Our First Date

There Is No Love For Me Like Yours


You were the one. The only one for me. I just knew that you are the one when you slap me.

Well, it was a misunderstanding. You thought I was trying to you. But I was actually mistaken your for a pole..

Ok, that's quite weird.... I guess I did intended to grab your . Blame my hand cause I know my brain is not erted.


People say, they fell in love at first sight. Well for me, I fell in love at first slap. Weird huh...


You always laughed when I said that to you. You always said that we're a unique couple. Different from those cheesy fluffy couple.


I tried once to be fluffy and romantic, well because I am that kind of person. You stared at all the heart-shaped balloons, the candles, and the gourmet. I thought that you would be happy. A lot of girls would be swoon with that kind of move right? nah... not you. you were different. well, you did swoon. but in a different way.


You walked slowly towards the balloons. You pull one of the strings, and hold the balloon between your hands. it was shiny, and you clearly saw your reflections on it. Your slim fingers ran through the shiny surface, and a squeak can be heard. 


Suddenly, the balloon burst and you stand there with an amused face. “This is fun!" you said while holding a pin. and you continued to pop the balloons and squealed in delight. My heart shrunk with each burst. I stood there speechless while you ran around the room leaving shiny latex lying around the floor.


After you are done, you looked around and saw the candles that were forming a pathway towards the dinner table. 


“Candles! Can I blow them out?" you asked innocently and of course I can't refuse you and your cuteness. I smiled faintly and nod. With that, the surrounding started to get dimmer and dimmer until it was pitch black. 


“Arghh! I can’t see anything!” You scream and a loud ‘thud’ was heard. The light is and I saw you sprawled on the ground. I chuckled lightly and came over to you with my hand held out. You grabbed them and were soon on your knees brushing off the sand that stuck at your dress.


“That was embarrassing..” you smiled shyly. I chuckled and led you to the table. I pulled out the chair for you, but before I had the chance to push the chair back, you sit. Next thing I know, you were sitting on the grass with a blank expression.


I couldn’t help but laugh as I hoisted you back up. And you laugh too. “I guess we should just eat now, huh?” and I let you pull the chair yourselves, not wanting that incident to happen again.


We talked and talked. Actually, it was you who talk the most. I just listen and laughed at your remarks. You with your awkward jokes. I’ve got to admit, they were a bit lame but those were the charms. The way you look skeptical when I laugh at your jokes.


“Are they funny?” you asked.

“What are funny?” I asked back.

“You know.. My jokes. Are they really funny?” you mumbled, not daring to look at me in the eyes, scared of my answer.

I beamed. “Of course! Why did you ask? You think I was faking my laughter?”

You shook your head. “No, of course not! It’s just, usually people don’t usually laugh at them. They thought my jokes were kind of lame.” You hung her head in embarrassment.

“Well, I find them quite funny.” I smiled. And I saw your head shot back up. Your eyes searching for my sincerity. And you broke into a smile when you found them.


That was our first date. It was a beginning of a new excitable life.. Or so I thought…..

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sorry for not updating my story. i hve exams coming soon, so i'm a little bit busy studying and such. i promise i'll update this as soon as i finish my exams.


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Chapter 11: T_T How can a story be so sad!!
Minnieminwoo #2
Chapter 12: I teared up without even knowing...........this story is so sad :"(.........but i still love it haha
Chapter 12: Is this just Key's imagination or did she really is there with him?
Or did he go to her now? *you know what I mean right?*
I am so loving this fic.
It's going to end? This is so sad, EunAe dont even see her kids yet! But I love it. I can feel everything in this fanfic.. Thanks for the wonderful fanfic! ^^
RiCa1826 #5
*cries a river*

this chapter is so sad DD;
--nsyoo #6
This is so sad~ T^T
Wake up soon EunAe! Poor Key, I wish EunAe (me) could wake up soon!

I loved this story so much! I really mean it. kekeke~