Undeniable petals

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Eunbi caught the hanahaki disease...


Flowers in the lungs from unrequited love is an interesting concept.

I had this in my drafts for a very long time. Rereading however, gave me a flow of inspiration, prompting me to want to continue and complete what I started.


This story will be shorter than my other stories.


Unlike my past stories, I cannot promise the consistency of updates as this was never intended to be published. (It was mostly just an idea dump project)

However, if you are reading, I appreciate it and as always, welcome any feedback!



Thanks for subscribing to undeniable petals! Despite a small audience, your readership means a lot and appreciate everyone of you. Updates have been weekly, but life changes may stretch them out. If I miss a week, please bear with me—I'm still on it. Thanks again!


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HakunaMatata01 #1
Chapter 10: Thank you for finishing this story!! It was a wonderful read an an emotional rollercoaster, it’s sad to see Gfriend stories like these not getting the same amount of attraction as your other story. But nevertheless I hope one day you can create more Gfriend stories
Chapter 9: Finally! Been waiting for this!

The Eunbis, nooooo T.T

So much happened, poor Sowon, not just witnessing Eunbis collapsing, but also seeing them with blood 🥺

Thank you for the update, I hope you're doing well, authornim!
HakunaMatata01 #3
Chapter 8: NOOO, AUTHORNIM, YOU JUST DIDN'T???!!! >.<
Such a tease! 😭🤣 Looking forward next chap!
HakunaMatata01 #5
Chapter 7: Damn! The two Eunbi’s are alike, I mean they’re different.. but alike at the same time with Sojung.

It looks like either could be end game now…
Chapter 6: I loved seeing Eunha's insight. She is not the bad guy no matter what SinB might think. Her own question was answered by Sowon. She is nor bad, she is sincere and just wants for all three of them to be happy and for both Eunbi's, herself included, to stop hurting and growing flowers in their bodies.

The symptoms are worsening, Eunha needs to decide fast. Sure, her situation is complicated but I am sure there can be an outcome where all three of them turn out happy. But even with sad ending I will be happy because I love this story! Haven't read one about this concept in a while .

SinB and Eunha don't want to sacrifice their feelings for Sowon, both preferring to feel love rather than lose it. Might be jealousy over one another, not wanting to give up.

Losing feelings might be the one of a few solutions where they make it out alive. But you might surprise us, author.
HakunaMatata01 #7
Chapter 6: I kind of just realised this now, but is there a reason Eunha's petals are a variety of colours, but SinB's is only yellow?
Chapter 6: Whoever's gonna end up with Sowon, my heart's gonna be crushed for sure, I've been thinking about this story since the last chapter 😭
Chapter 5: Both Eunbi's have fallen for the same girl. It will be hard choice for Sowon to make. If she will make it What will happen if she sees both girls as just friends?

I doubt she would let them die over her and will assure them to get surgery.

If she will ever find out, that is.