
The Chained Phoenix

“Kyu, you love him don’t you?” Hangeng asked me as we sat across from each other in the living room.

I instantly nodded.

There was no point in lying to Hangeng, he knows me enough that he can read me like a book, and his dragon partner Ryuki knows when people are lying and telling the truth considering he is a physic and all.

“Kyu, he is a phoenix. You know you have to be a spirit wielder yourself if you want to be with him.” He said suddenly getting angry at me.

I raised an eyebrow at that.

“I know that, and why are you so angry about all of a sudden.” I said.

Hangeng sighed.

“you wouldn’t understand Kyu just leave it.” He said looking away.

“Try me.”

“Kyu, his phoenix already has a mate.”

I scoffed.

“so I’ll just find a way to meet that dragon and become a spirit wielder myself.”

“you can’t do that Kyu.” A voice said.

I looked up to see a man with short red hair, wearing an all red outfit but with black details here and there.

“and why not Ryuki?” I yelled.

I mean really Hangeng bonded and became partners with Ryuki when he was a child. So why can’t I.

“Cho Kyuhyun you’re the son of a leader of the basilisks, no dragon has ever partnered with a blood relation with the basilisk of any kind.” Ryuki snapped.

“he’s right kyu, Dragons hate the Basilisks more than anything, any human born with the blood of a Basilisk spirit wielder can’t bond and partner with a dragon.” Hangeng said sadly.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. They brought up my father’s family, that’s low. They both know I hate my father.

I was about to say something when I heard a voice coming from the basement.

“Ryuki I want to speak to you in private. Now.”

We looked over at the door to see a woman with blonde hair, and a white dress on.

“Alright Yeobo.” He sighed then he and the women disappeared in a thing of fire.

“So what are you going to do?” Hangeng asked turning back towards me.

“about What?”

“Ryeowook. Obviously you aren’t going to live forever, and you can’t keep seeing him every day. Or the council will find him you know.” He said.

I knew they would find him. Heck I hoped for it, if they could get him out of that cell and give him a family. I would gladly lead them here.

“I am going to keep doing what I am doing. Hangeng, I promised him I would see him every day and I meant it.” I said getting up and walking toward the kitchen.

Hangeng suddenly grabbed my arm, stopping me, and turned me around to face him.

“Kyu, I can’t let you get hurt again. Your father is still looking for you, and he has people on the inside that work for the council. If they find you using him they will kill you.” He said.

I ripped my arm out of his hold, and walked back to the kitchen.

“So what as long as he is safe I don’t care.” I said.

“If you die then Ryeowook will suffer even more. You know. And your father will hurt him too do you want that?” He yelled.

I froze.

He is right, but what am I supposed to do. I can’t just suddenly leave him, and never come back. he’ll be all alone, and if I do keep this up my father will find me and kill me. He might even hurt Ryeowook when I am gone.

“if you really want to let that happen fine, but don’t come to me and Heechul for help.” He said then he went to grab heechul.

After he left through the door Heechul turned back towards me.

“Kyu, don’t worry about what hannie said, I’ll talk to him later. Just keep doing what you’re doing and I believe that it work out in the end okay.” He said patting my shoulder.

I nodded and shut the door as they left.

I walked back to check on Ryeowook before I went to make our dinner, but he was asleep. So I carefully and quickly gave him a peck on the lips before I went to bed.

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ailuver24 #1
Chapter 14: yes please to the sequel.
Chapter 14: .....sequel
Chapter 14: <3 this is beautiful..
Chapter 14: eh? it's done??? can you do a sequel?? please?
TurtleCloud24 #5
Pls make a sequelll
i want it!!
kyulovewook #7
oh i love this! and oh YES please do do a SEQUEL! I really want to read more of this. please do do a sequel. i'll be waiting so hope you'll think about it and make one :) if not its okay too ^-^
this is so great, I love fics of this kind :) why I didn't find this earlier? D:
mei_lene03 #9
interesting ^^