; three years.

❛ SOMEDAY IN SEOUL — a drabbles collection 。

MP3: Link.

"Has it really been 3 years?" Sangmi mumbled as she drew a check mark on the date: August 10, 2013. She took a step back and stared at her calendar, smiling softly and not caring if someone walks in and thinks she's an idiot. She set the marker down and walked over to her desk, picking up her phone. A text message appeared on the screen when Sangmi turned her phone on.

To: Sangmi
From: Jungkook
Hey, I remembered. Don't get too caught up in the past, and have a nice day alright? ♡
Love you, best. I'm going to head off to practice with Jimin so I'll be busy until 7. Sorry!

She chuckled and typed in a reply.

To: Jungkook
From: Sangmi
It's alright. Thanks for remembering and, as always, caring for me. Good luck at practice!
I'll just be wandering around the city and maybe head to the park. Love you too, best.

Sangmi quickly went to go change out of her pajamas into pretty decent clothing and headed out, not forgetting to tell her parents as well. She did what she told Jungkook which was heading to the city then returning back to the park nearby her house. Sangmi smiled as she walked around the park, taking in the beauty of nature until she reached her destination, a certain cherry blossom tree. She bit her lower lip, trying to prevent herself from crying.

"Damn it, Sangmi. Don't get caught up in the past. It's over already. It's over..." she mumbled to herself through sniffles. She headed towards the tree anyways and placed her hand on the tree trunk, remembering back to the past.

/ / 

August 10, 2010

"Oppa!" Sangmi said cheerfully when she spotted a certain special guy at a beautiful cherry blossom tree. She waved then quickly jogged over to him.

He heard her voice and turned around, chuckling when he saw her. "Cute." he mumbled.

"Gongchan oppa! I miss you!" Sangmi immediately threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He smiled softly as he hugged her back, then releasing himself from the hug and ruffled her hair.

"Oppa missed you too." he grinned.

She continued smiling. She really did miss him a lot. He's been gone for a month and when he came back, the two only had a few meetings which were always short because Gongchan would be busy.

"So, what did you want to tell me that was so important?" Sangmi grinned.

Gongchan's smile slowly faded away when he remembered the reason why they were meeting. "Oh, yeah that."

Immediately seeing his reaction, Sangmi's smile disappeared as well. "What is it?"

"I'm leaving." he said bluntly, wanting to get over this hard moment over with.

"W-What? Leaving?" she couldn't believe his words and she refused to.

"I'm... leaving." he repeated and he cleared his throat. "I'm transferring to the States."

Sangmi shook her head. "We'll still be able to contact each other right?" She looked at him hopefully as he sadly shook his head.

"The academy I'm going to doesn't provide wi-fi and even if I do have wi-fi, which would probably be at a cafe or a store since I have no family in the States, it wouldn't work." Gongchan sighed as he pulled her into his arms. He hugged her tightly as she began to cry. "I know. This is hard for me too."

"You just came back. You can't leave. Please don't leave me." she said between sobs. He sighed as he her hair. "What am I supposed to do then? What if we don't see each other ever again?"


"Gongchan, tell me what am I supposed to do if I don't ever see you again." she cried.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go." Gongchan sighed, his heart paining to see her crying in front of him and it made him want to cry just as much. "And if we don't see each other again then-"

"No. Don't even dare to continue. I don't want to think about it. I don't want to now, and not ever."

"Alright, I won't." he patted her head and pulled away slightly so he was able to see her face. He wiped the tears from her cheeks and forced a slight smile on his face. "Hey, look at me."

"I don't want to." she averted her eyes from his gaze. He placed a finger under her chin and lifted it so her eyes would meet his.

"Don't cry."

"That's like telling someone who hasn't slept for 3 days to stop being so tired."

Gongchan's phone vibrated in his pocket and without picking it up, he already knows it's his dad calling him to head on home since it was time for him to leave.

"I have to go." he mumbled.

She sighed.

"I love you," he pressed his lips against her softly and kissed her. She widened her eyes in shock before closing it and kissing him back before he pulled away. He let go of her embrace. "and I'm sorry."

He looked away from her and quickly jogged away, not wanting to look back as that would make his heart hurt even more and would stop him from leaving.

/ /

"I miss you so much." she sighed. She pulled her hand away from the tree and took a few steps back. She pursed her lips to the side as she recalled more memories with Gongchan before finally deciding it was time to go home. She turned around when she was greeted with a soft smile by a special certain guy.

"Guess who's back?"

Tears rolled down her cheeks from happiness as she threw her arms around his neck.


Word Count: 946.
This is dedicated to my special certain someone. I miss you, so so much.
this song.

P.S I need to start improving on my endings.

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140330 / someday in seoul : table of contents finally got added.


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--minyoungiie #1
Chapter 20: owhhh . how cute~ .
--minyoungiie #2
Chapter 20: Waahhh . I wish somwday did that for mee . Owhh .
--minyoungiie #3
Chapter 18: Waaahhhh . Thees reminds me of EXO's first snow .
kagaki #4
Chapter 18: I really liked this drabble! The ending was hilarious xD
--minyoungiie #5
Chapter 17: WWWWAAHHHHHH .
true luf reunit . hhu .
Chapter 12: I dunno why,
I just really like this one.
--minyoungiie #7
Chapter 16: ohmygawd! its like a coincedence ;;
its happening to me NOW ! .
simplewrite #8
Chapter 7: I'm going through the same thing right now, though it's more school-related. I'm glad you wrote this, it made me feel a little bit better because I could relate. I know it's been a while since you posted this chapter, but still. :)
--minyoungiie #9
Chapter 15: wow .
really ?
is that whut you called "bff" .
puh-leassseee~ .