I'm Sorry For Spitting Water In Your Fugly Face, But You Just Took Away My First INDIRECT Kiss

A Journey Called Life

Rena's P.O.V

MBLAQ'S Dorm: 5:00 P.M

My brother and had I decided to ditch some time going to the arcade instead of being cheap bums playing free samples at Gamestop. Now it was 5:00 P.M and we just arrived home.

When Seungho opened the door, I expected the lights off, no one home as usual - just like how it always is for me. Boy I was in for a surprise.

There was the lights on... not the surprising thing though, although it was quite different from my normal schedule. But there was the Muscle Pabo, right in front of the door, doing sit ups.

"106... 107... 108..." He counted. Then he looked up, face covered in sweat. "Oh, welcome back."

That was the first Welcome back I've heard since, I don't know, years?

Then G.O came rushing out of the kitchen in a pink and frilly apron. He was holding a butcher knife and a carton of eggs.


"Your back!" He said, sounding delighted. "Oppa is making dinner."

Idols... make their own food? But besides that, the manly G.O from this morning has become... a mom. He was wearing a pink, frilly apron too. Oh well, I actually perfered this side to him.

That's when he noticed me looking at the apron. "Y-yah!" He yelled almost as if he was a mind reader. "It was on sale at the dollar store! It was only 99¢! Do you know how much we saved?!"

Oh... just discovered yet another side to him: Money freak.

Note to self: Every penny is worth $100. Never act as if it's nothing in front of G.O.

Then he rushed back to the kitchen, almost killing Mir on the way.


Then Mir sat down on the sofa, exhausted. But sprang up immediately and went into complete panic.

"My bangs! You chipped a few hairs off!" He called out to G.O, who was in the kitchen. I doubt he barely cared.

I couldn't help laughing. Idols... seriously?

"YAH!" I exlaimed, popping up in front of Mir's face. "It's fine, you're still really pretty!" I ruffled his hair, messing it up - on purpose. It was fun to play with his hair.

"Pretty? You mean handsome don't you?"

I smiled. "Yeah!"

I ruffled his hair a bit more.

"Can I play with your hair?" I asked him.

He just nodded, without a care in the world. He got on the floor and grabbed a wii remote and started playing Resident Evil 4. I sat behind him and started to tie his hair - somewhat like a baby's, with scrunchies. I tied because I didn't know how to braid.

A few minutes later, Mir and I were having a match in Street Fighter. He was actually a worthy opponent, unlike someone, cough, cough, Seungho, cough, cough.

Then the door opens. I turn to see who it is.

"Ah! Thunder!" I greeted. "Welcome back."

"I'm home~" He sang.

 Taking his shoes off, he says, "Oh yeah, Rena."

"What?" I perk up.

"Yah," Mir whispered. "Focus on the game or Ken boy here's gonna kill Ryu."   <------- Any Street Fighter fans? :D

I quickly focused on the game.

"Rena~" Thunder chirped. "I have a gift for you."

Did he just say, gift? Repeat: GIFT? I freaking love gifts.

I quickly beat up Ken. Good job Ryu.   <-------- Again, Street Fighter, anyone? :D

Mir let out a groan, facing his lost.

I rushed up to thunder. "Yah, what is it?" I asked, totally intrested.

The others gathered too. (Mir, G.O, and Seungho)

"We picked it out for you," He proudly stated. "Joonie Hyung too."

I looked over at the Muscle Pabo, he was still doing sit ups until he turned my way. Meeting his ugly face, I stuck my tounge out at him.

Joon's P.O.V

That ! I chipped in some money for that gift you know? And that was supposed to make you feel better after calling you a man born woman! Oh and don't get me wrong, I would have never paid anything if the Hyungs didn't force me to do so. So don't go sticking your touge out at me, !

I was sending her curse spells until she turned at me once more before opening the gift bag. "Eww, you look disgusting," She remarked. "Someone go tell him to go take a shower!"

That !

"Yah, Joon. Go take one, and take your time. You need it. You didn't take one in 2 days now." G.O instructed me.

Rena cracked up laughing. Great, just great.

Now that mad woman thinks I'm some dirty, pathetic loser. Which I am, for the dirty part that is.

I walked over to the bathroom, where I'll be taking a nice, long shower.

Rena's P.O.V

I opened the tiny bag as soon as that Muscle Pabo was out of sight.

It was a key chain... and keys.

Ok, maybe I didn't sound excited enough.


It's not like it's expensive or anything, but, I felt really touched.

"Komawu," I thanked.

They looked at me, all eyes on me.

"Huh?" They asked, shocked.

"Uh... komawu, did I say it wrong?"

Mir hugged me. "Really? We're your friends?"

What? So they were touched on how I said thank you informally, as if talking to a friend?

"Yeah, if we're not friends, what are we?"

I don't know why, but then, we crashed together for some bone crashing hug.

So they were... really touched.

But then, as if killing the mood, Mir propped up and explained, "Oh right! Joonie Hyung, come out! She liked it! She liked it a lot!" He paused and turned to me. "He chose that design for you."

Something on the inside killed me. But this key chain was too good to be thrown away like just like that. And anyways, it's not like I hated that Muscle Pabo. I should thank him.

As if on cue, the Muscle Pabo rushed out of the bathroom, so fast, it was scary.

He slammed his hands on the table. "I picked that key chain," He stated. "I thought it'll fit you."

I nodded, clutching on to it as if he might take it away.

"If you don't want it, give it."

"I like, I want it. And thank you." I smiled a bit as I said that.

He just nodded. "Good then, glad you liked it." Then sat down at the dinner table.

Mir joined him. "Hyung, I'm hungry." He complained. Hearing this, G.O rushed into the kitchen. My brother helped him.

Thunder and I took a seat.

When the table was set, we dug in. Mir, the Muscle Pabo, and I often fought for the meat until Thunder grabbed the whole plate and gobbled down the holy goodness.

Dinner back then was never this lively. I felt, different. An at home feeling..? I don't know, but I liked it here. I smiled to myself a bit thinking that.

"Yah, your smile's creepy," Joon remarked smirking.

I quickly wiped that smile off my face.

Thunder's P.O.V

Rena quickly wiped the smile off her face. It was funny to see her actually respond to Joonie Hyung's remark.

I stared at her a bit more while I was at it, thinking about a few things.

Then a question hit me - not a personal one.

"Hey, Rena," I called to her.

He looked up, "Yeah, what?"

"I've been wondering, why don't you call us Oppa?"

She just blinked at me, unbelievably.

"You expect me to call you guys, Oppa?" She asked.

The 5 of us nodded.

"Pffft," She started to crack up. "I don't even call my own brother Oppa! It just doesn't sound right! I think I'll just stick to your names."

Obviously, she stabbed her brother where it hurt.

Then she resumed right back to eating. Seriously, she really can't part long with her food, huh?

Then Mir, who sat next to her, tapped her on the shoulder. She looked at him.

"What?" She asked, totally absorbed in eating.

"At least call me Oppa! How about it?"

"Hm... how about... no?"

Mir's head dropped immediately in response and she went right back eating.

Aish, this girl.

Rena's P.O.V

Ah, dinner was so delicious! G.O is definately one of the best home chefs! It was around 6:00 P.M and he was washing the dishes.

My brother was in the bathroom taking a shower.

Joon was on the computer. (Hopefully not watching )

Mir was sitting cross-legged on the rug, reading some comics (One Piece)    <------- Anyone here a fan? :D

Thunder sitting on the sofa, and I was massaging his shoulders.

Five minutes later, comes my brother from taking a shower.

"YAH! YOU'RE NEXT!" He orders me.

"Hyung! I'm tired! I want to take one next," Mir complained nonstop.

"But, at least I have a brain, Mir. I'm not letting my sister shower in the same tub right after you showered!"

"Hyung, do you really think I'm that type of person?! I'm not going to do anything to her!"

"Um... yes?"


"Blah blah blah, save your excuses for later."

Ignoring them, I headed for the bathroom. G.O handed me a towel on my way there. He's just like a mom. He's pretty much the only useful one out of this crew.

"Thanks G.O."

He looked up from the dishes. "No problem," He simply replied, then he went right back to washing them. Scrubbing every tiny blemmish off.

Note to self: G.O is a clean freak. Never dare to litter in this house.

I closed the door behind me. The walls were still wet and the water in the tub wasn't even drained yet. Yang Seungho, even Mir could've done better.

I drained the water, and when absolutely no puddles were left in the tub, I leaped in. I showered and washed my hair.

... It smells nice... Dove Shampoo and Conditioner. <------- Anyone here use Dove? :D

I rinsed and dried myself. I put on my clothes and wrapped the towel around my neck. Now to find the blow dryer.

Finishing blow drying my hair, I stepped out of that hot room. It was just March, and boy was it hot!

I walked into the living only to find 5 idiots huddling around the electrical fan lifting their shirts up.

Oh... my eyes.

I covered my eyes as I walked in the living room. Taking notice of my presence, the MBLAQ members instantly let go of their shirts.

Oh, how awkward it must've been.

Breaking the silence I attacked Mir from the behind. "Shower. It's your turn."

Like an excited 8 year old, he ran for the bathroom.

It was 6:30 P.M right now, and honestly, I had almost nothing to do.

Then I remembered, the key chain and keys.

I tried linking them together, but I failed at my every attempt.

EPIC FAIL, I know.

As if reading my mind, someone from behind blurted, "EPIC FAIL."

I turned around. Oh, of course, it's the Muscle Pabo.

He grabbed both the key chain and keys and for a second I thought he was taking it away from me.

He linked it together and tossed it back to me.

"Mario Kart?" He suggested, pointing at the T.V.

I nodded. "Sure, I'll kick your ."

We've been playing for about let's see... 3 hours now? And yet, the scores were an epic fail.

Rena: 30

Joon: 30

There should be one winner right? We practically played all the places.

Tired of constantly having balanced scores, the Muscle Pabo slammed his controller down. "Water," He notified.

Can't take my awesomeness anymore... can you? I thought at the sight of him walking off.

5 seconds later he comes back with 2 cups of water.

I stared at the one he gave me.

"Whose cup is this?" I asked as if it was poisonous.

"It's Seungho's, I think."

I drank from it, it's fine - right? I mean, yeah, since it is my brother.

"No wait, that's mine. This is Seungho's."

I almost spat out the water. My bad. I did - literally. I spat it on his face.

He sprang up. "DUDE! Look at what you just did! Some of your saliva in here too, right?" He pointed at his face. "My beautiful face is now contaminated with your spit!"

"DUDE! It's just water, calm down!"

"JUST water? Are you sure you didn't put anything in it?"

"YOU'RE the one who gave me it, remember?"

He wiped off the spit-water from his face with his sleeve.

"Still, you spat on my face!"

"Still, you made me drink from your cup!"

Then, there was some awkward silence.

"It's like an indirect kiss you know?! My first one too on top of that! So shut up, it's just water, get over it. Your face wasn't even pretty to begin with. I'm the one that should be complaining, you fugly Muscle Pabo." I sentenced, breaking the silence.

He was about to open his mouth, but shut it quickly upon hearing indirect kiss. Yeah, take that. That outta shut him up.

Joon's P.O.V

I was just about to argue back until she mentioned, indirect kiss. I mean, sure, yeah, it's not a kiss, kiss. But still, it's still a kiss... you get what I mean? Ah, forget about it. Just FORGET.

And wait, what? Did she just calle me a fugly Muscle Pabo? I admit the Muscle part, but fugly was a whole other thing. Me? Fugly? Man, I'm not even ugly!

"Yah, get over that stupid indirect kiss, will you?" I ordered. "And fugly? Are you sure your using it on the right person? If you want to insult someone's face, go look in the mirror and do it!"

"YAH! I already did get over it. It's you that can't get over a freaking water spill. And think about cause and effect. The cause of me spitting the water at your face was becasue I drank from your cup, A.K.A, an indirect kiss."

Seungho's P.O.V

It was around 9:00 P.M when I got out of the shower. Mir, Thunder, and G.O all showered, so I was the last one in the dorm to take a shower. Man, it was dang hot today - and having a girl in the house doesn't make it any better. That way, we can't lift up our shirts or walk around half . Even if that girl is your sister.

I was making my way to the living room, when I start to hear Joon and my sister fighting - which is basically all they ever do.

I was going to ignore it, since they fight over the littlest things.

Until I heard that word. Well, two words to be exact. Indirect Kiss.

"YAH!" I screamed to get their attention.

They didn't even look at me.

"YAH!" I screamed again - only this time, louder.

They glanced at me, and went right on fighting as if they didn't care.


They froze instantly upon that word. I thought so.

"He made me!" Rena exlaimed hastily without even further questioning from me.

"Y-Yah!" Joon panicked. Good. 'Cuz if I were him, I'd be peeing my pants by now. "I didn't make her! It was an accident!"

"DUDE! That was her first kiss! Indirect or not!" I shouted. "Even as her brother, she's never kissed me before! Not even a peck on the cheek. No, nothing, nota!" I added, forming a circle with my thumb and index finger.

"I'm... sorry...?" Joon said, like a wimp. Oh, he better be, 'cuz if I were him, I'd sure be sorry.

"But saying that to me doesn't benefit you."

He looked down, head hung low.

"Apologize to my sis."

Joon's P.O.V

"WHAT?! HELL NO!" I shot back at his order. "You can't possibly expect me to say sorry to her!"

Seungho quickly shot me his deadly, threatening glare. And that means: You either do it, or die. I think I'll go with do it.

I bowed at Rena. Cough cough, the , cough cough.

 "Miyanae," I apologized, almost in a whisper. I felt a bit ashamed. Well, I did take away this girl's first indirect kiss. She could've had one with the guy she loved.

She was speechless. I guess she didn't expect me to actually apologize.

I looked at her. "So are you going to forgive me?"

"Oh, of course. I just lost my first indirect kiss, but yeah, that's totally fine. It's fine, it's fine. Totally fine." She answered sarcastically.

Thank god the other members were already sleeping, because if they find out about what happened, I will be a laughing stock for the rest of my life.

I sighed. "Come on, seriously? I already said sorry!"

"Dude, I was just kidding!" Rena said while smiling slyly. It was a creepy smile if you ask me. "From now on, I'll be living here, so I might as well get used to you and your iness. Plus, it'll be so ridiculous if we fight over every little thing. And honestly, an indirect kiss is not much of a big deal if you ask me."

Thank god this girl had some common sense.

"So," She began, "about me spitting water all over your face... you're going to forgive me for that - right?"

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Chapter 12: Just started reading this story last night and I am completely hooked!! You have done an excellent job with this story :D Can't wait for the next chapter ^_^
ailisu #2
aww its still good though!!:)
love the update~~ haha
@SonHiraChanB2st: Kamsamnida! And I will try my best to update. [Insert Ultra-Pumped-Up Face Here]
SonHiraChanB2st #4
Nae. I love your story. I hope you can update it soon.
@ailisu: Haha, it's ok (?) But don't forget next time! >:D And yes, I tried to make Joon cute in this chapter... keep in mind, I at fluff and those kind of sweet, warm, scenes. XD
ailisu #6
RAIN~~ ^_^
lol i forgot rain is their manager/leader haha~~
@alisu: Maybe... Who knows..? For all you know, it could be her parents from the dead. JK JK. No, but seriously. You'll see in thre next chapter.
@doongdoogie: Thanks! And here's the update! :DDD
@SHINeeForeverLove: Oh, the compliments! :D
@alisu: Ah, yes. Arrogant makeup freaks they are. >:D
ailisu #8
I bet its he manager XD
XD ur story is incredible plz updat soon!!!
Love your story :) update soon! ^^