The Closure

There Is No Love For Me Like Yours


40 years have passed and I’m still here in our old bedroom staring at our old photos. I miss your smiles, I miss your laughter. It has been 40 years and my love for you stays strong, never fading. 
I walked slowly through the closet, a scent lingering. Vanilla.. It is vanilla but somehow it never smells the same, like it lack of something. It lacks you, your scent. But still, I inhale deeply as this is the closest thing I have to your scent, to you.
Laughter can be heard downstairs, and I smile. It’s your grandchildren. Both of our kids are married. I wish you were there for their wedding, crying into my shoulder seeing them off to another reality. They are happy, both of them.
I headed towards the balcony, facing the blue sea. The wind blows softly, the smells of sea and salt combining and maybe a little tinged of vanilla. I turned around, and there you are smiling beautifully. You still look the same after all these years, beautiful and perfection.
I froze at my place, staring but yet smiling as you approached me. My old wrinkly hand reached out to you and for the first time after eternity, you grasped my hand tightly, never letting go.
“I love you.” Your soft voice filled the air. It sounded so gentle, so distant, so real and I’m relieved.
“Forever and always.” Nothing can separate us now. We are together, now and forever.
A/N: finally an ending. sorry for the rush, short boring ending but i really want to finish this bc i dont think i can ever finish it after this.. and i think this is a good time to do so being key's birthday and all. sorry for the late closure bc i've lost my inspiration and ideas for this. chaptered fic was never my forte and i should stick to writing oneshots after this. do check them out here. i've written quite a few ^^
lastly, thank you so much too all of you that have stick to the story until the end. to the subscribers, commenters, reader, silent readers and to everyone, a gratitude from the deepest of my heart.
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sorry for not updating my story. i hve exams coming soon, so i'm a little bit busy studying and such. i promise i'll update this as soon as i finish my exams.


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Chapter 11: T_T How can a story be so sad!!
Minnieminwoo #2
Chapter 12: I teared up without even knowing...........this story is so sad :"(.........but i still love it haha
Chapter 12: Is this just Key's imagination or did she really is there with him?
Or did he go to her now? *you know what I mean right?*
I am so loving this fic.
It's going to end? This is so sad, EunAe dont even see her kids yet! But I love it. I can feel everything in this fanfic.. Thanks for the wonderful fanfic! ^^
RiCa1826 #5
*cries a river*

this chapter is so sad DD;
--nsyoo #6
This is so sad~ T^T
Wake up soon EunAe! Poor Key, I wish EunAe (me) could wake up soon!

I loved this story so much! I really mean it. kekeke~