With you

The Diva's Assistant
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"And cut! Good job, everyone! Now that. is. a WRAP!" The director's announcement was met with a roar of cheers and applause.




Actors and staff members bowed to one another, exchanging heartfelt thanks. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement and relief. Crew members exchanged high-fives, hugs, and handshakes, congratulating each other on completing the project. Laughter and joyful chatter filled the air as everyone relished the moment.




Jimin, still located on her final scene, had been busy thanking everyone around her for their hard work, with a bright smile on her face.. when her eyes met her manager's who was approaching towards her clapping and beaming with excitement.




"Jimin!" Minjeong couldn't contain her adrenaline-fueled excitement and wrapped her arms around the taller woman. "You were amazing," she whispered, her eyes sparkling with admiration.




Jimin smiled, brushing a lock of hair behind Minjeong's ear. "No, you are, I don't think I could've made to the end without you"




They pulled away from each other and stared into each other's longing gaze. For a second, they forgot they were in a public area. Minjeong almost instinctively leaned in, but Jimin backed away slightly, clearing to subtly remind Minjeong where they were.




Minjeong chuckled softly, a blush creeping up her cheeks. "Right, the public. Sorry..." she murmured, her voice just loud enough for Jimin to hear. "You just look so amazing right now... I couldn't help myself."




"Let's save it for later" Jimin reponded with a playful grin...




"God, they're hopeless," Jihoon muttered to himself, rolling his eyes with an amused smile as he watched the couple in front of him. He realized he had been away from his "girlfriend" for too long, likely garnering some suspicions. Reluctantly, he forced himself to step closer to the two, before throwing an arm over Jimin's shoulder, taking her by surprise.




"Awesome job, babe!" he said loudly, with the most enthusiastic and bright manner he could muster so everyone nearby could hear.




Some turned their heads and offered small coos before returning to their celebratory dances and chatter.




Only then did he turn back and speak in a lower, more private tone, "Another day, another movie. You sure are one hell of a colleague to work with," he chuckled, finally letting go of Jimin's shoulder and letting his gaze land on Minjeong, who had been staring at him blankly.




"Minjeong," he said with a small smile, but despite his arrogant exterior, it was more of an inside joke—a type of acknowledgment of somewhat respect between the two now.




The blonde raised an eyebrow to his actions... but couldn't help the small grin that tugged at her lips. "Jihoon," she responded knowingly, with the same smile.




This made Jimin quite surprised and confused by the sudden tension that had arisen between the two. Looking back and forth between them, she couldn't help but feel a bit out of the loop.




"Excuse me, is something going on here that I'm not aware of?" Jimin asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of protectiveness. She suddenly felt a wave of possessiveness over Minjeong, fighting every nerve in her body to resist grabbing the blonde's wrist protectively.




"Not if you don't screw up, because then there might be," Jihoon teased, which set Minjeong back but also made Jimin's eyes turn from confused to almost fierce. He quickly continued to interrupt the fire he had playfully caused, "But no, nothing at all. So don't look at me like that already. I actually just came to ask Ms. Manager here if it was alright with her for me to take you to the bar. They've got it all set up for our celebration for another successful run, and it seems like everyone is expecting on us to make an appearance together. Not exactly my ride of choice, I typically prefer my car to be more spacious. But hey like you said, I dug myself this hole and now I gotta keep up appearances, right?"




Minjeong arched an eyebrow, slightly amused but mostly intrigued by Jihoon's bluntness, even towards Jimin. "And you thought this was the best way to ask?" 




Jihoon shrugged with a mischievous grin. "What can I say? I like to keep things interesting. Anyway," he continued, taking a step back and shifting his gaze from Jimin to the blonde, "I'll be waiting in my car then. But don't worry," he added with a wink directed at Minjeong, "I'm not planning on sticking around for long. So once we get there, you can count on me disappearing like magic." With that, Jihoon his heels and started to walk away. As he strolled, he pulled out his phone and began tapping out a message before hitting send. "Don't worry, blondie," he mumbled to himself, "I won't make this any harder for the both of you. It's time to let go and enjoy yourselves."




"What's with you and him?" Jimin couldn't help but suspiciously question Minjeong once the actor's person had disappeared. "Have you two talked before? It feels like you two have talked before. What's going on? Tell me now." Jimin usually isn't the type to let out her emotions, but when she gets a grip of that little green-eyed monster within her... Oh boy, there's no stopping her then.




Minjeong's cheeks flushed as she stuttered, caught off guard by Jimin's probing questions but at the same time not too sure if she wanted to relive that particular past. "Um, well, you see, it's... it's a bit complicated," she began, her words coming out in a rush. "We have met before, not too long ago, but it's a long story. I promise I'll fill you in at the venue."




Jimin raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Met before? What do you mean?"




"It's just ever since we- actually you know what, I'll fill you in at the venue, alright? You should probably get going, I'll meet you there, and once I see you, I'll tell you everything. I promise, okay?"




Jimin studied Minjeong's expression, sensing nothing but sincerity, so she chose to let go. "Fine," she said before groaning at the prospect of needing to share a car with Jihoon, which garnered a short chuckle from the blonde.












"You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now"




Jimin's heart skipped a beat at Minjeong's words. She found herself captivated, her gaze shifting between Minjeong's lips and her eyes, filled with desire...




After arriving at the venue, sticking true to his words.. Jihoon left to join some other actors before disappearing completely, whilst Minjeong eventually find her way back to Jimin's side again...




Initially, they mingled with the other guests, sharing smiles and conversation. But as the night progressed...  the eventually found themselves seated alone, with nothing but the enveloping warmth of each other's company.... until Minjeong's favourite song began to play... it's melody filling the air with a rich sense of fun and something so captivatedm it made Minjeong extend a hand to Jimin... inviting her for a dance




And it was in the midst of the dance floor... after hearing Minjeong's little confession.... when a sudden reality of their situation began weighing heavily on her...




The very reality that... despite the sparks that are flying between them as they were moving together as one.... they would never be able to display this type of affection any further, openly....




They just couldn't afford to be too obvious about their relationship... because that would put their careers on the line...




It was just the way this industry works... the dark reality of a job that writes your name on shining lights....




And Jimin knew this.. ad long been acquainted with the unforgiving nature of fame, aware of the sacrifices required to maintain her public persona... and she knew MInjeong was also aware ttoo...




But despite that knowledge... it still frustrated her to no end... the realisation that she had to conceal her emotions for Minjeong... that she couldn't fully and openly express the depth of her love... just because they had eyes watching her.. everywhere....




That thought began spiralling relentless in her head... the thought of just how unfair it all was... just how unfair it was on Minjeong too... that no matter how much she wanted nothing more than to pull shorter woman aside into a quiet corner and kiss her senseless as to show the world just how much she loved her... she couldn't....




She just couldn't... not just because she was in some 'relationship' with another actor.. but also because...




She's a public image....




"Minjeong" She began... wanting to put these thoughts into light... when they suddenly found themselves surrounded by the group of slightly tispy staff members who pulled her into their midst and began showering the actress with compliments for her undeniable dedication and hard work. The sudden intrusion separated her from Minjeong in an instant as more and more colleagues joined in the celebration...




"You know, Jimin," her makeup artist, now a bit slurred from the champagne, said with a grin, "You were such a handful at first, but then you turned into the sweetest soul I've ever had the pleasure to work with." She took another sip, nodding appreciatively.




"Oh- thank you?"




"No for real, Jimin, if we're being honest we really did think you lived up to your diva name" another chimed in, echoing the sentiments of the group. . "But you've proven us all wrong. You're not just an amazing actress; you're a joy to work with. These last couple of weeks have been a pleasure, and your talent shines through in every scene." He raised his own glass in a toast to her, prompting cheers and applause from the gathered staff and actors...




At first, Jimin felt a bit bashful under the spotlight of the unexpected praise, but as the atmosphere grew more festive, she couldn't help but join in the laughter and banter.... her shoulder relaxing as the joyful ambience filled the air...




All the while... Minjeong watched Jimin with a radiant smile, her heart swelling with pride at seeing her partner so effortlessly connecting with everyone around her. It was a warm, fuzzy feeling that enveloped her, a silent acknowledgment of just how far Jimin had come.




There were no words needed to express it—Minjeong was simply proud of her, proud of how far she had come...




From diva to most loved... "heh" she couldn't help but chuckle to herself 




How it should be




"Hey, Jimin, why aren't you drinking?" A fellow actor raised an eyebrow, noticing the absence of a glass in her hand.




"Oh- I'm good, I don't drink, not anymore" she replied, attempting to brush off the question. "I'm just enjoying the moment."




But the actor wasn't convinced. "Come on, Jimin, live a little!" he exclaimed, reaching for a nearby bottle of champagne. "Here, let me pour you a glass."




"No no please, I really rather not" She stole a sudden glance at Minjeong who returned the eye contact in short surprise "I promised myself I wouldn't... not anymore"




"But you should at least drink something-"




"I'll grab it!" Eyes turned towards the blonde as she stood up on her feet . "I'll get you something non-alcoholic. You haven't had a drink since you got here, now that I think about it. You must be thirsty. Juice?" Her smile was small but her eyes sparkled warmly, a sight that made Jimin's heart flutter.




With a nod, Jimin accepted, watching Minjeong bounce away with a sense of gratitude. Left alone, she seamlessly merged back into the lively atmosphere of the celebration.




"You have a great manager, you know," the actor remarked, pouring himself another glass. "I wish my manager was this reliable..."








"Yeah, she's great isn't she" Jimin agreed, smiling as she thought of Minjeong. But before she could dwell on it further, another staff member interrupted with an announcement, drawing her attention back to the ongoing festivities.




"Hey, did you guys see this?" he exclaimed, waving his phone excitedly. "There's some big news!"




Curious, the crowd gathered around him, eager to hear what he had to say. Jimin, however, stayed in her spot, not particularly interested. She decided to listen in to everyone's chatter while patiently waiting for Minjeong to return.




"You know that controversial drama that just released a second season?"




"Secretary Secrets right? Who doesn't know it?"




"Right, well, the two main actresses are dating! Like it's been revealed by some anonymous source... but looking at the contents, I think it's actually real!"




"No way! The two leads? Kim Sojung and Jung Eunbi!? But they're both women!"




Those names managed to perk Jimin's ears asshe turned her gaze with a mix of curiosity and intrigue.. However... as the gears in her brain finally completed turning its gears... the realisation of what that very news actually meant... suddenly made her heart skip a beat...




Kim Sojung and Jung Eunbi were not just co-stars; they were rumored to be close friends... from what she heard... the drama had brought them very close to each other... but their closeness would eventually lead to a romantic relationship... now those results were definitely surprising to her...




But at the same time... she couldn't help but relate to the news... feeling a glimmer of hope suddenly spark within her....




Because... if two big names had come out and had their same- relationship announced in such a manner...




Then maybe... just maybe...




The industry might accept her relationship too...




Her heart was jumping at this point... mixed with excitement as she began imagining those endless possibilites...




"Two women can't be in love, and even if they are, why have it released to the media? It's social suicide"




Until her heart sank right back down... the initial high that she felt, left her body immediately after hearing an older staff member make that comment...




Grimly reminding her... that sometimes dreams are only meant to stay as dreams....
















Minjeong emerged from the steamy bathroom, her skin tingling from the warmth of the shower. After swiftly drying herself off and slipping into her cozy pajamas, she began towel-drying her hair, all the while, humming softly to herself as she made her way into the bedroom she shared with Jimin, expecting to find her partner waiting as usual. After the eventful day and night they'd had, all Minjeong wanted was to snuggle up with the actress for the rest of the night.




But as soon as she entered.... she felt a sense of disappointment rush over her when she saw the room was empty. The bed was neatly made, the curtains slightly drawn, and the soft glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm light across the room. Confused, Minjeong glanced around, her brow furrowing slightly.




“Jimin?” she called out, but there was no response.




They had returned home past midnight, and Minjeong knew that Jimin had gone to bed earlier. She had even used a separate bathroom to shower and get ready. There was no way the woman could still be in the shower.




But then if she's not in the bedroom...




Where in the world could she be...




It's almost 3 am, what in the world is she doing...?




Minjeong couldn't shake off her concern about Jimin's rest, so she resolved to search for the answer to that question herself...




Leaving the bedroom, she treaded down the hallway, her steps muffled against the wooden floor. Upon entering the living room, she halted, scanning the area for any trace of Jimin.




And there she was....




Jimin was sitting on the window seat, aa sturdy ledge running the width of the window, offering just enough space to accommodate her comfortably. Bathed in the soft, fading light of the evening, she gazed out at the distant sky, her profile outlined by the gentle hues of twilight. Her expression carried a sense of contemplativeness... as if she was lost in a thought that seemed far away...




As if something had been bothering her, weighing on her mind for some time now, and only in the quiet of this hour could she find the peace to reflect upon it....




And from here....




Minjeong felt her breath catch in her chest... completely arrested by the sight of Jimin....




Because she truly embodied the very essence of beauty...




Now.. in all fairness, that was something the blonde had always known for the longest time...




But it's just each time she had the privilege of laying eyes on the actress, with a soft glow cast over her... that feeling of awe only intensified.








Every single time...




Jimin was huddled up by the window, her back against the dark oak frame, knees drawn close to her chest. Her long, straight locks cascaded down her shoulders, framing her delicate features and she wore nothing but a short silk, navy-colored nightgown, putting her smooth legs on display all the way up to her upper thighs and draping over her body, highlighting  flawlessly every curve and contour.




It was a sight that quickened Minjeong's heartbeat, her cheeks flushing with warmth and growing dry....




This Jimin right here...




The picture of perfection...




Was the very image Minjeong had always conjured up in her mind whenever she thought of Jimin....




A happy sour patch kid illuminated over by a soft light... and the love of Kim Minjeong's life...




It was honestly amazing to her how, every time she laid eyes on Jimin, the blonde felt like she had fallen in love all over again....




That was just the pull the actress had on Minjeong—a spell that had been casted over her, a magic so potent she could never break free from it.




And better yet..




She didn't want to...




She just wanted to remain within this enchanting force forever, allowing it to swirl around her, as long as it meant it would wrap her close to Jimin for all eternity.




"Minjeong?" Sensing a presence, the actress turned her head to see her little golden retriever standing there, cheeks flushed and eyes completely zoned out....



Her words managed to snap the blonde out of her enchantment.




"Huh?" Minjeong's gaze broke away as her eyes locked with Jimin's.




"you were staring"




"If you had a girlfriend as beautiful as yourself, you would be staring too,"




chuckling in response, the actress turned back to gaze back out the window with a small smile, her legs slipping down off the bench to make room for Minjeong, who promptly accepted the invitation and took her seat.




they sat there just like this in brief silence, both just staring at the wondering clear sky,.. marvelling at just how bright the stars looked tonight... when a sheet of gray clouds began looming over slowly... before covering the sky completely.




"ah.." Minjeong pouted at the sudden change of weather...




light rain ain began to trickle down, but the blonde had a feeling it was going to pour very soon.




She turned to Jimin, wanting to whine to her about what she presumed will be an incoming storm...but froze when she saw the expression on the actress' face.




typically Jimin was someone who was very good at hiding in her emotions away from the public's eye...




So seeing the women... with her eyebrows furrowed.. and eyes deeply lost in thought as she stared at the rain that was slowly getting heavier and heavier..




The sight tugged at Minjeong's heartstrings...




"Jimin..." When Jimin turned to meet her gaze, Minjeong could see the weight of unspoken thoughts in her eyes. "Is everything okay?"




Jimin didn't reply verbally. Instead, she offered Minjeong a small nod, a silent acknowledgment of her question, before returning back to the window with a solemn expression, lost in her own thoughts.




Which in turn further amplified Minjeong's concerned




"Oh no, you don't" She cupped Jimin's cheeks and forced the woman to meet her eyes again.




"What in the devil's, Minjeong?" the actress remarked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Minjeong manipulated her face, her cheeks squished together back and forth...




"Pffft" the blonde just couldn't help herself, finding the sight of Jimin's mushed cheeks both amusing and endearing... and eventually, she couldn't hold it in any longer...




She begins laughing out loud whilst continuously mushing Jimin's cheeks together over and over again.. each time laughing a bit more than the last...




"Quit it!" Jimin's protest came as she swatted Minjeong's hand away, but the blonde was too caught up in her laughter to heed the warning. "You're such a pest," Jimin huffed, her face twisted in mock annoyance, though her voice carried a hint of amusement, giving away the fact that she found the situation somewhat humorous too.




"You love it" The blonde teased and stuck her tongue out.








Turning her head, Jimin shook her head with a smile before returning her gaze to the window, where a storm had now fully unleashed its fury. The distant rumble of thunder echoed through the room as she reached out to touch the cool glass, feeling the intensity of the rain tapping against it...




"What should I even do with you?" she sighs not liking the way the weather has shifted so drastically..




"You could start by letting me know what's bothering you, otherwise I won't be able to help myself but keep annoying you until you do"




"Was it that noticeable?"




"Were you trying to hide it?"




"I didn't know you would be looking for me at this hour, so I didn't plan on anything."




"Well" The blonde reaches out to put her hand on the back of Jimin's "I can't fall asleep without you beside me anymore... so take it as you will, but I don't even care if it's even 5 am in the morning, I'm not sleeping without holding you in my arms"





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Zzz_j000 0 points #1
Chapter 42: Chapter 42: What if I cry? 🥹 Thank you so much for writing, author!!! 🫶🫶
addicted03 0 points #2
Chapter 42: What a beautiful way to end the story, thank you so much for spending so much time and effort into this and sharing it with all of us. Was smiling throughout reading the last chapter, so happy for our favourite couple. Happy endings are always the best (as well as that glimpse of the future) 😭 rest well, Author and looking forward to your next story when you’re all better!
0 points #3
Chapter 40: I love this chapter so much! I was so immersed on how Jimin conveyed her feelings to Minjeong in front of crowd!! 💓
0 points #4
Chapter 42: Thank you for this!
dpphppy #5
Chapter 42: HIIIII i finally read the last chapter 🥹 and what i’m gonna say is i will miss this fiction and of course when the time comes, i will reread it again because this is truly one of the bestest winrina fanfic i’ve ever read. oh and their relationship here is so cute but i don’t know if there is a relationship in real life like this honestly, if there ever have then omg i want it too!! it’s so cute when there were mad with each other but still always make sure to be near with each other. thank you for this masterpiece
mjeonggs #6
Chapter 42: ❤️
ken_leo #7
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️❤️
hezlawan #8
Chapter 42: Thank you so much for this wonderful fic!!🥺 definitely one of may favorites here on aff. Can’t wait to read your future works!!
kariselleheart 17 streak #9
Chapter 42: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MASTERPIECE AUTHOR!! Truly one of the best stories I have read in a while. I will be rereading this many many times. I hope you have a good rest and recover well!!

if you ever come out with another jiminjeong story ill be there to support!! thank you again 🥹🫶🏼
Chapter 42: I feel honored to have been part of this incredible journey that was following this beautiful story😊
I loved every part of it, you have a special talent with words that made me addicted to this story, making it one of my favorites🥰👏👏
Thank you so much for this, you are amazing😘
Rest well, when you feel good and comfortable to return, we will be here to support your future stories😉💕💕💕