Don't Hit On My Sister!

A Journey Called Life

Rena's P.O.V

Mall: 12:30 P.M

Still running like mad, I looked up from the floor to see who was grabbing my wrist so tightly.

A wide back. Black hoodie with the hood on.

So it's him... huh?

"DUDE!" I yelled to him while running nonstop. I was trying to break his grip while doing so. "Let go of me you freaking Muscle Pabo!"

"Just run," He replied, not even bothering to turn and look at me. "If you stop, the my fans are going to crush you."

What? Those people are your fans...? You? Come on, get serious. Probably fans of Hyuna or Mir.

I turned around. Sure enough, some of the people from before were chasing us, with cell phones in their hands. Aish... they're so desperate...

And on top of that, where are the security guards when you need them?

Hyuna's P.O.V

We turned and ran into the first random store we could find.

Don't get me wrong. I love my fans. No sarcasm intended. But there are times when... things get a little out of control. Ok, make that a lot. But you get the point.

I pushed my sunglasses up, covering my eyes more. As if that'd help. Watching me do so, Joon Oppa, Mir Oppa, and Rena pulled down their hoods, to cover up their eyes.

We crouched down, hugging our knees, as we watched our fans loose track of us from the corner of our eyes.

Thank you, god.

The clerk at the counter must've been suspicious of us, because she walked up to us.

"Excuse me," She called to us, getting our attention.

We turned to her, making sure our eyes and most of our faces were covered.

Joon Oppa urged Rena to do the talking, since she was the only one of us that was not in the entertainment industry.

"Yes, Miss?" Rena questioned, finally speaking up.

From underneath my sunglasses, I could see the clerk give Rena that, Who the hell are you, and the what the hell are you doing in my store? look.

"What are you... doing?"

I knew it.

"Uh, well..." Rena began, glancing around. I glanced around too.

OMG. What are we doing here?

Great, just great. Our situation is just plain, great. First, we're on the run from a gang of fans, and then we run into a babies' wear store with sunglasses and hoods on, covering our entire face. Wow, that's just... great. How can we possibly seem not suspicious?

And it's a babies' wear store. How old are we again...? It was practically BabiesЯUs I tell you!

Ok, I'm just going to go cry in my emo corner right now, because I am not in the mood.

Rena, I hope you come up with an answer. A good one.

"We're buying my baby cousin some clothes!" She exclaimed, getting up. She took off her hood to seem less suspicious. "We were crouching down to feel how it is to be in a baby's shoes... you know?" No, I do not. "And well, these onesies looked just, perfect!"

She grabbed a blue onesie from the rack.

The clerk gazed at her, seeing if there were any doubts left.

"Oh," She said, walking away. But she turned around and flashed a (fake) smile towards us. "If you need any help, don't be afraid to ask me."

Ok, sure. Excuse me miss, but, can you help us escape from those fans outside your store? Thank you.

Like hell I can ask her that.

After 20 minutes of pretending to look for baby clothes for Rena's baby cousin (that does not exist), the fans gave up on searching for us, and disbanded their little fan search group.

Thank you, god.

So, like any normal person would, we got our asses out of the store.

Joon's P.O.V

"Where are we going now?" Mir scowled. "No, more like, what are we going to do?"

"It's obvious we're not waiting there again," I answered as if it was a matter-of-fact.

"What about the Hyungs?"

"They'll just have to suffer."

"Joonie Hyung!"

"Ok ok, let me call them."

I reached for my cell phone.

Pockets... keys... cell phone... WHERE'S THE CELL PHONE?!

My mouth opened, and my jaw dropped, like, let's say, 10 feet.

I must've looked like a creep, and I knew Rena would use this and rub it in my face later, but I could care less.

More like... why am I even thinking about that, when I'm clearly devastated?

Hello Joon, you just lost your cell phone and you're thinking about what that mad girl is going to say to you? Get real.

Ok, now to freak out.

My cell phone. My cell phone! MY BELOVED WAS GONE!

Mir's P.O.V

Joonie Hyung definately takes drugs. Like seriously. How do you manage that face?

"Oppa! What happened?" Hyuna asked, running up to Joonie Hyung, totally concerned.

I shuffled my feet and walked next to Rena.

We could care less about that ugly Pabo.

"You die right there," I pointed out, smirking to myself. G.O Hyung had said these words to me a year ago and it was my turn to pass down these words of the wise.

"MY CELL PHONE!" Joonie Hyung screeched in a disgustingly high pitched voice. "IT'S GONE!"

Serves you right.


My, oh my, how I love seeing you so distressed like this.


Your pain is my happiness.


I think I'm sadistic.

Joonie Hyung suddenly dropped down to a crouching like position.


At that, I turned from completely being sadistic to having sympathy. I kinda felt bad for him... I mean, what's with this sweet talk?

This is a bro thing.

Joonie Hyung and I are like forever bros so... I guess I felt bad for him.

I crouched next to him.

"It's ok bro," I began, totally in bro-mode. "It's ok, I feel you bro." I put my hand on his shoulder as if to comfort him.

"Get your hand of of me, you gaylord!"

He did not just say that to me.

Oh no, you didn't!

Forget about being forever bros Joon. Forget it. It's over.

Be like that and don't accept my care.

Go cry yourself, for all I care.

I immediately removed my hand off his shoulder.

"Yah," Rena said, punching Joonie Hyung lightly on the shoulder in which I placed my hand on. "Come on now, how old are you? Are you seriously going to still act like this? Honestly, man up." 

Rena... I think you should learn how to comfort people before actually doing it.

His face scrunched up.

Rena, I don't think what you said helped. In fact, you just added oil to the fire.

"Don't worry Oppa," Hyuna reassured patting his shoulder. "We'll find it."

Now that is an example of comforting someone, Rena. GG, Hyuna. Good going.

Joonie Hyung got up. "Argh," He complained, messing up his hair. "How are we going to meet up with the Hyungs?!" He was obviously still distressed, for all I care.

"I'll call them," Rena suggested, as if that was all it took. "My brother gave me his number yesterday."

Joonie Hyung perked up, as if he was relieved. Well, he was.

Hyuna's P.O.V

Aww... I wanted to be the one that made Joon Oppa feel better.

Oh well, at least my words relaxed him.

Wait... why am I thinking like this?

Why do I even care... about who makes Joon Oppa... happy?

HYUNA! What matters is that he's not about to die anymore!

Ugh... sometimes I don't understand myself.

We crowded around Rena as she dialed her brother's number.


Now Dialing Seungho...                        

Calling Seungho... Calling Seungho...

Bzz... Bzz... Bzz... Bzz... Bzz... Bzz...

The number you have dialed is not in

service right now. Please leave your

message after the tone.



Great. Just great. Now Joon Oppa is going to be depressed again.

"What a useless brother you have," Mir blurted out.

Rena just nodded. "Yeah, I know."

Seungho Oppa... don't worry, they did not just say that.

"AHH... I THINK I'M GOING TO GO CRAZY!" Joon Oppa shouted, causing a few people to turn and look at us.

Oh no, not again, please.

No more fan rampages. Just no.

But they quickly averted their gaze when they realized I was staring back at them.

I thought so.

Joon's P.O.V

I felt something brush against my shoulders, so I looked up.

"Yah, looks like you dropped something."

That voice... it sounded awfully familiar. I turned around.

"D-DOOJOON?!" I exclaimed loudly at first, but Mir muffled my voice by putting his hand on my mouth.

Oh right... that incident. We don't want that to happen again, do we?

"DOOJOON?" I repeated, more quietly this time. "What are you doing here?"

"Shopping, duh." He motioned his finger, and the rest of the members of BEAST appeared. "School starts tomorrow."

"Yo," Junhyung greeted, saluting.

"Sup," Yoseob stated, trying to sound like a tough boy. When it got to him that his tough boy act failed - horribly, he used the usual. "Annyeong~!"

"Annyeong~!" Hyunseung exclaimed, waving.

"Anneong!!!" Kikwang yelled. He was extremely excited, for some unknown reason.

"Hey," Dongwoon, the maknae, greeted, looking out of breath.

I looked at what Dongwoon was holding. I feel bad for him, no wonder he was tired... carrying all the shopping bags... But then again, he is the maknae. I mean, this is exactly what we make Mir do when we go shopping.

Then, what caught my eye was what Doojoon was holding. IT WAS MY BABY.

"MY BABY!" I shouted, pointing to the cell phone. "MY BELOVED. MY ONE AND ONLY. MY SOURCE OF LIFE."

"Ha, I knew it looked awfully familiar. So it was yours." Doojoon clarified, handing me the phone.

"Oh yeah, you have like, 20 missed calls." Junhyung noted, after glancing at the screen.

"Your girlfriend, perhaps?" Hyunseung questioned suspiciously, smiling slyly.

I snatched the cell phone back. "Yah, I don't even have one."

"Your mommy?" Kikwang asked, jokingly.

I glanced at the the 20 missed calls. There was 21, to be exact.


Missed Calls (21)                           

Seungho [11:40 A.M]

G.O [11:40 A.M]

Seungho [11:40 A.M]

G.O [11:41 AM]

Seungho [11:41 A.M]

G.O [11:44 A.M]

Seungho [11:50 A.M]

G.O [11:54 A.M]

Seungho [11:59 A.M]

G.O [12:14 A.M]

Seungho [12:29 A.M]

G.O [12:34 A.M]

G.O [12:42 A.M]

G.O [12:42 A.M]

G.O [12:42 A.M]

G.O [12:43 A.M]

G.O [12:43 A.M]

G.O [12:43 A.M]

G.O [12:44 A.M]


I have come to 3 conclusions.

1. Did Seungho and G.O take turns calling me?

2. G.O must've missed me a lot towards the end... no homo intended.

3. Thunder didn't give a about me, what a great friend.

I brushed off imaginary dirt off of my cell phone.

My baby, I will never leave you ever again.

Doojoon's P.O.V

Joon was muttering some useless stuff to his cell phone. Aish... that boy, he seriously needs to grow up. The cell phone isn't going to answer you, pabo.

I turned away from him.

"Annyeong, Mir, Hyuna," I casually greeted.

"Annyeong~!" They syncfully chorused.

That's when I noticed the girl. She didn't seem familiar or anything. Probably someone not famous.

"Joon," I whispered, nudging at at him.


"Is that," I pointed at the girl. "Your girlfriend?"

Joon who was cleaning his cell phone with his sleeve suddenly stopped. "WHAT?" He screeched, perking up. "NO FREGGIN WAY!"

"Wae? Is she Mir's then?"

"Hm, sometimes I wonder that myself," He answered, thinking deeply.

Jealous, Hyung?

"I don't know, but she probably gets along best with Mir in the group. I honestly think she gets along with Mir more than her own brother." He continued, getting back to clean his cell phone. "They should just go out or something. It's frustrating how she never talks to us like that."

Yep, he's definitely jealous.

And she has a brother in the group?

"Well," He began again. "Maybe she just doesn't get along with me."

Somebody's jealous here.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" I asked, as if it was the most simple question to answer. Well, it was a yes or no question.

For the second time now, he perked up, surprised. "HUH?! ME?! JEALOUS?! NO WAY!" He exclaimed, forming an X with his arms.

"Why, of course, Hyung."

Aish... he never realizes until it's too late, huh?

It's like dé·jà vu all over again.

Rena's P.O.V

I felt someone staring at me. When I say staring, I mean staring.

I scanned all the people, and found a pair of eyes meeting mine.

What was his name again...?

Doom Doom?

What an unusual name.

"Annyeong," I greeted, casually. Well, we seemed around the same age, so it's fine, I guess.

Ok, maybe he was a few years older. But it's not like he was some big shot idol or something.

Surprised, he snapped out of his staring.

"A-Annyeong," He replied, stuttering a bit.

...? Was something wrong? It was as if he expected me to say something.

"You're... not a fan, are you?"

"Huh?" Ok, what is with this whole fan business today? I mean, get real. "Fan of what?"

"What?! You don't know me?! Look at my face and tell me who I am, say my name."

"Uh... Doom Doom?"

He face palmed himself. "No, Doojoon! Does it ring a bell?!" He asked, totally desperate. "Don't tell me I look that different without makeup on." Man, this is like what happened with Hyuna all over again. And what is with people and makeup these days in Korea?!

"Ok, don't expect me to know everyone in this world!"

He seemed awfully disappointed. So when his, Operation: Get her to realize who I am, using my name, failed - horribly, he used Operation: Get her to realize who I am, using some silly catch phrase.

"SO... BEAST!" He shouted. 


The other guys joined in with him. "SO... BEAST!"

Beast? Where's Beauty?

Ok, this is getting sillier and sillier by the second.

"D-Don't tell me she doesn't know what BEAST is," one of the guys whispered to the Muscle Pabo. Um, excuse me, I can hear you.

"Man, she doesn't even know what MBLAQ is! Don't expect her to know BEAST!"

"MBLAQ's an... Korean idol group," I said. I know, ok? I remembered.

At that, Mir pulled me into a bone crashing hug.

Mir's P.O.V

"OMG! Rena, you know!" I exclaimed, squeezing her tighter. "I thought you said you didn't!"

"I remembered what Hyuna showed me on the plane."

Rena, when you told us you didn't know, I seriously thought to myself, wow, does this girl live under a rock?!

I let go of her when I realized Doojoon was giving us, the stares.

I mean, what's so bad about hugging? We're friends. She's cool, I'm cool, we're cool.

"Then," Hyunseung began. "You know what BEAST is, RIGHT?"

The right, was definitely threatening.



That's what I thought!

"YAH!" Rena let out, in defense. "I don't know what BEAST is, alright?"

"Then, do you know who HyunA is?" Yoseob questioned.

"Yeah, she's my friend," Rena simply replied, pointing at Hyuna.

Aish... you gotta love this girl.

Kikawng cracked up. "Ah, Hyuna, she doesn't know!" Then he walked up to Rena, scribbling something on a torn piece of paper from a notebook. "You can have my autograph, I'm sure you'll want it when you realize who I am," He said, handing her the paper. "It's Kikwang, by the way." This guy... is a major flirt. "Call me," He added, winking.

"Eew, you're digusting."

Rena, you have my respect.

"It's ok, I don't think I want it," She added, handing him back the paper. "You... want mine?"

Man, this is an EPIC... SUCCESS!

"YAH!" A horribly loud voice yelled. "DON'T HIT ON MY SISTER!"

Seungho's P.O.V

Thunder, G.O, and I were walking to the meeting spot when I see something really disturbing.

Is that... my sister?

What is she doing with some guy?

Oh, wait, that's Kikwang.

Did he just do the call me, sign to my sister?

Is he freaking hitting on her?

That boy... will get what he deserves.

"YAH!" I screamed, on instinct. "DON'T HIT ON MY SISTER!"

I dropped the shopping bags and darted towards the scene.

Ok, now let me explain a few things.

Don't worry, it's not a lot.

So, today was pretty crappy, in my opinion. To start off, my sister called me a ert. My own sister said that to me! Then, we bring up school, and that makes her even more unhappy. Jeez, what a good brother I am. Next, we go to the mall and break into two groups. I was expecting to end up with my sister, you know, since we're like, mad close siblings? But, no, we don't end up in the same group and to top it off, my sister's not even complaining - she's totally fine about it! And then, in order to find out what color binder she wants, we have to call her, right? But she doesn't pick up, so we try calling Joon. But he doesn't pick up either! And let's see... we called him like 21 times? Man, him and her not picking up their phones makes me worry, you know?! Who knows what Joon's doing to my sister? Ok, I know I worry too much about her, but she's my sister! MY sister. And to top it off, when we need to meet up, because it's one, I see some guy - excuse me, Kikwang, hitting on my sister. Actually, who he is doesn't matter, what matters is that he's hitting on my sister! And let me tell you something, no guy except for me is allowed to get close with her! NO ONE!

G.O's P.O.V

Seungho dropped his bags and darted toward Kikwang and Rena at maximum speed.

I know you really love your sister... but, don't you love her too much Seungho? 

It's like a sister complex now, it's crazy, I tell you.

And on another note, don't think we're getting those bags for you, Seungho. You're getting them yourself.

Now, now, boys, that's the only way kids learn.

That's the asian way!

Thunder sighed, "I guess I'll be picking his bags, huh?"

"No Thunder, the jerk's getting it himself."

We walked towards the scene.

Seungh was practically beating up Kikwang... in another method.

"Yah! You're going to pay for touching my sister!" Seungho shouted.

"But I didn't... touch her," Kikwang protested.

"I don't care! You were hitting on her!"

"Dude... I was just being friendly with her. No harm done."

"Friendly? No, I saw you, you were hitting on her! You did the call me sign!"

"Well, that's how you get friendly in this era, Hyung."

"You're going to pay for hitting on her though. Don't think you're getting away."

Oh no, don't tell me Seungho's that crazy to actually hit Kikwang!

Hyung! This is a public mall!

Our image is going to crumble when the press finds out that you violently assulted another Idol group!

And, it's BEAST! Hello! BEAST! MBLAQ's best friend! Our best friend!

Seungho raised his arm and... I can't watch this.

"Yo, bro, you're paying for lunch right?"


Hey guys! I don't even know if anyone reads these, Author's messages, but I just wanted to leave on guys a note. So, first, let me apologize for the long wait, again. But this time, I actually have excuses. Two, to be exact.

Be prepared for my excuses and shameless advertising!

Excuse 1: I was making a poster for my friend, MyReaction . Check out her story here: Bittersweet Love <------- Shameless advertising... for a friend so it's forgivable, right? (The poster I made for her is on chapter 2 and 3, so check it out!)

Excuse 2: I was working on another fanfic. It's going to be fairly short, and it's not going to be anything related to this fanfic. Mir is the main character, so for any Mir fans, check it out! And don't worry, this fanfic is not going to end any time soon. Check out the Mir fanfic here: I'm The Tourist And You're The Mona Lisa I Can't Have <------- Here's the real shameless advertising. But don't worry, at least I didn't advertise on your wall! :D

And now, to end this chapter on a happy note:

Like it like that!

Rock spirit!

I'm an idiot!

Many, many happy!

Everybody rice eat!

Everybody second house go! 

Kissh me!

Colors are enough to tell who said what, right? XD Anyone know where these quotes are from? :D Haha, anyways now, have a nice day!

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Chapter 12: Just started reading this story last night and I am completely hooked!! You have done an excellent job with this story :D Can't wait for the next chapter ^_^
ailisu #2
aww its still good though!!:)
love the update~~ haha
@SonHiraChanB2st: Kamsamnida! And I will try my best to update. [Insert Ultra-Pumped-Up Face Here]
SonHiraChanB2st #4
Nae. I love your story. I hope you can update it soon.
@ailisu: Haha, it's ok (?) But don't forget next time! >:D And yes, I tried to make Joon cute in this chapter... keep in mind, I at fluff and those kind of sweet, warm, scenes. XD
ailisu #6
RAIN~~ ^_^
lol i forgot rain is their manager/leader haha~~
@alisu: Maybe... Who knows..? For all you know, it could be her parents from the dead. JK JK. No, but seriously. You'll see in thre next chapter.
@doongdoogie: Thanks! And here's the update! :DDD
@SHINeeForeverLove: Oh, the compliments! :D
@alisu: Ah, yes. Arrogant makeup freaks they are. >:D
ailisu #8
I bet its he manager XD
XD ur story is incredible plz updat soon!!!
Love your story :) update soon! ^^