The Question That Could Not Be Avoided

A Journey Called Life

Rena's P.O.V

Seoul, Korea: 11:30 A.M

Right now, we're walking down the streets of Seoul Korea to the Restaurant. So far, we only walked 1 street. Only 1 street I tell you, and Mir's complaining.

"HYUNG. I want to take the car! My legs tell me they don't wanna walk!"

"Mir. You're an idol. This is nothing compared to stripping down to being half for photoshoots." My brother replied.

"But Hyung! I never did strip down to being half . I'm no star like you." Mir shot back.

Wow... good job Mir. You hit him where it hurts.

"W-well, that was only once."

"Really now?" Joon jumped in. "How about that time when you refused to take off your shirt to expose that fat belly of yours? Oh and that other time when you were so sure you had a six-pack and took off your shirt just to embarrass yourself. Oh and that other time-"

"How many other times are there?" I jokingly asked. "Face it, you're a star."

"Rena! No. Not my own sister is betraying me."

"Yah idiots, we're here." Thunder stated. "It was only 2 streets away."

WOW. Only 2 streets away, and yet, someone still needs a car.

I looked up.

Wait... weren't we supposed to eat at some resturant that had wonderful Korean dishes? What the hell are we doing here? This is freaking McDonalds.

I nuged at G.O. "Weren't we supposed to eat at some amazing Korean Restaurant?"

"Huh? You're saying you don't like McDonalds?!" He asked, totally surprised.

The other boys looked at me as if I was crazy.


"No. Nonononono. I like it, I love it, but didn't you say we were eating at some-"

"Well, since you like it, let's go eat some McDonalds!" Thunder said as he rushed inside.

These boys... they don't understand a thing, do they?

Joon, Mir, Thunder, and I chose seats as my brother and G.O did the ordering. We chose seats away from doors and windows. The seats where no one would look. Well, these people are MBLAQ.

Things were a bit quiet until Mir, who was sitting next to me stood up and almost yelled, "RENA! YOU'RE NOT WEARING MAKEUP!"


Thunder got up too, and slammed his hand on the table. "O.M.G! WHERE'S YOUR PALATE THINGY OF ALL EYESHADOWS AND WHERE'S YOUR EYELINER?! I'LL APPLY SOME ON YOU RIGHT NOW!" He said as if this was an urgent emergency.

"I don't carry around those things!" I replied as if to defend myself and my bare, natural, face.

Suddenly, Joon got up and scanned me. After observing he asked me a few things. The last one, I was ready to punch him for.

"Rena," He beagan.


"Where's your bag? You know... the ones girls carry around?"

"I don't have one."

"Where's your lipstick or chapstick? Your lips are getting dry."

"I don't put on that stuff."

"Your nails... they don't have nailpolish on. And your hands and neck are bare. Where's your accessories?"

"I don't apply nailpolish and I never wonever applied nailpolish nor did I ever wear bracelets or neckalaces."

"Rena... are you sure you're a girl and not a boy?"

"Yes, why?"

"...'Cause you don't act or dress like one."

"Anything else?"

"And..." He pointed at my chest area. "You have no s. You're flat, aren't you?"

OMG. What did that son of a just say?

"Excuse me. Sorry if I'm lacking in the s' department!"

Mir and Thunder was about to carck up. No, they were doing so already.

"Why aren't they growing? Aren't you 17? Shouldn't they be fairly big by now? You know, guys like big ones right?"

"You... Just 'cause you have muscles... You freaking muscle pabo!"

"I'm not ashamed to admit I do have muscles, SIR Flat Chest.

Oh, he did it. He hit it where it hurt.

"I bet those bumps on your arms are just molded lumps of fat!"

"Oh really? But, sorry, this is 100% pure muscle. Oh but, you won't be seeing any of it, since I only reveal it on camera. It's for my fans. Not someone who doesn't even know what MBLAQ is."


"What? What are you going to do about it?"


I grabbed a fork from the forks basket on the table.

"I'll poke those muscles of yours using this amazing weapon. I'll poke it so the fat'll gush out of those lumps. And all that's left will be: deflated skin."

"EEW, you're so gross, you man born woman!"

Was that supposed to be offensive? 'Cause, OUCH, that one really hurt. In hell it did.

"YAH!" My brother yelled, carrying the food on 2 big plates. G.O was doing the same. "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL MY SISTER?!"

"I called her a man born woman cuz that's what she is!"


Joon was literally rofl-ing.

"YAH JOONIE HYUNG!" Mir defended. "At least she looks AND acts better than you."

Perking up, instantly, Joon got serious, fixed his bangs and asked, "Are you sure about that?" And then died laughing.

This ... no son of 's anymore, because I'll be insulting his mother. Just will do.

"Say what you want," I began. "Unlike you, I actually don't care how I look."

My brother and G.O took a seat. Seungho sat next to me, and G.O sat next to Joon.

"You shouldn't be calling her a man born woman Joon, just a few hourse earlier, when we were searching for her in the Airport, you said to Thunder, 'Yah, don't just choose any pretty girl.' You called her pretty just then." G.O calmly stated.

Joon, who already began eating his snakwrap almost choked.

Mir's P.O.V

HAHA. The Muscle Pabo choked on his food. I wouldn't have minded if he died right there.

"WHAT? I don't recall calling anyone pretty," Joonie Hyung said as if to defend himself.

Sorry Joonie Hyung, but you can't win against G.O. Hyung.

"Ah, but you did. Thunder's the witness." G.O Hyung shot right back.

YAY! What a lovely kid's show they were about to put on.

"Hyung, I am cough cough NOT cough sorry, but, you did say that." Thunder Hyung said.

"THUNDER! You promised we'd be on each other's side together, forever... until one of us dies!" Joonie Hyung protested.

What's this? Gay romance? B-BROMANCE?! Oh, no, Mir does not like Bromance.

"But, Hyung, I never promised that. Don't go making up false promises on your own." Thunder shrugged.

Oh, poor poor Joonie Hyung, you just got ditched by your gay lover. Haha, but seriously. Forever alone.

Rena's P.O.V

12:00 P.M

Lunch was over... finally!

It was currently around 12:00 P.M now. Thunder, G.O, Mir, and the Muscle Pabo had some recording session to attend to, which left me with my brother.

"YAH! YAH! YAH!" I screamed to him. "You're cheating! Cheating!"

"No one told you that cheating was another strategy of winning?" He shot back, slyly.

I took the wii nunchuck and whacked my brother with it.

"YAH!" He yelled as if he was going to get me back for it.

"Cheating's another way of winning."

We were at Gamestop playing Mario Kart Wii, since home was 6 streets away and Gamestop was the closest fun thing around. We needed some gamming too, so it was perfect. Not to mention... it was free! Haha, I know, we're such cheap bums... but hey... it's seriously free!

We had already played 7 rounds, and I won first place for all of them. Let's put it this way - I'm a natural prodigy when it comes to this stuff.

My brother... not so much.

"YAH!" He screeched.


"Why'd you choose Yoshi falls?"

"Why not..?"

"Cuz Yoshi falls here! DUR. Oh, I know, this is all part of your plan to make me lose huh?"

"Who told you to choose Yoshi?"

"Watch your mouth! Yoshi is the cutest character out off them all! See this fat belly? See these eyes? OMG! SEE ITS FLUTTER KICK IN SUPER MARIO GALAXY? IT IS SO ADORABLE!"

... This is ridiculous. How old are you again Seungho? 24..? Wonderful. Here I am, at Gamestop, intending to play some serious Mario Kart, but then, having to hear a 24 year old adult ramble on and on about how cute some video game character is. Wonderful. Just wonderful.

2:00 P.M

Right now, to pass some time, my retarded brother and I are at the park eating icecream. He has chocolate, and I have vanilla. Vanilla, FTW!

"Vanilla huh?" He asked suddenly. Was that even a question to begin with?

I looked down at my icecream. "Yeah! Vanilla rocks!"

"You never change do you? I remember you liked that flavor since you were a kid."

Was he reminiscing about the past?

I just nodded.

"You know, since the moment I was informed that you were going to stay with me from now on, I was never told why."

I knew it. I knew this question was going to be asked sooner or later. I knew I'd have to answer it sooner or later too.

"Family issues?" My brother suggested. "What, did you and Umma get into a big fight? Big enough for you to be sent here, on the other side of the world?"

That big idiot.

"Can't fight with them anymore."

"What?" He asked his icecream.

"I can't fight them anymore."

"Come on, you can still talk to them on the phone."

"I can't." Be strong. Be strong. Be strong and just say it. There's no turning back. 

"What, why?"

"Because they're dead." Saying that, it made me feel as if I was puched in the stomach.

Seungho's eyes bulged out.

"WHAT?!" He almost screamed. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM?!"

"... They were driving home and some drunk driver..."

The hot day was gradually getting hotter.


"In jail."

He made this face as if 7 years of jail wasn't enough. Well, actually, it wasn't. Any amount of years in jail wouldn't make up for the fact that he killed my parents.

Calming down, my brother asked me, "Everything's fine right?"

I nodded. "Yeah."





"Are you sure?"

Him asking me the same question in different forms was starting to piss me off. Couldn't he see that I was trying to be strong here? Couldn't he see that, no, I am not fine? Couldn't he notice these thing? I mean, he's standing right next to me! These little things... they made me so irritated.

"No, I am NOT fine." I shot right back at him. I was pretty pissed, and having a bad temper didn't help.

"But you said..."

"But you didn't notice it!" I cut him off. I ate the last part of my icecream cone and dumped the napkin out. Turning around, I face-plamed myself. "Look, why the hell WOULD I be fine?"

He stood there, dumbfounded.

From some random person's point of view, this would look like some breakup.

It was obvious my brother was hurt from my words.

"You know, your half the cause." Saying that, he immediately looked up from the ground.

"Wait... what? How?"

"Let's put it this way, I literally adored you when I was a kid..? But then, when I was 11, and you were 18, you just leave me like that. My idol, my beloved brother was abandoning me, and choosing his dream over his own sister. Did you even stop to think how I might've felt? I doubt you did. And then, after you left, Umma and Appa became really busy and came home late at night. I oftenly, no, daily came home just to meet and grett an empty house, hoping that someone would greet me back. This continued on for 6 years. 6 years. 6 years of having to do things myself, no parents giving me attention, and having my hopes crushed every single day." I stopped to catch my breath. "I was practically a nobody. Sure, I had friends, tons too. But how many of a lot were actually the really good ones? Hm... let's see like... 5? 4? Oh, and if you're wondering why I had no boyfriend to support me or anything, it's because I've never had one. Ok?"

My brother was... baffled. Well, it was no surprise.

"Hey Rena," He began all touchy-like. It was disgusting. "I'm sorry. I just failed as a brother."

Yeah, can someone tell me something I don't already know?

But somehow, I just felt like all of this was messed up. It wasn't right. Him apologizing... me acting this way... it was wrong.

He shouldn't be the one apologizing.

It's actually me.

If back then, I wasn't too afraid to speak up. To tell them how I felt, to tell them I want you to stay, or don't go, or pay attention to me, even if it would indeed sounded a bit spoiled, right now, things wouldn't be so screwed up.

But then again, sorry world, I'm not the type to apologize.

But then again, I didn't want to lose my brother for the 2nd time.

"I'm sorry," I admitted, bowing.

"WAE?" He asked, confused.

I started explaining everything, and once I was done, he pulled me in for some bone crashing hug.

It was around 3:00 P.M, and I was not in the mood for getty all touchy feel. But this was worth it... all of it... right?

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Chapter 12: Just started reading this story last night and I am completely hooked!! You have done an excellent job with this story :D Can't wait for the next chapter ^_^
ailisu #2
aww its still good though!!:)
love the update~~ haha
@SonHiraChanB2st: Kamsamnida! And I will try my best to update. [Insert Ultra-Pumped-Up Face Here]
SonHiraChanB2st #4
Nae. I love your story. I hope you can update it soon.
@ailisu: Haha, it's ok (?) But don't forget next time! >:D And yes, I tried to make Joon cute in this chapter... keep in mind, I at fluff and those kind of sweet, warm, scenes. XD
ailisu #6
RAIN~~ ^_^
lol i forgot rain is their manager/leader haha~~
@alisu: Maybe... Who knows..? For all you know, it could be her parents from the dead. JK JK. No, but seriously. You'll see in thre next chapter.
@doongdoogie: Thanks! And here's the update! :DDD
@SHINeeForeverLove: Oh, the compliments! :D
@alisu: Ah, yes. Arrogant makeup freaks they are. >:D
ailisu #8
I bet its he manager XD
XD ur story is incredible plz updat soon!!!
Love your story :) update soon! ^^