that dreadful night

There Is No Love For Me Like Yours


EunAe’s POV
We were sleeping soundly. You were beside me, hugging me loosely. Suddenly I wake up, having this sudden urge to pee. I stood up and started to walk to bathroom by myself. If you knew about this, you would be mad. You never let me do things own my own. Not even peeing. But I didn’t want to wake you up. You looked so peaceful, and I didn’t want to disturb you. You were probably tired after doing all the work today, and I want to let you rest. 
I walked slowly and carefully to the bathroom, watching my own steps. I open the door, and closed it quietly. After finishing my business, I stood in front of the mirror and stare at my reflections. My face was bloated. I have a double chin, and my body is huge as a drum. I sighed at my own reflections. I really need to work out after this pregnancy. I look like a freaking monster.
I heard shuffling outside the door. , did you just wake up? I’m so dead. I planned a few lame excuses and step out of the bathroom.
“Kibum…” I called out your name but my call was answered with a hard blow on the head. I fell down instantly, trying my best to protect my babies.
“Don’t hurt her! Take whatever you want!” you screamed.
“EunAe, are you ok?” I heard your worried voice across the room.
“I’m fine. Don’t worry. Are you hurt?” 
Before you have the chance to answer, the burglars screamed at both of us. “Shut the hell up!”
“You!” he pointed at me. “What a beautiful wife you have here.” He sneered. 
I hear you screaming behind me. I can hear the frustrations in your voice because you can’t help me. You were hold by the other burglars.
“I think we’ll have some fun time together.” He smirked while trying to kiss me. 
His disgusting lips barely can touch me, when I hear a loud ‘thud’. I opened my eyes and I saw you punching the crap out of him. But that didn’t last long because the other thugs grab you and start kicking and punching you.
I crouched in fear. I saw my cellphone nearby, and slowly grab it and make a call to the police. One of them turned his body towards me and saw me making the call.
“What do you have there?” he approached me closer and snatched the cellphone from me.
“Who the are you calling?” he screamed. I shook my head fervently.
“Are you calling the police?”
I look at him, and put on my bravest face. “They are on their way here! So you better get lost!”
I flinched as he screamed in furry and throw the cellphone breaking it into little pieces.
“You are going to regret this!” he yelled as he kicks my stomach hard.
I gasp in pain as pain starts to creep in slowly towards my entire body. I felt dizzy. My visions started to get blurry. I can feel blood flowing out of my . Oh Lord, please save my babies. Another kick to my head finished the job as I passed out.
Kibum’s POV
I crawled slowly towards you. You were unconscious and I saw blood pooling around your lower half of your body. 
“EunAe, wake up. Wake up EunAe…” I cradle your limp body as I sobbed furiously.
I was standing outside the ward, waiting for you. They need to save our babies, so the doctors decided to do a surgery. I saw them cutting you up. They sliced your belly right above your . blood were gushing out from your stomach. I saw them pulling out our babies from you. The doctors were so rough. I felt like screaming so that they soften their action. But I didn’t say anything. My voice was stuck at the bottom of my throat. They were blue EunAe. I was so scared, I thought they didn’t make it. But they did. The nurses took them away so that they can cleans our babies.
I waited for you to wake up, but you don’t. The doctor said that you were in comatose state due to your head injury. The doctor said a bunch of stuff, but I don’t pay him any attention. I just stood there blankly, watching your pale body on that hospital’s bed.
“Kim EunAe, what the hell is happening to us?” I weep as I hold your cold hand.
how was that? i hope it was tragic enough
i just watch a live caesearean section being held right in front of my eyes a few days ago
and i tried to describe them in the story, but i failed. *sigh*
anyway, keep commenting and to new readers, SUBSCRIBE :D
you, thanx for reading :)
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sorry for not updating my story. i hve exams coming soon, so i'm a little bit busy studying and such. i promise i'll update this as soon as i finish my exams.


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Chapter 11: T_T How can a story be so sad!!
Minnieminwoo #2
Chapter 12: I teared up without even knowing...........this story is so sad :"(.........but i still love it haha
Chapter 12: Is this just Key's imagination or did she really is there with him?
Or did he go to her now? *you know what I mean right?*
I am so loving this fic.
It's going to end? This is so sad, EunAe dont even see her kids yet! But I love it. I can feel everything in this fanfic.. Thanks for the wonderful fanfic! ^^
RiCa1826 #5
*cries a river*

this chapter is so sad DD;
--nsyoo #6
This is so sad~ T^T
Wake up soon EunAe! Poor Key, I wish EunAe (me) could wake up soon!

I loved this story so much! I really mean it. kekeke~