; flawless.

❛ SOMEDAY IN SEOUL — a drabbles collection 。

Write Like the Wind - Challenge
Prompt 1: Flawless

MP3: Link.

"Oppa, isn't this adorable?" Seo Rin smiled as she held up a big Korilakkuma plush. L.Joe chuckled but it only made her pout. She kept on twirling the big plush over and around to check what was wrong with it, but when she found no flaws on it, she looked back up at her boyfriend.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing, you’re just so adorable. The plush is twice your size.” L.Joe smiled as he poked her chubby cheeks.

“Are you calling me short?” she gasped dramatically.

“Aniya.”  He shook his head and her frown turned into a smile.

“Alright!” she beamed.

After a few more minutes, he finally spoke up again. “Are we going to buy the big plush then?” he asked as Seo Rin held the big plush in her arms while she was looking at a mustache necklace but she placed the necklace back onto the rack of other dangly necklaces.

His girlfriend turned around and nodded her head. “Let’s go!” and she ran towards the cashier. L.Joe followed behind her. He paid for the big plush and all of the sudden, she kissed his cheek.

“Thanks oppa.” She hugged him tightly as he felt his cheeks get hotter but suddenly, L.Joe sat up in his bed quickly and looked around and found out that he had appeared back in his bedroom. He ran his hand through his hair.

“It was just a… dream.” He sighed. This only meant one thing to him, the flawless beauty that was appeared in his dream was only his imagination.

Word Count: 258.
Whaaaale, LOL. I hope you enjoyed this le subscribers & Jewell unnie. c: It's my first time writing a drabble so B| ya, boss. LOL. B3


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140330 / someday in seoul : table of contents finally got added.


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--minyoungiie #1
Chapter 20: owhhh . how cute~ .
--minyoungiie #2
Chapter 20: Waahhh . I wish somwday did that for mee . Owhh .
--minyoungiie #3
Chapter 18: Waaahhhh . Thees reminds me of EXO's first snow .
kagaki #4
Chapter 18: I really liked this drabble! The ending was hilarious xD
--minyoungiie #5
Chapter 17: WWWWAAHHHHHH .
true luf reunit . hhu .
Chapter 12: I dunno why,
I just really like this one.
--minyoungiie #7
Chapter 16: ohmygawd! its like a coincedence ;;
its happening to me NOW ! .
simplewrite #8
Chapter 7: I'm going through the same thing right now, though it's more school-related. I'm glad you wrote this, it made me feel a little bit better because I could relate. I know it's been a while since you posted this chapter, but still. :)
--minyoungiie #9
Chapter 15: wow .
really ?
is that whut you called "bff" .
puh-leassseee~ .