; helpless.

❛ SOMEDAY IN SEOUL — a drabbles collection 。

Write Like The Wind - Challenge
Prompt 53: Helpless
MP3: Link.

She stared down at the ground, keeping her gaze at it.

“You’re helpless! You’re no use in this household!” Ms. Song, Chae Mi's mom, scolded her just because Chae Mi accidentally got the sink and the floor wet while she was washing dishes.

“I’m sor---“

“Sorry, sorry, sorry… Is that how you apologize to the woman who gave birth to you on this Earth? Yah, Song Chae Mi. Be more responsible. You’re 12 years old now. Look at all your cousins, they’re your age and their parents are so proud of them because they are very responsible and caring.” her mom yelled louder as her hair started to get into her face while she shook her head.

Tears ran down Chae Mi’s cheek. She’s worked so hard on everything yet she still doesn’t understand while she would still get yelled at by her mom. She still doesn’t understand while she would still get compared to other kids her age.

“I’m sorry for not being the most perfect daughter for you, Mom. I really am.” Chae Mi sniffed.

 And Chae Mi’s mom had soon kept scolding her for every little mistake that she made. Her mom regrets it though because due to the countless yelling, Chae Mi ran away from home, vowing to never come back ever again and that vow was kept.

Word Count: 223.
Hm. I can relate to this so... It was pretty easy to write. OTL.
I don't know but I feel like this is a touchy subject, not really sure.

Whaaale, subscribers and miss Jewell unnie, I hope you liked it. ^^

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140330 / someday in seoul : table of contents finally got added.


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--minyoungiie #1
Chapter 20: owhhh . how cute~ .
--minyoungiie #2
Chapter 20: Waahhh . I wish somwday did that for mee . Owhh .
--minyoungiie #3
Chapter 18: Waaahhhh . Thees reminds me of EXO's first snow .
kagaki #4
Chapter 18: I really liked this drabble! The ending was hilarious xD
--minyoungiie #5
Chapter 17: WWWWAAHHHHHH .
true luf reunit . hhu .
Chapter 12: I dunno why,
I just really like this one.
--minyoungiie #7
Chapter 16: ohmygawd! its like a coincedence ;;
its happening to me NOW ! .
simplewrite #8
Chapter 7: I'm going through the same thing right now, though it's more school-related. I'm glad you wrote this, it made me feel a little bit better because I could relate. I know it's been a while since you posted this chapter, but still. :)
--minyoungiie #9
Chapter 15: wow .
really ?
is that whut you called "bff" .
puh-leassseee~ .