Wide Eyed- Surprise

Forever Alone

"WHAAAAAAAAAT?! You're also living here?! That's impossible!"

"Yes, it is possible and don't shout. It's not that great. You're hurting my ears. Anyway, if you want to come by to my dorm, feel free to do so. Just find the dorm that has the no. 107. Ah, this is a small world afterall."

"Who would?! Geez... don't come in here. You're not welcome here. You're not allowed to stay here without my permission. Only authorized person come here. Do for me that favor and I'll be thanking you. Ah, thanks also for bringing my groceries. Go, shuu!"

Huh? Not here anymore? He leaves without listening to every word I'm saying. That's rude. Hmm, I'm starving. It's lunchtime now. I should go cook my meal.

"Hey who-you-are, your dorm is much better than mine. So wide, organized, and neat. Do you mind if I live with you? Um, what's your name? I don't know it yet."

"Of course I WOULD MIND! Who do you think you're kidding? What are you doing here?! I TOLD YOU JUST NOW THAT YOU CAN'T STAY HERE. Don't call me WHO-YOU-ARE, you jerk! My name is SA-KU-YA! This is my TERRITORY, get out!"

"You're TOO noisy. Will you learn to shut your mouth? If you don't know, just go to school or shall I shut it for you? It's polluting me. Do you want me to die because of pollution? It'll be your fault if I died and you'll be arrested."

"Yes, you should die already. And, what kind of pollution are you talking about?"

"Sakuya-chan, it's NOISE POLLUTION. Oh wow, is that a doll house? It looks like a real house. Let's see what's inside. Ah, bears. There's Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear. The tableware, furnitures, walls and rooms were kinda cool and well designed. I remember I used to play dolls when I was little not knowing that it wasn't for boys. It's silly but it's fun. Haha."

"You act manly and a minute you turned into a gay? That's weird and you're weird. Grrr, how dare you lay a finger to my belongings. I hate it especially a GAY like you would touch it."

I held both of his shoulders and pushed him towards the door and out of my dorm. This guy is freaking annoying!

"Don't touch me too as you don't want me to touch your things. I can help myself. And, I'm not a GAY! Engraved that to your MIND!"

This guy..! no

"Whatever, hurry now! Your sight makes me sick."

"You're pretty honest and straightforward. You said all that without hesitation. Hmm, you're interesting. Bye, Saku-chan~heart. I'll come by again."

"If that happens, I won't ever let you in. I promise. Bye!"

"I see."

I closed the door behind me and went to the kitchen to work on my meal. I felt my bladders are full so I should go to the bathroom slash comfort room. I heard the shower's open and the splash of water coming from it. Someone MUST be there. The 'door' of my dual purpose room was only a long plastic curtain so anyone could peek any second.

I want to see who the hell was the person (err no, I want to know who the hell was that?) Whether it's a GIRL or a BOY, I would get mad. No matter or who it was, playing tricks and jokes or serious, good or bad, I would get mad.

I'll peek. One glance won't kill me. I have with me a knife so if it's a burglar or a killer doing it's deed there, I'll have him surrender to the police. I noticed that when I opened the door (main door in my dorm), it wasn't lock anymore. But, I left it locked after I secured all the appliances were all off and their plugs were all unplugged. Thought so, there's someone IN with me. Ok, Fighting!

When I opened the plastic curtain at first, it was only pure white that I saw but now I see that person's body. I closed the plastic curtain. I SAW IT! {CENSORED}


"Are you okay?"

A boy came out of my dual purpose room. His lower part was now covered by a towel but his upper part remained . Oh, his hair was still dripping. Why is a boy here?

"Come closer to me or you'll die!"

"I didn't know you had that knife in your hand. Can I touch it? It looks pretty sharp, huh?"

"ARE YOU CRAZY? Did you just escape from the MENTAL HOSPITAL? At this right moment, this things will have you killed if you ignored my warning!"

"If so, can you kill an INNOCENT boy like me with your own hands? Do you want to be a CRIMINAL? Do you want to be called criminal? I CAN make you that. If you don't want to be a criminal, put that down."

"I WON'T. Yeah, you may be innocent BUT what if you're only putting it on an act to fool me? You won't get me. No ONE could get anymore!"

"Does that matter? Are YOU judging me? Only GOD can judge me."

He touch the knife and pressed his palm into it.


I can hear it slowly dripping out of his skin. It's creepy. NO! NOT BLOOD! BLOOD is what I hate the MOST! Blood makes me remember more what I had done. IT'S... DISGUSTING! It makes me boil to the core. Because of blood I sinned. It's unforgivable. EVEN GOD won't forgive me. I... NO! NO! DON'T. Remembering it, guilt comes to me and always it will. I only knew I did it myself. It's all my fault. I've been this bad. This boy is really innocent but I've made him suffer. It's not my FAULT. I just make sure that he isn't that kind of person. But, oh no! Blood is getting into me. I let go of the knife and dropped it to his fists. I went to the sink immediately and throw up. I can't help it because I can't take it anymore.

"Hey, I'm sorry."

"Kevin-kun, wash your bloody hands and I'll treat it later. I need to eat. I'm hungry."

"How did you--?"

"The name in your towel. Tsk."

"Ahhh... anyway I'll just cook for lunch and dinner as an apology, you think?"

"Sorry, I'm already cooking for lunch. Just dinner and tomorrow breakfast. Put on some clothes, will you? I'm not used seeing guys with their bare chest."

"Oh, okay."



whooo!!~ finished the chap 5. What do you think??? Should I continue it??? Someone please read my fanfics or view it.. Please.. Please... If you already read all the chapters I've published, will you please comment. Thanks!!heartPlease support my fanfic. I love you, guys. Kiss Me~heartheartheart.

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MikanseiNingen #1
Chapter 1: First time reading it and my first thought was like,'Sakuya-san,between you and Kevin-kun,you two will made a match,but the latter is more popular'