.

2. No one told him about it afterwards.

Those pictures...

They were the ones from the mall.

"Joon, Mir," Rain said, looking in our direction. "Seungho looks as if he's clueless, so I suppose you can tell me about this, afterall, this is you, isn't it now?"

Walking to us, and dumping the papers on the table in front of us, I could tell Rain was a bit... angry.

And that is not good.

"Care to explain why Hyuna and Seungho's sister is in these too?"

I could feel everyone in the room eyeing me.

Even the objects felt as if they had eyes.

Oh, the pressure.

"Well," I began, totally pressured. THIS. IS. PEER. PRESSURE. KIDS. "WewereshoppingatthepublicmallsowecouldgetRenaherschoolsupplies,andduringtheprocess," I paused and took a deep breath.
"WesawHyuna,andsheendeduptaggingalong,butthankstoherscreamingridiculouslyloud,shecaughtthefans'attentionandbeforeweknewit," Another deep breath. "Before we knew it, the fans have already taken pictures of us!"

The members were looking at me as if I was speaking gibberish — which I don't know, since I was so nervous, I could've peed my pants.

Rain then started laughing.

Aish this guy.

Wasn't he frustrated just a second ago?

"Ah Joon," He started, totally not serious-like. "You never fail to amuse me."

I shot him that, what the hell? look. Because clearly, he was just mad a second ago and now... he's all... amused?

"Don't get me wrong, I wasn't mad at you guys or anything. I mean, we're all human, and so, it's totally natural for us to go shopping at public malls and all. But well, it was just some comments on these pictures that threw me off," He went on, handing me the paper with the comments on it. "Look at the comments circled in red."


@mblaq4ever: I can see why Hyuna is with them... but who's that girl?!

@iluvmblaq: So idols actually do go shopping. Lol, lol. But seriously, who is that girl?!

@MBLACKmblacklove: Ok, I'm fine with the fact that HyunA is hanging out with Joon and Mir <3, but why is some random girl hanging out with them?! I doubt she's even an idol. She has no right to hang out with them! D:<

@mblaqFTWmblaq: @MBLACKmblacklove I know right?! It's always those fangirls that piss me off! I wish people like her would just go and learn their places in life!

@IheartMblaq909: @MBLACKmblaqlove @mblaqFTWmblaq Urgh. Yes! I hate people like her. Like who the hell does she think she is? And Mblaq's too nice, letting her cling on to them like that. If I was any member of Mblaq, I would totally shake her off. Eew. People like her disgust me. =O


Reading those comments... did not make me very happy.

And here, I thought all of our A+ fans were always supportive and wonderful people.

Those were one heck of comments, and to top it off, one of our oh, so dedicated fans — did not even spell the group's name right.


No, my friend. It's MBLAQ.

Get it right.

And what's with that?

Treating my sister like she is some, outcasted, totally unimportant, unworthy, piece of.... .

Who is she?

Well, for starters, she's my sister.

She's not even an idol.

Do you have to be an idol?!

What is she doing, hanging out with them?!

Well, duh. Yes, she's hanging out with them.

She has no right to do so!

This statement... pisses me off the most. She has no right to do so, she has no right to do so. What the @$#%! ASDFGHJKL! What do you mean — she has no right to do so?! My sister and along with everybody else in the world can do whatever the hell they want! So what if my sister isn't some bigshot idol, like me, her brother? She doesn't have to be one to hang out with friends! So?! So what?! What about it?!

Clam down, Seungho, man.

Chillax dude.


Take a chill pill.


Rena's POV

MBLAQ's Dorm: 4:40 PM

Obviously, my brother was not very happy after seeing the comments.

"Um..." I spoke up to Rain, feeling awkward.

No formalities Rena. Nothing formal.

"Can I see the papers?" I requested, gesturing at the papers Seungho slammed on the table not so long ago.

Rain nodded and gave me some kind of sympathetic smile. "Don't take it too hard though."

Were the comments that harsh?

MBLAQ's Dorm: 4:44 PM

Wow. Just wow.

So... this is what people think of me, huh?

I looked over at the rest of the MBLAQ members.

I looked down at Seungho, who slumped down on his seat.

He threw me this kind of sympathetic smile.

No, not just him.

They all did.

Are they feeling sympathy for me, or is it actually pity?

I looked down at the floor.

So... this is what... people really think, huh?

I have no right to hang out with them.

I'm not even an idol.

We're in totally different worlds.

I should have known.

Just because I have an idol brother... just because I have a few idol friends... did I really think I could get along with everyone in Seoul just because of that?

What the hell was I thinking?

I should have known.

I really should have known.

Rain then, out of the blue, ruffled my hair.

"What your anti-fans think don't matter, in the idol — no, in the real world, what people think about you... its doesn't matter. What matters is that you're not being brought down by those pointless opinions and just live life the way you want," He adviced me. He then paused. "OMO, that seemed like a lecture, didn't it?" He joked, trying to lighten the mood.

No wonder he is like MBLAQ's dad.

He is so amazing.

Rain, you are so admirable.

"Komawu," I thanked. I paused. Informally he said. Informally address him. "Rain."

His face lightened up and so did the rest of the MBLAQ members.

"Yeah, that's  right Rena!" Mir chanted. "Who cares what your anti-fans think of you?!"

"Remember Rena, you have SWAG, SWAG!" Thunder added in. "That's what they call it in America, right?" He whispered, turning to Seungho. He nodded in approval.

Yeah, they're right.

Just be me.

Me, myself, and I.

I don't have to change myself for these strangers I don't even know.

Just be me.

But even so, after all of these motivating words they said to me, and I told myself, I couldn't help still questioning myself, To them, am I a burden?

Aish... why do I even bother doubting them?

Joon's POV

"So," Rena spoke up. "Why did you come here? I'm sure it wasn't just to have fun," She questioned Rain.

"Oh," He began, sounding reluctant to bring up the subject. "It's about—"

"Is is about my stay here?" Rena asked, cutting him off.

Rain nodded. "Yeah, it is."

"So can she stay here or not?" Seungho butted in, seeming impatient.

"Hyung!" G.O quietly scolded.

Rain chuckled to himself silently. "I don't know," He replied in full honesty. "I really don't."

"If I can't stay here, where am I going to go?" Rena asked, being pessimistic.

"We never said you couldn't stay!" Seungho called out. G.O smacked the back of his head lightly.

Rain crouched down and ruffled Rena's hair. "Look, you staying here... is completely alright, if you ask me. But... that's only if... say, your brother here, wasn't an idol."

Again with this idol or not .

I've had enough.

There's always this stupid line that separates us from everyone else.

We live on the same Earth, we're both human, and yet... why is it that we're always in a way, separated?!

It's so frustrating.

We're idols. So?

We can't date, we don't get decent amount of sleep, we can't visit home often, and everyday of our lives are always consisting of the press or paparazzi stalking us.

Look, I'm not even complaining about our hard routines and schedules, because that's just what we have to do.

But I am complaining about not getting privacy.

We're idols. So?

I just wished that everyone would just treat us like regular humans.

Not some big shot that: if your hands get touched by ours, you'll never wash it again.

Not some big shot that: if you see us in the street or some public area, you'll start taking endless pictures.

Not some big shot that: has fans that view them as awesome, amazing beings, practically god.

I just wished that we could too, spend days hanging out with friends or something like that, without knowing that somewhere out there, there's some hidden paparazzi cameras following us.

"So what if we're idols, Hyung?!" I yelled, letting my thoughts get the best of me.

Did I just stand up to Rain?


But since I started already... I guess I might as well finish since I'll be getting yelled at either way.

"It's perfectly fine for her to stay with us! Seungho's her brother, and we're her friends! And even if the press does find out — so?!"

Rain looked at me, astonished.

Yeah, I know Hyung. To be honest, I'm pretty amazed at myself too.

"Well," Rain Hyung began. "I never said that I didn't agree to it."

"You never said yes either," I pointed out.

"But you never let me finish," He added.

I groaned. I knew he had won this quarrel.

"Rena here, she can stay."

I looked over at Seungho.

He must be cheering — mentally.

"But, promise me that... none of that will happen again."

He didn't need to explain that since everyone got what he meant.

"So she's staying right?" Thunder asked, double checking before everyone could explode into cheers.

Rain nodded.

I looked over at Seungho once more.His face read: Double yes!

Aish... I guess he couldn't help it.

I looked over at Rena.

Her face expression shocked me.

She should be the happiest one right now... so why?

Why did she have on that... glum look on her face?

MBLAQ's Dorm: 7:20 PM

It has been exactly 2 and 20 minutes since Rain left in a hurry, telling us he had some interview and was already behin schedule.

Tight schedules — I know.

Seungho Hyung was showering right now, G.O Hyung was picking out his outfit for the recording we had at 8:00 PM, Thunder was working out (He said he was going to get his abs to be better than mine — what is that kid thinking? As if that'd ever happen!) and Mir was reading comic books in the corner of the living room... or were those actually comic books? (He seemed pretty nervous when Rena approached him, to ask what he was reading)

And me?

Like I said, I'm narrating.

Oh wait.

Where's Rena?

Rena's POV

I grabbed one of the big plushies Seungho put in my room by the arm and flung it on the floor tae kwon do style.

Look, I know this isn't really feminine, but I was really flustered.

Or maybe it's because I'm not even all that feminine to begin with.

I flung another plushie on the floor.

Is it really ok for me to stay here?

Here, I'm just being a burden to all of them.

If I didn't come here, things for everyone would be so much simpler.

But for that to happen, my parents can't have died.

Why am I blaming my deceased parents? How despicable of me.

If I had to blame someone, it would be myself.

If only, I didn't come into their lives and cause them problems.

If only, I was 18, and could remain in New York.

Ugh... I don't even know what to think anymore.

I grabbed a pillow and flung it... since well, there were no more plushies on the bed.

I'm such a burden to them.

I'm such a burden.

I'm always a burden — it's like that wherever I go.

Why can't I do anything?

Why do I only get in the way?

I heaved a huge sigh.

In all honesty... do the MBLAQ members actually want me here?2

Aish, Rena!

Why are you still doubting their words?!

Then, there were a few knocks on the door, distracting me from my thoughts.

Before opening the door, I fling one more pillow on the floor.

Joon's POV

"MUSCLE PABO?!" Rena screeches upon seeing my face.

Ugh, she seriously needs to stop calling me that.

"Can I come in?" I ask, trying to be nice.

"No, get out!" She demands. "Can't you see I'm not very happy right now?!"

I let myself in. Woah... what happened to her room from this morning? It's a freggin wreck here.

"Aren't you always mad?" I shot back at her, while rearranging the pillows and plushies. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm doing this.

"Don't touch my stuff," She orders.

"Shut up, I can do what I want," I reply, giving her the same altitudes she's giving me. I put back the last plushie and straightened my back. "Shouldn't you be happy?" I asked, feeling dumb over my question, since she was no where near happy. "I mean, well, you are allowed to stay here with us." I then took a seat on her bed.

"Ah," She let out. "You wouldn't know."

Okay. Now, before I go getting mad... I have to clear some stuff up first.

I hate it when people tell me what I can and cannot do.

I hate it when people tell me what I do and donnot know.

I hate it when people tell me what I would and wouldn't understand before even telling me what to understand.

"Look, you scumbag," I began. "You really need to understand the difference of people insulting you, and people are trying to help you." I scolded.

"A scumbag is a used ," She pointed out in a whisper. I eyed her, signaling that wasn't the point of my sentence. "Well, for your information, I don't need your pity."

I gawked at her.

Was she thinking that we let her stay because we pitied her?

"If you're just letting me stay here because you pity me — I don't need it. I could easily get a job and get my own apartment to live in."

"You dumb girl," I began. Man, was this girl seriously mad, or did she just take drugs? Hey, miss, what'd you smoke today, huh? ? Crack? Pot? I mean seriously! Do you think it's that easy to raise enough money to buy or to just rent an apartment? "Do you even know how hard it is to get an apartment — never less — a job these days?!" I lectured.

"Cut the crap, will you?" She snapped at me, coldly. But then her eyes softened, and she took a step back. "I mean, honestly, why would you guys want me here?" I opened my mouth to speak, but she cut me off. "Here... I'm just being a burden to you guys anyways. You saw it yourself."

I nodded, nonchalantly. "But," I said, looking at the bright side. "It doesn't necessarily mean we think of you as a burden." I paused and went on. "And, do you know what, Rena? I think you need to trust us more — the reason we're so happy about your stay here is not 'cause we pity you, it's because we're friends, and well, I know I'm getting really cheesy, but, that's what friends are for."

I swore I saw some tears form in her eyes.

The ever so, mentally and physically strong, tough, girl with 0 appeal, has tears in her eyes.

"Yah, I don't know why I'm even trying to trust you, Muscle Pabo," She joked, burying her face in her knees. She then wrapped her arms around them.

To be honest, I wished that she'd just cry in front of me, but I better not tell her that.

"I have a name, smart one."

"Lee Joon."

I perked up. I think... this was her first time calling me by my actual name!

"W- what?" I asked, stuttering. Fireworks were bursting in my chest just because... she called me my name. But still, you did not know how happy I was.

"Thanks," She said, her voice a bit muffled.

I don't know why, but unconsciously, I ruffled her hair.

Were we, perhaps, growing closer?

"Joon, are you sure that I'm not a burden here?" She asked, doubled checking the answer.

I her hair once more before leaving it alone. Her silky straight, long, dark brown hair."You're no burden here."

When was the last time I touched a girl's hair?

It's been so long, I don't even remember.

"What are you talking about? Of course you're no burden."

"You're sure I can stay here, right?"

"Rain Hyung said yes, didn't he?"

"No... I'm not talking about it like that."

Even though her words were confusing, I still understood what she meant.

Am I a burden here?

Do they really want me here, or are they only letting me stay because they pity me?

What can I even do for them, besides getting in their way if I remain here?

Her words...

Even though they weren't clear and confusing, I still understood.

"You idiot," I scowled. "I told you to trust us, didn't I?"

From the corner of my eye, I saw her slowly picking her head up from her knees.

"Of course you can stay here, it's your home too, you know?"

And then it came.

That smile.

Her smile.

That smile that can light up the whole world.

That smile that can cause a billion fireworks to explode in your chest.

That smile.

That one smile.

Did I tell you how much I loved it?

Unknowingly, I for some reason, smiled back.

And during that moment — that very short moment — a billion fireworks exploded in my chest.

Hi! This is AN0NYM0US!

Ok, first things first, since you people, my readers, are probably sick and tired of me greeting you the same way for the past few updates, I'll do you a nice favor and change it.

This is AN0NYM0US! Hi! <------- Did you seriously think I was going to change it? (Troll Face)

Anyways, yeah, yeah, I know it's been quite a while since I last updated. Ok, a long time. I think 16 or so days...?

I'm sorry, but please bear with me to the end. <------- Why am I being so cheesy in this chapter? XD But seriously.

School right now is getting pretty out of hand... exams, projects, presentations... yeah, you know, since it's the 4th quarter marking period.

And during these past 2 weeks, this is what I had due: 2 presentations (Math and Science), 1 English project, 1 5-paged report due for Science.

Sweet life much?

And the day after Memorial Day (Tuesday, 29th) I have a Social Studies presentation due, and a 5-paged report to go along with it.

I'm not really complaining, it's just, I want you, my amazing readers (Again with the cheesiness), to try and understand the reason to why I'm updating so late nowadays.

So, please accept my apologies.

And for the good news! <------- What? You always need to balance the goods and the bads. (Even though right now, the bads are toppling over the goods)

I started a new story that only has say... 1 chapter so far, and in case this story here doesn't update for a while, maybe you could give that other story a go? Hm, hm?

The other story: Okay For Now  

And the reasons to start another story even though I already have another unfinished one is because:

1. The one starring Mir is about to end. [Insert Sad Face Here]

2. I just had a good idea, and I needed to put it to work. [Insert Serious, Pumped Up Face Here]

3. Because I'm cool like that. [Insert ___ Face Here]

Have a good day/night people! And if you are one of the people who are currently experiencing school difficulties (As in not enough time for doing the things you need and want) good luck! And for a word of advice: Don't listen to your teachers when they tell you to break down the project/essay/report and do a little bit of it day by day. Just cram it all in and finish it on one day — and that day doesn't specifically have to be the first day. I just though I'd give some (Failed) advice... I mean, come on, you never know if it actually helped someone out there.

And now, to end this on a happy note. (You know what that means)


(I put it big and bold this time!)

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Chapter 12: Just started reading this story last night and I am completely hooked!! You have done an excellent job with this story :D Can't wait for the next chapter ^_^
ailisu #2
aww its still good though!!:)
love the update~~ haha
@SonHiraChanB2st: Kamsamnida! And I will try my best to update. [Insert Ultra-Pumped-Up Face Here]
SonHiraChanB2st #4
Nae. I love your story. I hope you can update it soon.
@ailisu: Haha, it's ok (?) But don't forget next time! >:D And yes, I tried to make Joon cute in this chapter... keep in mind, I at fluff and those kind of sweet, warm, scenes. XD
ailisu #6
RAIN~~ ^_^
lol i forgot rain is their manager/leader haha~~
@alisu: Maybe... Who knows..? For all you know, it could be her parents from the dead. JK JK. No, but seriously. You'll see in thre next chapter.
@doongdoogie: Thanks! And here's the update! :DDD
@SHINeeForeverLove: Oh, the compliments! :D
@alisu: Ah, yes. Arrogant makeup freaks they are. >:D
ailisu #8
I bet its he manager XD
XD ur story is incredible plz updat soon!!!
Love your story :) update soon! ^^