; juice.

❛ SOMEDAY IN SEOUL — a drabbles collection 。

MP3: Link.

She scoffed. "You're pathetic, Oh Jaemi."

Jaemi kept quiet as her so-called 'friend' Jinae embarrassed her in front of a crowd at lunch. Jaemi had just accidentally spilled a few drops of juice onto Jinae's jeans, and Jinae had began freaking out.

"You are such an idiot! I have no idea whatsoever how you even made it this far in school with your stupidity and ignorance!" Jinae screamed as more people gathered around them. No teachers were around, and so she took this chance to take all her anger out on Jaemi. Jaemi has never done anything wrong to her until this accidental spill, but Jinae still sees this as an opportunity to embarrass her friend. Since she wasn't happy at that moment, she didn't want anyone else to be happy as well.

"I-I'm s-sorry Jina-" Jaemi squeaked as a teardrop rolled down her cheek.

"Yah, has Jinae gone crazy?" a girl mumbled from the crowd.

"Aren't they best friends?"

"Why isn't Jaemi speaking up?"

"Is Jaemi alright? She's usually so talkative until she's with Jinae."

Jinae smirked at the comments around her. It was all negative comments about her, but she knew that as long as she got all the attention to herself she would feel more proud. "Yah Oh Jaemi! Speak up, huh? Everyone's all saying you're talkative until you're with me. Am I a witch to you? Huh? Is there something wrong with me, Oh Jaemi?" Jinae slapped Jaemi right then for everyone to see, and that silenced the crowd.

"Ah, Jaemi. What are you going to do now, crybaby?" Jinae chuckled. Tears continued rolling down Jaemi's face, onto her now red cheek then having it fall onto the ground. "You are so ignorant, you have no idea how much these jeans even cost."

"You can a-always w-wash it..." Jaemi mumbled.

Jinae let out an airy chuckle and shoved Jaemi to the ground. "You are so dumb."

Jaemi bit her lip. She's had it. She stood up and slapped Jinae across the face. "You're such a , Jinae! I've done nothing to you, but just spill my juice over your jeans. This was the first accident ever! Why is this such a big deal to you, you attention ? You think we would make up right after this, hm? Because we're 'best friends' and all? Well that and you can forget about us ever talking again. I've never had any say in whatever we do, it's always Jinae this and Jinae that. This isn't the Jinae show." and with that, Jaemi pushed her way through the crowd and ran.

Word Count: 433.
This drabble went by so fast like omg LOL. I don't know.
This drabble was unexpected to me too as I wrote it. eue; LOL.
If you didn't understand already, Jinae loves attention & yes, she's a bully.
That's what I meant when I said that if she wasn't happy, no one else could be happy.

P.S I have some pictures saved on my laptop pictures library in a folder named
"Writing Inspiration" & I've been using some of them for drabbles...
So if you see a picture in any of these chapters ( Just Ch. 11 & this one so far )
it means that it came from that folder & yaaa. LOL. Just saying! c:
Not every chapter would have a picture though. ouo;

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140330 / someday in seoul : table of contents finally got added.


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--minyoungiie #1
Chapter 20: owhhh . how cute~ .
--minyoungiie #2
Chapter 20: Waahhh . I wish somwday did that for mee . Owhh .
--minyoungiie #3
Chapter 18: Waaahhhh . Thees reminds me of EXO's first snow .
kagaki #4
Chapter 18: I really liked this drabble! The ending was hilarious xD
--minyoungiie #5
Chapter 17: WWWWAAHHHHHH .
true luf reunit . hhu .
Chapter 12: I dunno why,
I just really like this one.
--minyoungiie #7
Chapter 16: ohmygawd! its like a coincedence ;;
its happening to me NOW ! .
simplewrite #8
Chapter 7: I'm going through the same thing right now, though it's more school-related. I'm glad you wrote this, it made me feel a little bit better because I could relate. I know it's been a while since you posted this chapter, but still. :)
--minyoungiie #9
Chapter 15: wow .
really ?
is that whut you called "bff" .
puh-leassseee~ .