Tugging at your Heartstrings


Hanni has always been good at everything to do with music, but that wasn't enough.
Minji has always been good at playing the drums, but that wasn't enough.

Both had reasons to leave, both found themselves in the same college in search of a new experience.
... Oh no, not that kind of experience.


Since Minji was busy communicating in her native language with Danielle, Hanni took the opportunity to properly take a look at her face.

And what a beautiful face she had. (And she smelled so nice…) A sharp jawline showed as Minji tucked her long black hair behind her ear, where two silver small loops dangled from. Full lips as she talked words Hanni didn’t understand, but honestly she might as well talk in English and Hanni wouldn’t get a single word still. She was too busy being shocked at how perfect Minji’s nose was, and her dark eyes and thick eyebrows and-

“Hanni!” Danielle shook her arm. “Come on, introduce yourself!”





Oh I'm so excited to post this storyyyyyyyyyyyy! I just wanted to write some cute wholesome bbangsaz and ended up writing a whole long fic ahah well!

This story is set in Australia and features more Australian idols and some random ones I like. Expect Daerin on the side, wholesomeness, drama, and a very, very cool Kim Minji!

As always, I hope you enjoy this story a lot!


I post every three days and update on Twitter as well, at @itzloonatic


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Chapter 22: aww, all of them are just too cute. i'm gonna miss this story. this has been my happy pill ever since I started reading. thank you for sharing your work! <3
Chapter 21: icb that this is ending too. i always look forward whenever a chapter is coming out 🥲
can't wait to see how the last chapter will end <3
Chapter 19: they are so cute and they make me feel so single wth
Chapter 18: the girls had finally get their together!!! i hope i can see some bonding between hanni and hyein 🥹🫶
Chapter 17: i hope hyein can be their wingman lol
Chapter 15: omg girl hanni, that was your chance! i better hear some good reasons on why you let minji walk out like that 🥹
Chapter 13: minji is definitely making her moves by quoting w2e's bad lyrics lol
Chapter 10: thank you for always updating, i hope you stay healthy🌸❤️
Chapter 7: thank u for updates🤗 💗
Chapter 6: thank u for updates🤗