Chapter 2

We were meant for each other

Chapter 2

The following day you headed to the company. You went to the studio and Jay was already there.

"Hey Jay!" you bowed, you were happy to see him. 

"Oh, hi Jane!" greeted Jay as he turned to face you. "We’re going to start with my first track; which is the one with your melody and beat. I've written the lyrics to it already, I'll show it to you; to see what you think of them. Oh and Chacha should be here in 10 minutes; he's running late. So we can get started first. Oh right, it’s going to be an English and Korean album," Jay said as he told you all the details for his upcoming album.

You were excited for this; you still couldn’t believe this opportunity found it's way to you. You were also very happy for Jay, he was making a comeback with an album that consisted of both Korean and English songs. Jay had a high number of international fans and you knew they would definately appreciate this album.

You walked over to the couch, took a seat and put your stuff down. Jay came over and sat down next to you. He showed you the lyrics he had written to your beat. They were english lyrics and let me tell you, they were beautiful and very meaningful. They told a story about the challenging things in life and to never give up. One particular line caught your attention: ~I'm not gonna give up because of you~ This line really did describe Jay's position; he really never gave up. He came back stronger and better.. well he was already super awesome in the first place but you get me xD. This was perfect for the melody.

"so.. What do you think?" Jay questioned, paying close attention to how you would react.

"Wow.. Honestly Jay, these are very moving lyrics. You’re really talented. I believe these lyrics would be perfect. They, like.. give me the feeling of your true emotions," you glanced at Jay and he smiled brightly. And here you go again; totally drawn to his smile. Seriously though, I don't think anyone wouldn't feel the same way as I did, when that smile was smiling directly at me. 

"Really?! Thanks Jane, I appreciate it."

"Hey guys!" You heard the voice of Chacha greeted so you turned around to face the door.

"Hey bro! What's up!" Jay got up and went over to Chacha and gave him a hug.

Startled by Jay, Chacha eyed him suspiciously, “Yo, okay, hold up. What’s with the hug out of nowhere, you seem beyond happy. Or are you planning to ask me a favour,"

“Come on! A bro can’t hug his little brother?” Jay appreciated that someone he had just met; had praised his writing skills. It made him feel.. good. He was in a good mood.

"Hey Chacha!" you interupted the boys 'cute' moment. 

"Hey sis! I'm really sorry for being late guys. Alright let's get started!” Chacha walked to the monitor and sat down. You also walked over to the monitor, Jay pulls over the chair for you and he goes to the recording booth. 

Things were moving as planned. After what seemed like a couple hours, the first track was nearly done and all was left was the mixing. "Hey guys! Let's have a break and get some lunch. Jay you better eat too man! You've been working too much. Come on, let's go!" Chacha ordered.

"Nah man, it’s okay you guys can go," Jay said. 

"Nah bro you’re coming with us. No excuses! It's already close to 3. And knowing you, all you had this morning was a bowl of cereal"

"..A POT of cereal thank you very much," responded a defensive Jay.

"So that was what your fans were talking about! I swear I was so lost when they started talking about that. But anyway, come on! nooww!," Chacha insisted.

"Its s'all good. I'm fine, I'll have lunch later," persisted Jay. 

"Come on Jay! Eat something and we'll continue with this right after," you inserted. Well.. you knew it wasn't your place to tell Jay what to do, when you just only met him not long ago. But seriously, this boy, when it came to work, you knew he'd always be perfecting it before he decides to mind his health.

"You too Jane?! What is this?! A gang up on Jay day?!" Jay whined while getting up from his seat to go with you guys. You and Chacha couldn't help but laugh at the poor Jay that didn't get his way. He got in between you and Chacha, wrapped one arm around Chacha's shoulder and the other.. yes, around yours. 

Chacha looked over at you, the guy was signalling you and him to start tickling Jay. I can't do that, I'd be doomed! But anyway, you waited till Chacha decided to make his move. The next thing you know, Chacha got a hold of Jay's arm while you got a hold of the other unknowingly; it happened out of instinct! Chacha started tickling Jay. In between Jay's constant laughter he manages to spit out, "YO! W-HAT TH-E HELLL! Bro!" Jay looked at Chacha who was too busy tickling him which made him look at you, who was too busy laughing your head off. 

"Jane! I-I swear! you bet-ter let go-o or you'll regret i-it!" demanded Jay.

Chacha who was still tickling Jay, seemed like he was having the time of his life; like a little brother accomplishing something from his big brother. You loved seeing their close brotherly relationship; it made you smile. Chacha suddenly let go and ran off yelling, "I'm sorry Jane! He would kill me!"

So you''re left to deal with a Jay who was definately going to get revenge. You quickly let go of Jay's arm and acted like nothing happened, yeah.. how stupid.

"ha ha ha Jane", Jay sarcastically laughed and looked down at you. Suddenly Jay picked you up princess-style, you subsequently let out a small scream. Well, you would've screamed for your life but come on people would have thought you were crazy. You were beyond surprised and shock and you were 110% sure your cheeks were boiling up. But seriously! Who wouldn't feel all shy about it?! That was like.. the first ever physical contact you both had! 

"I'll put you in the bin right now," Jay said in a tone that sounded like he knew you for years than like what, not even two days? He began laughing and walked towards the circular large bin in the studio.

I am sooo doomed.

"Aww, come on Jay! Put me down, please? I is sorry!" You begged, well.. your laughing in between didn't help the situation; but it was worth a try, right? He just shook his head to your plead and continued on with his laughter. The more you tried to wiggle out of his arms, the stronger his grip was.

Just as you were above the bin, you wondered if Jay would actually put you in there. But seeing as the bin only had papers in there and it was one of those large ones; you figured he would. So you decided it was time you needed to get out of there.

"Oh! Hi!" You screamed while looking towards the empty door and waving your free hand as if greeting someone. Jay turned around immediately and his grip loosened around you. Finding the perfect chance, you quickly got out of his hold and jumped out of his hands.

I am free and now I run. And that was exactly what you did.

"How dare you!!!" Jay screamed after you.



I'm sorry if this is long aswell!  xD 

I'm happy I updated two chapters within two days though =)

It's starting! woo! lol Let me know how it is! 

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Currently editing previous chapters. Plot content will not change. Just fixing certain parts after realising it really needed some editing. Have a nice day :)


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YunaJi #1
Chapter 17: Update please
Sweetness15 #2
Chapter 16: Yeeeeeeeeeeees!!!!!! More please!
Chapter 15: I really love this fanfic!Please update soon :) :)
Can you please read ours too ?Please? ^_^
PJ-Yang #4
Chapter 15: Such a nice update.
gabriellens #5
Chapter 14: please update ittt ;___;
ohshytsitzmarina #6
Chapter 14: Poor Jay I know he's having a heard time with this.. But.... Stupid fans! Ugh!
Chapter 13: Awwwww. Jay..
Please update! FIGHTTTIN'
DreamLoveBelieve #8
I send my apologies for disappearing for such a long time. I wont be able to update until another 4 more weeks. Once again, I'm really sorry!
year suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure it was a dream ;)
wendextie2 #10
Ok I don't know if it's because I'm on my lady time and my hormones are making me all sad but I seriously got soo teary eyed having to see her suffer like that. T-T"
I'm a new reader defly and am in love with this story! Please update!!! :D