You've changed me

There Is No Love For Me Like Yours


I wiped your face with a wet cloth before furthering to your whole body. I your dark brown hair, they felt course between my fingers. Your hair used to be soft and silky, and smelled like vanilla. I love to hug you from behind and immersed myself in your scent.

But now, the scent is long gone. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, trying to relive your sweet scent. But I can only smell the drugs, the chemicals.

I sighed. I got up and decided to take a walk. I saw a kid with an orange head bobbing around the hallway. In that instant, I remember Taemin.




“You’ve changed a lot hyung.” Taemin looked at me with his round eyes.

“For better or for worse?” I asked, curious.

He scratched his head and tilts them to the side. “For better I guess. You are calmer than before.”

“Calmer?” I laughed.

“Yeah, calmer. Especially when you are with her. You looked different. Different from the Key hyung I used to know before.” He smiled a bit. “It’s not a bad thing. It’s just, I realised that I’ll lose you sooner than I thought.”


I looked at him and smiled. It’s a bit weird to see him acting emo and sad. He is usually bright and cheery, not worrying about anything. So, I’ve found this unknown side of him to be a little bit amusing.


“Oh, Taemin…. You know I’ll never leave you. You ARE my favourite dongsaeng.” Hearing those words, he beamed. “Now, run along. Go and drink banana milk or something instead of mourning at me.”

He immediately laughed and nods his head before walking away.


When I told you about what Taemin said to me, you looked guilty. “I never wanted to take you away from your friends..”

“You didn’t take me from anybody. Instead you brought them closer.”

“I did?”

“Yes, you did. Because of you, I’ve become more mature. I’ve become a better hyung to my dongsaeng. I’ve become a better person.” I stare at the clouds of stars above us. They appear so bright, twinkling like your eyes twinkle when you’re happy.

“You’ve changed me, EunAe.” I sat up straight, turning my body so that I can face you. “And for that, I thanked you.”

You giggled. “When you said that, you make me seems like an inspirational person or something. Like Oprah.” You frowned. “And Oprah is old..”

I laughed at your silliness. “Hey, you should never make fun of Oprah.”

“I’m not making of fun of her! It’s a fact that she’s old.” You emphasized your point.

I shook my head slightly. I can’t see how Oprah’s age is related with our discussions. And I certainly don’t know how Oprah’s name set foot in our conversation. But I laugh nevertheless. “You are weird, did you know that..”

“I was born with it.” You grinned. And we lay on our back watching the dark blue sky be lighted by a shooting star.


No wish was made that day. Because my only wish during that time has been granted, that you’re always by my side.

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sorry for not updating my story. i hve exams coming soon, so i'm a little bit busy studying and such. i promise i'll update this as soon as i finish my exams.


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Chapter 11: T_T How can a story be so sad!!
Minnieminwoo #2
Chapter 12: I teared up without even knowing...........this story is so sad :"(.........but i still love it haha
Chapter 12: Is this just Key's imagination or did she really is there with him?
Or did he go to her now? *you know what I mean right?*
I am so loving this fic.
It's going to end? This is so sad, EunAe dont even see her kids yet! But I love it. I can feel everything in this fanfic.. Thanks for the wonderful fanfic! ^^
RiCa1826 #5
*cries a river*

this chapter is so sad DD;
--nsyoo #6
This is so sad~ T^T
Wake up soon EunAe! Poor Key, I wish EunAe (me) could wake up soon!

I loved this story so much! I really mean it. kekeke~