; six months.

❛ SOMEDAY IN SEOUL — a drabbles collection 。

MP3: Link.

"Let's just break up if you're going to be like this." said the text from Rokhyun. Saerin sunk into her chair even more because of the message which dropped her mood lower than it already was. She knew she should stop, but why couldn't she? Her hands shook a bit as she proceeded to type her reply to her boyfriend. A tear rolled down her cheek as she was doing so.

'Is this how it's all going to end?' she wondered. 'God, I feel so alone.'

To: R
No don't break up with me. Holy , I messed up again didn't I? I did it again. I'm so sorry, please stay. The last thing I want is for you to leave me...

From: R
No, seriously? I'm sorry for thinking I could have friends. Just leave already.

To: R
No don't be sorry I-

From: R
Don't talk to me. I'm deleting your number. Thanks for everything, it was nice while it lasted.

She lost it then. It happened all at once: the pain, the aching feeling in her heart, and the tears. She swore she's never felt so genuinely lost and lonely in her life.

To: R
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Can't you see how sorry I am? Continue talking to her, I know she's your friend. I'm sorry. I'm just so scared I'll lose you to her. I know what other girls are capable of but I trust you to not fall for tricks, right? Please come back. I love you too much to let you go to another girl. Please.

Saerin knew he wasn't going to reply. She knew him well, but she wasn't going to give up so easily... or at least that's what she thought until her heart got broken into pieces two minutes later. That night, she fell asleep crying and wondering how life would be after this day.


The loneliness and pain crept up on her, slowly then all at once as the weeks went past. Classes with Rokhyun felt so awkward for her, and seeing him walk another girl to class made her heart ache.

'That was me.'

She kept her head down more often as she walked around at school. People would stare, but she didn't care. With her friends, she's gotten more quiet and reserved than she used to be. They've all noticed this and attempted to help, but she gave up on herself.

'This is what all those ing break up songs are about. Those love songs were all lies.'

For who was once a cheerful and bubbly girl who always had a positive and comedic mindset on things, Saerin made a 360° turn with her personality. She just couldn't pick herself up after that day which shall-not-be-named according to her. She wished she could, but she didn't have the heart to. She's now stuck in a world where colors turned into black, white, and gray and where love now felt like only an unobtainable desire.

'Thanks for all the ing lies you've told me, like the times where you told me you'd never leave me and understood me. I love how I thought you wouldn't me over but look at me now. I wish you could ing look at the mess you've made of me.'

Saerin's only felt pathetic and miserable for four months after the break up.

Four months and counting, until the sixth month rolled around.

Saerin was at yet another club hangout, a few weeks after school had ended. She knew she would see Rokhyun today but she had high hopes she wouldn't. She wanted to take this chance to get her minds off things officially and finally move on. Let's just say her hopes were crushed the minute the sun was setting into the horizon, casting a beautiful shade of pink, purple, and orange over the sky. She was sitting on the edge of the sidewalk, staring at the sunset with just herself, her thoughts, and a cold can of Pepsi. As she took another sip of her drink with everyone else in the background screaming and laughing, a figure she couldn't make out just by his side potrait sat next to her.

"How are you?" said the figure, and she immediately recognized the voice. It was the voice that she always heard at 2am in the mornings when she knew she was tired but still wanted to stay up. It was the voice that always called her "Babe" and told her "I love you". It was the voice she fell in love with over and over again, six months and a summer ago.

"Well, I was enjoying myself." she turned to look at him without hesitation, unlike all the other times she'd see him at school and he'd make an attempt to wave and talk to her but she'd only look down, ignore him, and walk away. "I will continue to if the you're going to say to me in a few seconds won't be lies again."

Rokhyun felt her looking at him and so he turned to look at her as well. "Well, I'm sorry and I know that's not a lie."

Saerin slightly raised a brow and turned back to look at the scenery in front of them again. She took another sip. "Well, wasn't that just good timing? Apologizing six months later when you could've done it six hours later on that very day, Rokhyun."

"I- We- Well, it was just- You left me after that." he choked on his words, even though he wasn't crying.

"I texted you countless times still. Who didn't reply to them?"

"... Me."

She smiled sarcastically. "I'm glad you noticed."

"C'mon, don't be like this."

Saerin snapped her head at him. "Excuse me? You're telling me to not be like what? I can't believe you'd even have the audacity to demand this of me after all the pain you made me go through. My heart says I didn't deserve to be heartbroken and hurt but my mind says I do because I fell for you."

Silence engulfed the two a few minutes after that.

Suddenly, Saerin felt a pair of arms around her. She was surprised to see it was Rokhyun who had pulled her into a tight embrace which was something she had secretly longed for. She awkwardly put her arms around him, unsure of what to do at this sudden gesture.

"I'm sorry, okay? Look, I only have a few weeks until I leave and you know what I mean by leave." Rokhyun pulled away a bit, his arms still around her and his face actually facing her. "I want things to be better now. I'm not asking for you to come back, because I sure as hell know you wouldn't after all that heartbreak you felt, but I wish you would."


"That girl - and I won't say her name because I know you don't like her - that I talked to and walked to class? I never did to her, but ask her for advice on what to do."


"Yes, I did nothing to her. I never did any you never liked to any other girl, even months after you left me. I'm so damn sorry I hurted you when I promised I wouldn't. That heartbreak you felt was the same exact thing I went through, if not I went through it worse because it was my fault I never asked for you back sooner and apologized. Do you know how badly I wanted to hold you again? Let's stay like this for a little longer, okay?"


Rokhyun sighed. "I felt like... I just felt so lonely then. I told myself I wouldn't make the same mistakes again but there I was, doing the I told myself I wouldn't do again. The last thing I wanted was to hurt you. It honestly was. I never wanted to make you cry or break your heart. I never meant any of the dumb I meant when we were arguing. Well, besides whenever I told you that I loved you but that's not the point. The point is, I want you back and I want you to know I'm sorry."

"I... It's fine."

"Another thing, I'm not going to let go."

Saerin smiled a bit.

"Don't even try saying you want me to because I know you don't." Rokhyun smiled as well as he took a deep breath. "Can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?"

"I miss you, so much. Can we just start over? Not as in our friendship because we're still too close to start all our memories over but I mean, our relationship? Us?"

"Are you trying to ask me to be-"


She pulled him back for another hug, resting her head comfortably on his shoudler again just like how it was six months and a summer ago. "Then yes."

Word Count: 1500
This was actually semi-based on a true experience, except it didn't take that
bad of a turn to breakup like this drabble. I was originally planning to write
a sad ending for this but it somehow turned into a happy ending. Typical me.


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140330 / someday in seoul : table of contents finally got added.


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--minyoungiie #1
Chapter 20: owhhh . how cute~ .
--minyoungiie #2
Chapter 20: Waahhh . I wish somwday did that for mee . Owhh .
--minyoungiie #3
Chapter 18: Waaahhhh . Thees reminds me of EXO's first snow .
kagaki #4
Chapter 18: I really liked this drabble! The ending was hilarious xD
--minyoungiie #5
Chapter 17: WWWWAAHHHHHH .
true luf reunit . hhu .
Chapter 12: I dunno why,
I just really like this one.
--minyoungiie #7
Chapter 16: ohmygawd! its like a coincedence ;;
its happening to me NOW ! .
simplewrite #8
Chapter 7: I'm going through the same thing right now, though it's more school-related. I'm glad you wrote this, it made me feel a little bit better because I could relate. I know it's been a while since you posted this chapter, but still. :)
--minyoungiie #9
Chapter 15: wow .
really ?
is that whut you called "bff" .
puh-leassseee~ .