Solarxwheein (44 solarxwheein stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

One Shots
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Honey, You Make Me Happy

By PupMixtape Updated
Tags  mamamoo   wheesun   jungwheein   kimyongsun   solarxwheein 
Characters Jung Wheein, Kim Yongsun
With 22 chapters, 26 votes, 297 subscribers, 7210 views, 57 comments, 22709 words
Status Subscribers Only

I'm publishing a separate compilation of Wheesun one-shots/short fics. I'm still including them in the oneshots book but will be collected here for better access. :)

Wheesun 2024 Season’s Stories

By Sharkillicious Updated
Tags  oneshots   girlxgirl   shortstories   femslash   gxg   mamamoo   wheein   solar   wheesun   angelline   wlw   solarxwheein   wheeinxsolar 
Characters Solar, Wheein
With 7 chapters, 29 votes, 144 subscribers, 3470 views, 54 comments, 42271 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Crowdfunded

piano woman

By sheepsleeepy Updated
Tags  mamamoo   wheein   solar   wheesun   bartenderau   solarxwheein 
Characters wheein, solar
With 1 chapters, 9 votes, 167 subscribers, 660 views, 5 comments, 3742 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

We Are One

By DelfiMoomoo Updated
Characters Solar Moonbyul Wheein Hwasa
With 17 chapters, 35 votes, 300 subscribers, 12780 views, 52 comments, 69712 words
Status [M]

• THE MISFORTUNED 8-TAILED GUMIHO WITH AN ODD EYE: guardian of lake unmyeong •

By omyohae417 Updated
Characters Kim Yongsun, Jung Wheein
With 1 chapters, 5 votes, 4 comments, 2580 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded


By Awen_7 Updated
With 5 subscribers, 110 views, 19 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

*第一次写群像请多包涵 *全文8k+ *拖的时间有点长,读起来可能有些混乱 *推荐搭配Wind flower-MAMAMOO、Destiny Part2-MAMAMOO、옥 탑 방 -N. Flying、Ditto-New Jeans食用 *祝阅读愉快


By Awen_7 Updated
With 1 subscribers, 70 views, 10 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

*写了很久的一篇群像 *不知道自己在写什么了 *ooc警告⚠️ *全文1w+,祝食用愉快^^  

• ACT 1 SCENT 1: seven deadly sins •

By omyohae417 Updated
Characters Kim Yongsun, Moon Byulyi, Jung Wheein, Ahn Hyejin
With 7 chapters, 22 votes, 4370 views, 18 comments, 12465 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

• LOVERS IN JAPAN: sunrise sleeper train •

By omyohae417 Updated
Characters Kim Yongsun, Jung Wheein
With 1 chapters, 5 votes, 2 comments, 2581 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded


By omyohae417 Updated
Characters Kim Yongsun, Jung Wheein
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 700 views, 1 comments, 871 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

wheein got up from the sofa and followed a young lady towards a room.

tell me who i am

By jujoyonthebeat Updated
Characters Kim Yongsun and Jung Wheein
With 3 chapters, 11 votes, 175 subscribers, 1460 views, 15 comments, 10817 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

a wheesun fanfiction inspired by sabrina carpenter's because i liked a boy, only there's no boy here.


By omyohae417 Updated
Characters Kim Yongsun, Jung Wheein, Kim Yongkeey
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 1 comments, 1026 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

a mortal junior puppy sniffed out an immortal senior puppy. what could confirm their future encounters?


By Sharkillicious Updated
Characters Solar, Wheein
With 27 chapters, 87 votes, 637 subscribers, 23990 views, 301 comments, 177147 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Crowdfunded

soju & cereal

By jujoyonthebeat Updated
Characters Kim Yongsun and Jung Wheein
With 2 chapters, 19 votes, 363 subscribers, 2550 views, 13 comments, 6631 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only


By sunggiw Updated
Tags  mamamoo   wheein   solar   wheesun   solarxwheein 
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 350 views

“丁辉人。”   每当金容仙叫她的全名,就意味着警告,提醒她无论这件事是什么都不要再继续做下去。   丁辉人盯着她,没有丝毫退缩的意思,眼神直勾勾的往她心里去。   “丁辉人。”不要越界。   她转头望向窗外,外面坠着倾盆大雨,用力敲打着门窗,屋内没有开灯,导致黑漆漆一片,夜里,只有雨声和丁辉人灼热的眼神。   安静的环境里什么声音都格外明显,她听到丁辉人抬起手,地板吱呀了一声,随后一片温热抚上她的侧脸。   掌心有汗。   相信不只是金容仙一个人在为这种情景紧张,她掌心是潮热的,却又不过分染指她。   金容仙咽下水,不敢对视那双夜里格外明亮的眼睛,那像一团火,她的视线就像助燃剂,只会让这团火烧的更旺,直至引火烧身。   她们的身份,地点,肢体动作,都不对。  


By sunggiw Updated
Tags  wheein   solar   wheesun   solarxwheein 
With 1 subscribers, 200 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status Members Only

天使line   辉人在寻找着,在这轰鸣的音乐中,在绚丽的灯光下她依旧觉得漆黑一片,呼略有些紧促,但不是因为劳累和这热燥的气氛,疲惫的眼神更显严肃,与这舞池格格不入,她的周围俨然似乎围绕着一圈冷空气,一点点降入冰点。   “金容仙。”   她一个字一个字的将那人的名字从心中掏出,从里吐出前似乎咀嚼了无数遍,她的眼神凝固成利器,将眼前的空气割裂,谁也无法得知她到底有多生气,直到她的目光扫视到那个人的身影。她深一气,眼睫毛微微颤动,她无法做到对那个人生气,就算是非常凶的表情也一样,面容放柔和一分后径直朝那人走去。   金容仙早就注意到那个气势汹汹的脚步,哒哒哒的踩在地板上像是生气的小狗冲你吠叫,但是她知道,小狗只要摸摸脑袋会忘却生气的事,高兴的忘乎所以的摇尾巴,所以她并不紧张,反而像是挑衅般的拿起酒杯又喝了一。金容仙觉得自己应该是喝醉了,什么都不想去想,什么都也不计后果,肆无忌惮的触碰着小狗的底线,她甚至有些兴奋,挑逗某人让她的心情愉悦,肾上腺素

watch you sleep

By jujoyonthebeat Updated
Characters Jung Wheein & Kim Yongsun
With 1 chapters, 13 votes, 310 subscribers, 1690 views, 6 comments, 2019 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

Song Number Seven

By leggopup Updated
Characters Jung Wheein, Kim Yongsun
With 17 chapters, 42 votes, 665 subscribers, 11840 views, 182 comments, 94579 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only


By jwixxi Updated
Characters Jung Wheein, Kim Yongsun, Moonbyul, Hwasa, Ahn Hyejin, Moonbyul-yi, Solar, Mamamoo
With 5 chapters, 10 votes, 61 subscribers, 1190 views, 21 comments, 6446 words

Yongsun is a hard-working student who's studying Morse code along with her two friends and there was nothing much going on with her life, not until she met Wheein. Ever since she met the girl, it always rain. The rain keeps telling her to run.


By Tanark Updated
Characters Wheein, Yongsun, Solar
With 3 chapters, 19 votes, 372 subscribers, 3410 views, 8 comments, 16179 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

Believe In Love

By Sharkillicious Updated
Tags  girlxgirl   fantasyau   femslash   gxg   wheein   solar   dragonage   wheesun   angelline   wlw   solarxwheein 
Characters Wheein, Solar
With 7 chapters, 62 votes, 289 subscribers, 5640 views, 85 comments, 29462 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Crowdfunded

The Boulevard

By lipsticksmudge Updated
Tags  comedy   drama   mystery   romance   snsd   thriller   exo   girlsgeneration   dystopian   mamamoo   wheein   moonbyul   hwasa   yongsun   hwabyul   wheesun   solarxwheein 
Characters Wheein, Yongsun (Main) | Moonbyul, Hwasa, Taeyeon, Seohyun, Yuri, Yoona, Kai, Sehun, Yunho (Supporting Characters)
With 23 chapters, 24 votes, 550 subscribers, 10230 views, 158 comments, 258256 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Brown Eyes

By lipsticksmudge Updated
Tags  taeyeon   mamamoo   wheein   solar   yongsun   wheesun   solarxwheein 
Characters Yongsun, Wheein (Main) | Taeyeon (Supporting Character)
With 1 chapters, 12 votes, 151 subscribers, 1220 views, 10 comments, 3185 words
Status Subscribers Only

Yongsun arrived in an old place. The big old summer house in front of her was full of memories, the ones she cherished the most. It was owned by her late aunt, Taeyeon. She started doing the chores as soon as she entered the house as she kept remembering her aunt's words and the memories she had with her. Upon removing every cover, those memories buried deep d

A Rose By Any Other Name

By Cori573 Updated
Tags  fluff   cute   mamamoo   solar   wheesun   jungwheein   kimyongsun   solarxwheein 
Characters kim yongsun jung when
With 2 chapters, 11 votes, 109 subscribers, 3100 views, 17 comments, 4291 words

The beautiful flower shop owner Kim YongSun crosses paths with painter Jung WheeIn in an intersting night. 


By asheeeyyy Updated
Tags  angst   mamamoo   wheein   solar   yongsun   wheesun   jungwheein   kimyongsun   solarxwheein 
Characters wheein solar jungwheein kimyongsun yongsun
With 1 chapters, 5 votes, 21 subscribers, 990 views, 4 comments, 487 words
Status Completed

It’s hard to ignore the ache and the thought that she was a fool too. A fool for someone else.

Never Not Love You

By Taeyang02 Updated
Tags  drama   romance   mamamoo   wheesun   solarxwheein 
Characters Jung wheein, kim yongsun, moon byulyi, ahn hyejin
With 6 chapters, 5 votes, 1350 views, 11 comments, 4777 words

A girl who is in love with art named Jung wheein, she lives in Seoul korea, her parents broke up and her mom lives in Australia, her dad is in korea but they never met, her dream is just to be happy, she only loves to live her life with art. She paints, she draw, she works at a tattoo shop as a tattoo artist that owned by her friend. She’s a wild cat, a happy go lucky, she love drinking.   Kim yongsun is a office work

passing strangers | wheesun

By dreamsyeon Updated
Tags  mamamoo   wheein   solar   yongsun   wheesun   angelline   jungwheein   kimyongsun   solarxwheein 
Characters kim yongsun/solar, jung wheein
With 11 chapters, 25 votes, 232 subscribers, 4520 views, 67 comments, 17934 words
Status Completed

yongsun sees her on the train every day without fail, a beautiful stranger whose smile is brighter than the sun. is it possible to fall in love with someone you don’t even know?

Leader Kim New Puppy

By Furiin Updated
Tags  mamamoo   wheein   solar   wheesun   angelline   solarxwheein 
Characters Solar, Wheein
With 9 chapters, 12 votes, 499 subscribers, 3590 views, 35 comments, 6153 words
Status Subscribers Only

Wheesun fluff to brighten your day. Office story ;)

Sending A Paper Plane

By glyceral3p Updated
Characters Jung Wheein, Kim Yongsun (Solar)
With 5 votes, 17 subscribers, 1240 views, 1 comments, 124 words
Status Completed, Members Only

“when the sun rises, i’m still here, loving you with all my best” — and with that, wheein lets the paper plane fly

What's Wrong With Secretary Kim?

By himecchin Updated
Tags  ceoau   mamamoo   wheein   solar   wheesun   jungwheein   kimyongsun   moonbyulyi   solarxwheein   hyejinahn 
Characters Hwasa, Moonbyul, Solar, Wheein
With 1 votes, 71 subscribers, 1630 views, 6 comments, 284 words
Status Members Only

«Good Morning, Chief Jung» Secretary Kim greets her, and Wheein just nods, dropping her gaze on her papers again, pretending to be completely absorbed in her work. In truth, she’s shaking inside. Hyejin, actually, made it a little simpler than it actually is. Can she really ask Secretary Kim the reason why she wants to resign from the studio?  


By addxndum Updated
Characters jung wheein, kim yongsun/solar, moon byulyi/moobyul, ahn hyejin/hwasa, jjing
With 1 chapters, 32 votes, 893 subscribers, 5790 views, 15 comments, 10877 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

turning tables

By dreamsyeon Updated
Tags  vampire   hyejin   mamamoo   wheein   solar   moonbyul   hwasa   yongsun   wheesun   angelline   byulyi   solarxwheein 
Characters solar/kim yongsun, jung wheein, hwasa/ahn hyejin, moonbyul/moon byulyi
With 11 chapters, 11 votes, 134 subscribers, 3760 views, 39 comments, 18789 words
Status Completed

jung wheein never expected her professor to be a vampire, much less the vampire that she would be tasked to hunt.  but hunting down kim yongsun was at the least of her worries.

After Hours [ONE-SHOT]

By IiMeltingSnow Updated
Characters Jung Wheein, Kim Yongsun
With 1 chapters, 25 votes, 195 subscribers, 6120 views, 14 comments, 4509 words
Status [M], Completed

Withering Gold

By Sharkillicious Updated
Tags  girlxgirl   femslash   gxg   demonau   mamamoo   wheein   solar   wheesun   angelline   wlw   solarxwheein 
Characters Solar, Wheein
With 18 chapters, 124 votes, 811 subscribers, 23190 views, 265 comments, 70957 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Crowdfunded

Pink Matter

By CEOJung Updated
Tags  taengsic   taengsica   mamamoo   wheein   solar   moonbyul   hwasa   wheesun   angelline   solarxwheein 
Characters Wheein Solar Yongsun Hwasa Moonbyul Jessica Taeyeon
With 8 chapters, 13 votes, 125 subscribers, 6660 views, 33 comments, 8451 words
Status Members Only

[CONTENTID1]INDEX[/CONTENTID1] [CONTENTID2] Asleep (WheeSun) Weekend - I (WheeSun) Weekend - II (WheeSun) Childhood (TaengSic) Midnight (WheeSun) Instincts (WheeSun) North American Ride (Tiffany//JeTi) All I Need (WheeSun) One shot collection with multiple pairings. Stories based on music, featuring MAMAMOO members, SNSD members and other Korean celebr