Kyuhyun becomes a dragon

The Chained Phoenix

The whole drive back to my house was silent.

I kept on staring out the window throughout the whole ride, trying to ignore the intense burning feeling in my right wrist.

As soon as I reached home I said goodbye to Kiseop and thanked him for the talk, before he drove off. I entered through the front door and widened my eyes.

My house looked like it was ransacked. I ran through each and every room finding everything trashed, I got even more scared when I saw a letter on my bed. I slowly picked it up and opened it. I widened my eyes as I read through each line.

I found you. And that dragon friend of yours left you all alone. Too bad for you. By the way, I like this pet you picked up, to bad I have to give him to my master or I would have kept him as my personal pet. If you want to try to save this brat come down to the biggest room in the house. I will be waiting.

I reread it over and over again until the words sunk in. I dropped the letter and backed up into the wall before covering my mouth with my hand.

I can’t believe it, he found me. My dad found me, Hangeng was right. I am so stupid.

Thoughts like these ran through my head. But my they were suddenly interrupted when I heard a voice in my head. It was more manly yet had a childish tone to it, and it didn’t sound like Ryeowook’s.

You going to keep sulking or are you going to go save the one you love.

I widened my eyes, and I started running to where ‘he’ was.

That voice was right. I can’t keep sulking I had to save him, before it was too late.

As I got to the room where he was, I thought I could hear sobbing from in the room. Scared, I quickly opened the door, to see my dad sitting in a chair in the middle of the large desert like training room with Ryeowook sitting in a chair to the right of him. Ryeowook was sobbing and his eyes were covered with a black cloth, tape was wrapped all the way around his head and over his mouth, rope tied his arms behind his back. The collar was still around his neck but my father was holding the chain that was connected to it.

The minute I stepped in, Ryeowook instantly stopped sobbing, lifted his head, but he quickly turned his head back down with a whimper, when my father yanked on the chain connected to the collar.

“Keep your head down while I have a little chat with my son.” He said looking toward Ryeowook.

Ryeowook shakily nodded, and kept his head down.

Then my father turned towards me.

“I thought you weren’t going to make it, boy. “ he said with an evil smirked.

My anger overpowered me and I started running toward him but I was stopped by his men who had stayed hidden until now.

“now now, let’s not be hasty. The only way to get this boy back is to beat my Naga in a fight.” He said pulling on the chain again, but this time it was much harder making Ryeowook whimper again.

This only made me angrier.

“fine I accept.” I said then my father’s men let me go and I stepped forward.

My father then held out is left hand, showing his basilisk tattoo, and called out Naga’s name.

Then a tornado appeared in front of my, when it disappeared there stood a big blue scaled snake.

“this should be fun.” He said before he slithered toward me at a fast speed. I dodged it, then I tried to punch him but then he bit my right arm. I ripped it away from him and I ran behind a rock on the side of the room. As I hid behind the rock I looked at the bite mark on my right arm. It was already swollen from the poison. And the burning in my wrist had increased.

After a couple moments of silence Naga spoke up again.

“aww already hiding from me, that’s no fun, maybe I should eat your friend instead of you.”

My eyes widened.

“NO!!” I yelled running in front of Ryeowook guarding him with my left arm.

Then Naga bit down on my arm, as I stood there with my left arm bleeding from the bit wound. As he bit down on my arm, my right wrist was burning even more. And when I looked down at it I widened my eyes.

My whole arm, from my wrist to my elbow was on fire, but it didn’t show any burn marks on my skin. Then suddenly Naga was ripped off of me. I cautiously looked up to see a man with short black hair, and he wore a black outfit with red details here and there.

“1,000 years and you still haven’t learned huh Naga.” He said.

Naga got right back up and moved right back toward the man at a blinding speed. However the man quickly dodged it and grabbed his neck before throwing him against the wall.

I was stunned.

This man had just come out of nowhere and he defeated Naga like he was nothing to him.

Naga tried to get back up but the man had been slammed right back down by the man’s foot. Every time he tried to get up he was pushed right back down by the other man’s foot.

The man then turned his head toward me with a serious yet amused expression.

“Hey Kyuhyun, nice try for a beginner you got guts. My other partners didn’t start out like that, it took them years to get those kind of guts.” He said as he crushed Naga back to the ground.

I just stared at him confused.

He knew my name?

He chuckled.

“of course I know your name, the whole time I was bonding with you I learned everything there is to know about you. You should know me as well. I am Ryuga at your service.” He said bowing as he introduced himself.

My confused expression turned to one of shock.

This was Ryuga, the youngest yet most powerful dragon. He even chose me, a human and the son of a basilisk leader, as his partner.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts. Remembering that now was not the time to worry about things like that. I had to worry about getting Ryeowook away from my father.

I turned back to my father, his expression was one of shock and fear.

“I beat Naga now return Ryeowook to me.” I said holding out my hand.

He just laughed.

“You think I am just going to give him back to you. You must be mistaken, you broke the rules. You had to defeat Naga not some dead dragon.” He said grabbing Ryeowook’s chin and turning it towards him.

Ryeowook flinched and whimpered at his touch.

My father stood up and yanked the chain causing Ryeowook to stand up. Then my father tugged on the chain leash, indicating for him to follow.

“men kill the boy and his dragon. Will you?” he said as he walked passed me, a shaking Ryeowook in tow.

Before my father’s men could do anything, they all suddenly burst into purple flames.

Ryuga and I looked over to see Kiseop walking through the door with a man that looked a lot like Ryuga except with longer black hair and purple instead of red details on his outfit.

“Helios bout time you got here.” Ryuga said still trapping Naga under his feet.

“Ryuga stop messing around, hurry up and finish it.” Helios said in an annoyed tone.

Ryuga nodded and looked toward me.

Kyuhyun when I kill Naga hurry over and get Ryeowook.

I nodded.

Then Ryuga lit his fist on fire and punched Naga’s head making him burst into flames. My father also burst into flames.

I quickly ran over to Ryeowook and pulled him into my embrace. I kept on whispering comforts and apologies for leaving him alone. After a while I pulled back and I undid the blindfold. Then I slowly and carefully removed the tape from around his mouth, trying not to hurt him, while not looking at him in the eyes. As I completely took of the tape, he spit out a small ball of cloth that had been shoved in his mouth. By doing this he also started to cough, while I undid the rope tying his arms behind his back.

As his coughing subsided, and I finished untying the rope, my vision started to get fuzzy. I also felt light headed, and dizzy. The minute I finished untying the rope, I put my hand on my forehead trying to steady myself. And before I knew it I out. The last thing I remember being somebody shouting my name.

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ailuver24 #1
Chapter 14: yes please to the sequel.
Chapter 14: .....sequel
Chapter 14: <3 this is beautiful..
Chapter 14: eh? it's done??? can you do a sequel?? please?
TurtleCloud24 #5
Pls make a sequelll
i want it!!
kyulovewook #7
oh i love this! and oh YES please do do a SEQUEL! I really want to read more of this. please do do a sequel. i'll be waiting so hope you'll think about it and make one :) if not its okay too ^-^
this is so great, I love fics of this kind :) why I didn't find this earlier? D:
mei_lene03 #9
interesting ^^