Introductions and Opening Ceremony

A Journey Called Life

Rena's POV

Seoul Korea High School of Science and Technology: 8:02 AM

Ok, so, I'm going to be 100% honest.

Being the straight A, amazingly smart, and totally awesome student I am, I thought that getting around school would be pretty simple.

But here I am, lost in the crowd, not even sure what class I'm in.

Wow... daebak.

Note sarcasm.

I just stood there, dumbly, waiting for some guidance consoler to come up to me and help with my current situation, but unfortunately, no one came. If I knew this was going to happen, I should've just went with Taemin! Argh, what was I even being so self cautious for anyway?! Pabo. Pabo. Pabo. PA freggin' BO.

I mentally facepalmed myself in shame, but quickly snapped out of it when I heard someone call out my name.


Hyuna's POV

So... I was rushing to my homeroom since I was kinda late, you see. And as I was heading to class 3-A, I saw this really damn familiar figure. That hair, that face, and no make up...

My conclusion? That could only be one person.

"Rena...?!" I called out, hoping she would recognize me.

She turned to her left and right sides, expecting someone there— but there wasn't.

Then, she turned to my direction and stared at me blankly.

Her face expression read: Who the @%!$ are you?!

"H-Hyuna?!" She yelled, her words stuttering, her voice unsure. She took a better look. "Hyuna, what are you doing here?!" She questioned loudly, running up to me.

I smiled to myself. She looked like some dog running up to its owner.

"Because I have school?" I answered, dumbfounded. "Duh...?"

She awkwardly rubbed her head. "I thought... idols didn't go to school though."

I smacked the back of her head playfully. "We're humans too," I reasoned out, as I guided her to our classroom. "And so, we still have to graduate High School."

"We're walking the same way?" She asked, making sure she was headed for the right class.

"Uh, what class are you in?"

"I don't..." She began, thinking deeply. "Know... No! Wait! Class 3-A, same class as some guy named... Lee Taemin!"

Our classroom was on the 3rd floor, and there, I had a major freak out.

"RENA! You know Taemin-ssi?!" I questioned, demanding an answer. "Did you meet him at some fansign back in America? I heard they did indeed go to New York. OMO. DO NOT TELL ME YOU ARE A SHINee FAN. DO NOT."

"Ah... about that—"

We were approaching the classroom as I continued my lecture. "Oh no you didn't. You are not a SHINee fangirl, you are not," I repeated, trying to convince myself she wasn't.

"I'm... not...?"

"Oh no. Don't tell me that in an unsure voice. Do you remember those songs I showed you on the plane? Remember that really good sounding one? It was a 4MINUTE song. You like 4MINUTE, right? 4MINUTE, RIGHT?!"

"R-right," She said immediately. "F-four minute for the win!"

I thought so, Rena.

I knew you liked 4MINUTE.

I knew you liked my group the best.

And I suppose I'm right, right?

Rena's POV

Homeroom, Class 3-A: 8:07 AM

I made my way in the classroom, feeling really nervous all of a sudden.

There were a lot of empty seats, so I knew I wasn't late or anything. But, for some unknown reason, I felt really... tense. I took a look around before I found myself a seat. The desks for organized in a neat, orderly fashion unlike that of America's, there were no curtains, or should I say, shades, and also... there was no teacher... yet.

As I found an open seat next to the window, next to Hyuna and in front of Taemin, I felt a thousand eyes piercing me and looking my way.

Were they looking at Hyuna? At Taemin? Or... at me?

I don't know, but just the thought of it made me feel... uncomfortable.

"Why. Are. People. Looking. At. Us?" I asked, dumbly, each word followed by a pause.

"I. Don't. Know." Hyuna replied, mimicking me.

Taemin shrugged. "Autograph, maybe?" He suggested. Hyuna gave him a dirty look. "Or... maybe not." Then, as if reality hit him, he brightened up. "Oh yeah, I'm kinda surprised, actually, Rena," He said, smiling away. "You actually managed to get to class!"

Before I could say anything, Hyuna spoke. "Oh, well, that's because of me, of course," She pointed out.

"Pfft, no. I could've got here myself," I said in defense. In all honesty, I couldn't. Number one, I didn't even know what floor it was on, nevertheless, what class I was in.

"Pssh, explains why you just stood there on the 1st floor, now, doesn't it?"


I couldn't say anything back to that.

"Well," Taemin began, trying to play peacemaker. "At least you actually got to class."

"Yeah," I started sarcastically. "That helps a lot."

Then, the door opened, and Hyuna and I turned around instantly.

Some man walked in.

Ehem, excuse me.

The teacher walked in. (Like a boss)

And I must say, he's not as ugly as I expected him to be.

In fact, he's not half bad.

Ok, stop it, Rena.

You are spazzing out on some old man.

Ok. Just stop. This man is not old, probably and is kinda quite... good looking?


Give it a rest.

"Annyeonghaseyo, class." He greeted in a very polite manner. "My name is Jung Yunho, but for you students, it is Mr. Jung. I am your homeroom teacher and math teacher this. I expect a wonderful year with all you students, and I hope we get to know each other well." He paused and flashed a smile. "I have no real rules here in this classroom, except, the following. I will treat you how you treat me. If you treat me nicely, and do what you're supposed to, and get what you're supposed to get done, I will do the same," He went on with his speech, in a serious tone, but said it smiling away. "Very well, now, I would like to assign your seats first, so we can then get to know each other."

Homeroom, Class 3-A: 8:18 AM

Here are the stats for the classroom seat setup.

Hyuna's and Teamin's seats on the front rows by the door.

My seat on the very last row next to the window.

Well, what do you expect?

Kim Hyuna.

Lee Taemin.

And then, you get Yang Rena.

I'll admit, I was pretty bummed out, and to be honest, I still am — but well, at least I'm next to the window. Not to mention at the very back.

"Ok class, now that we have organized the seating adjustments, I would like to start the self introductions. And, if you donnot feel comfortable speaking aloud to the class, you may just state your first and last name." He smiled that same smile her showed earlier. "Let's begin."

The first guy stood up. He had blonde hair and I think the next thing I'm going to say... is going to sound quite judgamental. He must be an idol. Must. He bowed politely and I'm pretty sure some girls in the back squealed... very quietly. "Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Bang Yongguk. Please take care of me," He simply stated. Then he sat down.

"Is that all?"

"Why you no mention B.A.P?"

"I really thought he was going to say he was B.A.P's leader!"

"Ah! OMO, was that just... B.A.P's leader Bang Yongguk?! I'm so happy I got accepted into this school and class!"


What. Is. This?

What. Is. BAP?

Am. I. Like. Way. Off. The. Times?

I. Need. To. Um. Freaking. Catch. Up. To. Modern. Day. Basis.

Mr. Jung sighed and smiled — in a somewhat sloppy way. "We will restrain from fangirling and instead, stick to the rules." He stated, causing a few laughters from the class. "And, of course, fanboying too."

The next person stood up. This guy had brown hair and too, according to my instincts, is probably some big shot idol as well. "My name is Byun Baekhyun, NOT Bacon," He began. He then rubbed the back of his head, probably feeling a bit awkward after saying Bacon. "My interests are music, dance, piano and hapkido." He bowed and smiled. "I hope we get along."

No squeals or chatters were heard.

Huh. Strange.

I guess this guy is not an idol, huh?


I just realized that, this guy is the first guy I have met here... that is not an idol!

Why do I feel so happy?

Baco — erm, I mean, Beaekhyun sat down and the person behind him stood up.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Choi Minho inmida! I like soccer, music, dancing, singing, and rapping! I guess I'll be in your care this year," He announced with a full blast of energy. This guy... has so many interests.

"Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. WOAH. It's Minho!"

"He should've mentioned SHINee!"


"OMO, did you watch Hello Baby?"


"This guy was my favorite dad in Hello Baby!"

"Hey, don't forget Key as the best mom!"

"I am like, so lucky!"

Yeah, this one's an idol too.

And didn't Mr. Jung say no fangirling?

Then something hit me...

This guy was in SHINee, I heard someone say?

Isn't that... Taemin's... group?


1 Day Ago

"You don't know me? Have you heard of SHINee?! Taemin? You know, the handsome maknae everyone adores?" 

What is with all these names?



And what's a maknae? 

   End of Flashback

This guy... is in the same group as Taemin!

As I was thinking deeply about the guy being in the same group as Taemin, the next dude got up.

"The name's Cha Sunwoo," He began, smiling away. "And um..." He was trying to find his words and I was questioning myself as to whether he was an idol or not. "I like to rap. I hope one day, I'll become a well rounded and famous rapper like Minho-ssi," He declared. He then sat down. So, I guess he's not an idol... huh?

From the corner of my eye, I saw Minho smile sincerely, and pat the Sun guy's... I mean, Sunwoo's head.

The person behind him shot up. "Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Choi Sulli and I really enjoy singing and acting," She introduced simply and sat straight back down.

I have 2 things to say.

1. Yes! Finally! There is a girl!

2. I guess she wasn't an idol since there was no fangirling... or should I say, fanboying in the audience.

Homeroom, Class 3-A: 8:30 AM

12 minutes passed since the first guy introduced himself, and finally, it was Hyuna's turn.

"Annyeonghaseyo," Hyuna greeted with a smile. The guy that sat 2 seats from me was already grinning, admiring, stunned... ehem, fanboying. "My name is Kim Hyuna, it's a pleasure to meet you," She went on, bowing in a sign of respect. "My interests are dancing, and arts and crafts. I hope this year turns out wonderful!" She finished off, being her cheerful self. She took a seat.

Ok, so right after Hyuna sat down, something automatically pissed me off.

A few girls in the class were muttering something under their breaths, probably thinking no one heard.

Well, I did.

And I'm pretty sure it went something like:

"I hate it how she's acting all bright and cheerful! It pisses me off!"

"I know, right?! She's such a !"

"Yeah, yeah! Did you see her Bubble Pop music video?!"

"I did, I did! I thought it would be cute and sweet like, but it turned out to be so... ty."

"Agreed, can't she gain fans with some other method? This one's really dirty."

"I bet she has to act this way since she can't sing nor dance for life."

"OMO, did you see Trouble Maker? She's such a lucky @$&%#!"

"I totally agree with you. She was like, grinding up on Hyunseung. Gosh, where'd she learn all these e moves from?"

If only those group of girls knew, taking behind someone's back doesn't make you any better.

And, I know Hyuna's not a or or.... e — actually, she's an idol dammit, an idol is not a e. So don't go blabbering on, insulting her when you don't know anything.

Mr. Jung gave the class the eye, telling us to calm yo down. Ok, not litterally.

The class shushed down, but just in case, out of worry and care, I turned to where Hyuna was sitting. She was not smiling and being herself. Instead, she had on this face. This face I couldn't recognize her by.

So... she could make these faces too, huh? I guess being an idol isn't all that easy.

I guess Hyuna's actually really hurt by those words, it's just that... she's not allowed to show it.

And, I guess... I owe Lee Joon an apology.


Since when did I start calling him Lee Joon?

"Taemin inmida," Taemin introduced, snapping me out of my thoughts. Wow... I really wasn't paying attention, was I? "My likes are banana milk, math, and science. My dislikes, I'll keep them to myself," He began. "I hope we get along in terms of friends instead of in terms of fan and idol. Any how, I look forward to this year and please take care of me and my childness."

Homeroom, Class 3-A: 8:47 AM

I got up. Finally, after 123,456,789 years, it is finally my turn.

That's what I get for being born with a Y as the first letter to my last name.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" I greeted, trying to be more formal than usual. I was going to live in Korea from now until... I don't even know myself, so I guess I should be sticking to the Korean customs, and that of course includes, respect. "The name's Yang Rena. Uh..." Not knowing what to say next, I, for some unknown reason, became embarrassed. I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly. "I was born in Seoul, Korea, but moved to the United States at age 3, and, in fact, I just recently moved back due to some... erm..." I paused, noticing from the corner of my eye that Taemin was giving me sympathetic looks. "So please excuse me if I forget to use formalities, don't know some common traditions, or offend you with my straightforwardness and bluntness. Anyhow, it's a pleasure to meet you, and I hope we can get along," I finished off, bowing.

I sat back down, feeling half satisfied and half unsatisfied with my introduction.

Well, actually, the only thing that I wasn't pleased about was that I practically gave a whole lecture on my life.

Quite... embarrassing if you ask me, because in the U.S, no one... cares.

Oh right, this isn't the U.S.

This isn't New York.

This is Korea.

And things here... are different.

I... kind of...


I let out a frustrated sigh.

To be 100% honest, I still can't get over the fact that I have to move due to my parent's... passing on.

I didn't want to leave.

Not my friends, not my future, not my memories.

That place... was where I grew up, it was more home than here in Korea.

No, screw that.

It was my home.

I want to go back.

Why did you have to leave me, mom, dad?

"Rena!" Hyuna called to me as I was spazzing out. "What are you doing? Get up, we're going to miss the opening ceremony, pabo."

"O-opening Ceremony...?"

Auditorium: 8:45 AM

The opening ceremony was held in the auditorium. I remember passing this place earlier, when I was still wandering around, looking for my class. If I reckon, this place was vacant and rather spacious, but now it was full and packed. The seats were lined up neatly, but since they were directly next to each other, things got a bit messy.

I glanced around, the place was... similar yet different to the auditoriums in New York.

The similarities? Well, there was a large stage right smack in the front of the auditorium, the speakers, huge windows, and light sets.

The differences? The chairs were not pasted to the ground, the place looked like a freaking gym with all the marks and outlines on the ground, and the floor did not slant, forming a downwards slope like the typical auditorium did in the U.S.

I took a free seat next to Hyuna and some guy in my class.

I stared at his face, as I dug through my memory, trying to find his name.

I think his name was... erm... Bacon?

Oh well. What a weird name.

He caught me staring at his face, and smiled at me. Feeling embarrassed and a bit uncomfortable, I smiled back — but awkwardly.

"Does the U.S have Opening Ceremonies like here in Korea?" He asked, trying to hit up a conversation.

I rubbed the back of my head, not expecting him to actually talk to me. "Uh... no."


Oh sh!t. Did I just end the conversation? "Well," I began, trying to resurect the conversation back to life. "When it was the start of a new school year, all the students would meet up in the auditorium and the principal would say some words, and then, we'd head to class... but I guess that's not considered an Opening Ceremony, huh?"

The Bacon guy pondered for a while. "I guess not... but I guess it is at the same time. No wait. Is that even possible?" He sounded as if he was really into this whle thing, which to me, made everything more amusing.

I laughed. "I guess it does make sense... I mean, well," I paused when I realized one thing. "Wait... I don't even know what an Opening Ceremony is!"

Hyuna, who was sitting next to me, joined our confusing conversation. "Well," She started, all diva like. "You'll find out when you shut up. Look, the Chairman is walking up on stage."

The guy who Hyuna claimed to be the Chairman was now on stage, and was tuning the microphone.

"Welcome to Seoul Korea's High School of Science and Technology!" He exclaimed, with an enthusiastic voice. "Right here, in this very auditorium, we have here our Teachers, staffs,1st years, 2nd years, and 3rd years! I hope we get to know each other well, and get along throughout this whole year. I know this year will be very enjoyable if we all treat each other right and follow all rules. Seniors, this year you will be graduating, so I expect you to act as a role model for the lowerclassmen and I do of course, still expect you to be on your best behavior. Freshmans, I wish you the best of luck, and I would like to sincerely congradulate you for making it in this school — Korea's best school for the acedemics. Everyone, always remember to put your best foot forward." He concluded his speech and headed off the stage, passing the microphone to the lady who was now making her way on stage.

"Annyeonghaseyo, students, teachers, and staffs." She greeted. "For all of you that don't already know, I am Soul Korea's High School of Science and Technology's principal. First off, congradulations and good like to the 1st years for getting accepted to Korea's best. Second of all, I would like to thank all the teachers for all their hard work and staffs too. And now, to get straight into business. As a few of you may know, this year, we are trying to promote our arts program, and to balance art and acedemics. Up until 2 years ago, we decided to completely shut down our arts program, but due to a few changes and surprises here and there, and with some motivation and inspiration from some previous graduates and teachers, we have decided to restart out arts program. And so, one day, I hope to change our school's name from just Seoul Korea High School of Science and Technology — to Seoul Korea High School for the Gifted and Talented. Now, enough of the arts program, I wish you all a wonderful year and remember, you right now is living a journey. This journey has its ups and downs, and sometimes, things never go right. You never know where you just might end up — that's why you'll just have to make the best of it. So here it is, everyone's long and unescapable journey. It's a journey called life."

A/N: Hi people! Notice how I kept my word and changed the greeting. (Refer to previous chapter) Well, slightly changed it. At least you now know it's an author's note.

Anyways, I'm really sorry for not updating in a long time. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry (Naega naega naega meonjeo Nege nege nege ppajyeo Ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo baby)

Ok, I just had to do that.

But seriously.

Sorry for not updating for such a long time, I had exams and now I'm on break! (Actually I was on break quite a while ago, about a week or so ago, but like I said, there were some days I had exams)

And um... yeah. I guess I'll be updating more often since it's summer! (But then again, I have summer school 'cause I'm an asian kid and asian parents want you to be advanced. Yeah, yeah, we all know that. STEREOTYPICAL. JK, JK)

But seriously.

I'll really try hard to update more from now on... Even though I have a test for summer school tomorrow 'cause like, they need to know if you're smart enough to be placed in the advanced class, or if you're dumb and need to be placed in the regular class. I heard the test is advanced stuff that's 2 years ahead of my grade... so yeah.


I will really try my best to update as fast and as much as I can.

at least this chapter's a longer one, huh?

And, for all of you that didn't already know, I changed some ages and I will change some ages in the future to adjust to the storyline.

And now, for the usual.

\('v')/ EVERYBODY RICE EAT! \('v')/

Nah, who am I kidding? This isn't the usual. (Although it's also said by Mir and to be honest, rather funny)


\('v')/ MANY, MANY HAPPY! \('v')/

That's it. From now on, I'll be ending all my author's notes like this.



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Chapter 12: Just started reading this story last night and I am completely hooked!! You have done an excellent job with this story :D Can't wait for the next chapter ^_^
ailisu #2
aww its still good though!!:)
love the update~~ haha
@SonHiraChanB2st: Kamsamnida! And I will try my best to update. [Insert Ultra-Pumped-Up Face Here]
SonHiraChanB2st #4
Nae. I love your story. I hope you can update it soon.
@ailisu: Haha, it's ok (?) But don't forget next time! >:D And yes, I tried to make Joon cute in this chapter... keep in mind, I at fluff and those kind of sweet, warm, scenes. XD
ailisu #6
RAIN~~ ^_^
lol i forgot rain is their manager/leader haha~~
@alisu: Maybe... Who knows..? For all you know, it could be her parents from the dead. JK JK. No, but seriously. You'll see in thre next chapter.
@doongdoogie: Thanks! And here's the update! :DDD
@SHINeeForeverLove: Oh, the compliments! :D
@alisu: Ah, yes. Arrogant makeup freaks they are. >:D
ailisu #8
I bet its he manager XD
XD ur story is incredible plz updat soon!!!
Love your story :) update soon! ^^