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"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow."  


This was not how my life was supposed to end, never. I forced my eyes shut and my face straight as I sat on the chilled metal chair and fought back the tears. I haven't properly thanked my parents for bringing me into the world, and I haven't told Ji how much I love him yet. I haven't done anything for my siblings, and I do miss them. How can I just disappear without saying goodbyes?

My mind was able to generate millions of theories for what might be happening, but in the end, it came to rest on the most straightforward and least inventive explanation of the situation. These men want information about the mission that Dad is working on. Will I be confined to this container for Christmas and New Year's Eve? Can my dad come to my aid? Has Dad heard the news about me? I genuinely have no idea how my family is going to handle this. I hope everyone is doing well. No one else is facing the situation I am facing now.

I was extremely thirsty. I could hear the repetitive sound of waves pounding and feel the chill wind blowing through the small exhaust opening. Hundreds of seagulls flew overhead, yelling. It appears that I am traveling over the ocean, and dusk is almost upon us.

The sound of the latch opening reached my ears. A man carrying a plate of food and water stepped inside the container. I was told to eat when he untied my hand. I won't eat. He gave me his word that they intended no harm to me. But they won't hesitate to shoot me if I try to act smart. He untied my legs, and I stepped out of the container. I look around and am astonished to realize that I am floating on a large cargo ship in the middle of the ocean with no visible landmass. If it's noon it's really difficult to guess the direction. I can tell that's the west side just by looking at the sunset. There are perhaps fifteen to twenty armed guards on duty. I head back to the container, considering my options for escaping this predicament. I must eat to get energy if I need to fight against them.

I made an effort to find out why they had taken me hostage. What are their demands from my dad? Have they gotten in touch with my dad? However, they didn't respond to any of my inquiries.

When one of the guards attempted to approach me, others stopped him. Thank heavens, they aren't really that callous. Who knows, though? Their hearts might shift at any time. I will kill myself before they intend to do any indecent act with me. Time was moving very slowly. Even though it was nighttime, I could not fall asleep. How am I going to escape? I overheard guards whisper that Dad had asked for some more time so that he could comply with the complete information. It's unbelievable that Dad would divulge the information for my benefit. I am sorry, Dad. I should have listened to you. I should have been more careful.


I woke up at dawn to seagull noise. I tried not to sleep, but I dozed off. The door of the container was locked. I'm hoping for some nice news on this new day. It's Christmas today, the whole world is celebrating it with their loved ones, and my family and I are stuck in this situation. I am unable to do anything. I kept on pacing back and forth in the container. I have to do something; I can't just sit here. I checked the time; it was 5.10 a.m. 

After a few hours, one guard opened the door of the container to give me food. I went out of the container to use the washroom. I overheard that the guards were changing positions. This is the best chance. Some were busy eating, and some were changing places, I decided to take the risk, so I slid into the sea. Even though I don't have much stamina, I will try my best. I'm hoping to gain some help if I can swim a few miles.

I had not gone more than 500 meters when I heard waves slamming into the ocean. When I turn back, a few of the guards are leaping after me. My misfortune. They quickly caught me and brought me to cargo. They now tie me to the crane instead of the container.


I heard the guards conversing in the afternoon, and they appeared tense. What happens? All of a sudden, they were checking their weapons and reloading them as needed. The atmosphere was tense. For them, something just wasn't right, but perhaps it was for me. Along with the sound of gunfire and explosions, I heard a glass break. I am so happy my dad has planned my rescue while protecting our country, he hasn't forgotten his responsibilities. Numerous commanders could be seen emerging from all directions; some leaped out of the aircraft, while others emerged from the water below. Their faces were painted. However, I feel Ji's presence. There is no way he could be here.

However, I believe he is here, among the commanders. The cargo was surrounded. It was a miracle that I was alive and that I still had control over my consciousness. I couldn't tell if the tears streaming down my face were joyous or sad.  All around me, I could see men getting shot and collapsing, and I was hanging in midair. The crane began to move, and I found myself above the water. I got shot once, but miraculously survived and plunged into the ocean. It truly was a miracle. I was drowning and was unable to move because I was tied. Someone unexpectedly seized me and began dragging me out just as I was about to give up and try to come to terms with the possibility of death. I can't seem to forget his touch. Yes, my Love, that is him. I spun around and peered over the fluttering eyelashes to see my macho man. In the water, his face gleamed. I could see his moist eyes and the lines on his forehead. He appeared much more handsome. Even though I was in agony and dying, these insignificant thoughts effortlessly entered my head, and I grinned. All it meant was that I was still alive.

I hug him tightly. ‘Hey, no worries. It's alright. You're alright,’ he said. Once more, reality struck, and I panicked. Perhaps he noticed. ‘It’s okay. You are safe. Don’t worry. I'll work to get you out.’ He had a determined and gloomy appearance. I took a look around. I let out a sigh of relief as I turned to face Ji again. He was heading for the anchor chain. “Can y

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Janaky011203 #1
Chapter 27: I really pity for both of them. Thanks for the updates.
Janaky011203 #2
Chapter 25: I love how the story goes. Dara and Jiyong are very much inlove with each other.
JiSandara #3
Chapter 25: I am not familiar w/ Korea's rules on cadet training protocol w/ regards to romantic relationship. Based on PMA cadets' rules...there's no such thing as prohibition. They are considered "Cream of the Crop"...therefore they are expected to act morally & w/ decency.
Ji is bound to follow the chain of command...that most likely is his violation...stl does not merit expulsion nor dishonorable dismissal.🤷🤷🤷
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #4
Chapter 25: They say that when you love it is in "the good times and the bad" I like that Dara is doing everything possible so that Jiyong gets out of this matter well
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #5
Chapter 24: I understand that the military must obey the rules, but sometimes they are too strict, I just hope a fair trial for Jiyong
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #6
Chapter 22: ❤️❤️❤️ Amo esta historia , estaré esperando ansiosamente por la actualización , gracias
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #7
Chapter 21: OMG!!! Why can't everything be perfect? I just hope Dara doesn't get hurt.
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #8
Chapter 17: I love Ji Yong, he is a persevering man, they are finally dating, I love that they have confessed their love, even though their relationship has to be secret, I like the relationship that Dará has with her father, he is her only confidant 🥰, I love this story
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #9
Chapter 11: ❤️❤️❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #10
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Dara my girl, life loves you eh!!, meeting your future "father-in-law and mother-in-law" as Jiyong said in that dance is definitely a thing of destiny, I am excited for the reunion, Jiyong He is very detailed with his shipments and so Romantic with his messages