You appear again

There Is No Love For Me Like Yours


I stood there, laying my eyes on your limp body. I hold your hand tightly, humming to one of our songs.
“Through all the tears we left behind
The joy we shared, your hand in my mine
I can't resist touching you not even while you're sleeping
And when you wake I promise you
We'll celebrate our dreams come true
A love like ours will only grow much stronger”
Forever more – James Ingram
(A/N: you can listen to Onew's cover of this song here.)
It’s been a while since I got that dream. After having that dream, I rushed to the hospital to see you, expecting some kind of miracle. But there was none. I sighed deeply, still humming to the same song.
I remember how you keep asking me to sing that song when I used to call you late at night. You said that song calms you. Usually before I even finish singing that song, you’ll be sleeping on the other end of the line. 
I stayed at the hospital after I had that dream. I was expecting another dream with you, but there was none. I was always wondering whether you are mad at me after that fight.
After few days at the hospital, I went back home again. And the other guys help me to watch over you. And on that night, you appeared again in my dream. We were not fighting. We were spending time with each other, filling my dream with laughter and happiness.
And I rushed again to the hospital, expecting something good. But then again, there was nothing. This cycle repeats for a few times. Turns out that you will only appear when I’m at the house. But when I’m here in the hospital, there was no dream. I’m greatly confused by that facts, and I tried to ask you about it but your answers did not explained anything.
“EunAe, why are you not appearing in my dreams when I’m at the hospital? Why can’t you appear all the time?” we were lying on our back under a mango tree which magically appears out of nowhere. I turn my body sideways and look at you, waiting for an answer. 
“Don’t ask me. This is YOUR dream.” You simply said. 
I caressed your face lightly. I enjoyed your presence in each of my dream, but our last encounter really makes me confused. I can’t stop thinking about it.
We were strolling in an unknown park. I can hear sound of water flowing nearby. There must be a river somewhere. We walked with our hands glued to each other. No word were uttered, no laughter, no giggling, no teasing. We haven’t spoken a single word from the beginning of my dream. This silence was killing me. I can’t stand it. Was there something wrong? 
I tried to break the silence when you suddenly face me, taking my other free hand and hold them tightly. You stare deeply into my eyes, not uttering a single word. A small smile escaped from your lips.
“It’s time.” You said softly and let go of my hands. Turning your back against me, you walked away from me.
I stood there confused with your sentence. “Time for what?” I asked, but you have vanished into thin air leaving me alone in that unknown park.
“What did you mean by that EunAe ah..” I mumbled softly when I hear the door opens.
“You are here Mr. Kim.” a doctor appears behind that door. I just nodded curtly. I guess he is going to do his usual checkup.
“You want to do some usual checkup?” I ask the doctor. He doesn’t answer. “I guess I’ll have to  leave for a moment.” I said, exiting the room.
“Actually, I’m going to talk to you about something.” That stops me in the track. I turn around to look at him.
“Me? Well, sure.” I answered, indicating to him to continue his sentence.
“I think it’s better if we talk inside my office.” He said and step outside of the room walking towards his office. I follow him from behind, speculating about the things that he wants to discuss with me.
“Please, sit down Mr. Kim.” He says, gesturing to a chair. I nod and sit there quietly, looking at him questioningly. 
“So, Mr. Kim, it has been few months since EunAe is in comatose state.” He said slowly.
I look at him, anxious on his statement. “And so?”
He takes a deep breath, and look at me straight in the eyes. “I think it is time.”
My heart skips a beat. “What do you mean by that?” I squeak.
“You should let her go.” He simply said that like this is a usual thing to do. 
“Mr. Kim, you should listen--”
“Mr. Kim, we don’t think she will wake up from that state. -----------” the doctor keep talking and explaining about the scientific research and stuff about comatose person. He said that there is a very small chance that you will wake up.
I sighed deeply and stand up, shocking the doctor. “No matter what you say, it is still a No.” I walk away, towards the door. 
“You should think about it Mr. Kim.” I heard him say before I close the door with a loud ‘bang’.
hey again :D
sorry for not describing his other dreams
i want to, but it's going to be long and i want to finish this story fast before my exam.
so, basically they are just remniscing their moments in his dreams.
and i make a Shinee's Oneshot collection. you can find them here.
you can request for oneshot for any of Shinee's member.
but you must give me a SPECIFIC prompt/plot, or I won't be writing them for you. sorry..
anyway, don't forget to comment and subcribe! :D
thanks for reading you :D
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sorry for not updating my story. i hve exams coming soon, so i'm a little bit busy studying and such. i promise i'll update this as soon as i finish my exams.


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Chapter 11: T_T How can a story be so sad!!
Minnieminwoo #2
Chapter 12: I teared up without even knowing...........this story is so sad :"(.........but i still love it haha
Chapter 12: Is this just Key's imagination or did she really is there with him?
Or did he go to her now? *you know what I mean right?*
I am so loving this fic.
It's going to end? This is so sad, EunAe dont even see her kids yet! But I love it. I can feel everything in this fanfic.. Thanks for the wonderful fanfic! ^^
RiCa1826 #5
*cries a river*

this chapter is so sad DD;
--nsyoo #6
This is so sad~ T^T
Wake up soon EunAe! Poor Key, I wish EunAe (me) could wake up soon!

I loved this story so much! I really mean it. kekeke~