Honey, You Make Me Happy

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I'm publishing a separate compilation of Wheesun one-shots/short fics. I'm still including them in the oneshots book but will be collected here for better access. :)


Check out my other works if you're looking for stories about other ships as well! 


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Frozen_J 0 points #1
Chapter 22: You are what you eat lolll
0 points #2
Chapter 22: Cute! I guess they’ll eventually be twins soon 🫣🤭
Frozen_J #3
Chapter 21: Damn i did not expect the ending lol
Chapter 21: Ooopsie🤭
ggomoo_ #5
Chapter 21: Hmm😆🤭
Chapter 21: 😆😳🤭 that’s smooth haha enjoy your meal, Yong.
Frozen_J #7
Chapter 20: We love sneaky wheenie!
Chapter 20: short, cute, sweet ……and little bit of hotㄱㄱㄱㄱ❤️
Chapter 20: Awwwww this is sooooo cute! I wish the table wasn’t turned and it’s Whee that was pinned against it. Tiny height gap still makes my heart fluttered though 😆
Frozen_J #10
Chapter 19: Daaaamnn topwhee