chapter 8 Yujin x Wonyoung


"Hey get back ya dickwads"

"Shut up, damn twerp. That friend of yours spilled iced chocolate on me! You know how much these cost me?" 

"You think I care? One more step and imma swing."

I walked up around the corner, hearing them argue from miles away. I slowed down just a few feet away, watching the situation. Wouldn't be smart of me to just rush in and 'try to save the day'. I'm not exactly a big person, barely reaching the 170s. And looking at the situation, there were more than 3 guys, all about the size of an average adult. Yujin had her arms up, ready to fight. Her eyes were drill-ing right into the main guy, probably the leader. He was the one who got drenched in ice chocolate. Despite her being so young, she wasn't to be looked down on. Not like that was possible anyway. She was about the same height as the shortest one in the group of punks. 
Jesus, what are kids eating nowadays to grow so tall.

"Look we don't want any trouble, just give us some kind of compensation and we can settle this quietly."

"Compensation?! She did nothing wrong!"

"She literally threw her drink at me! Look at me! I'm drenched!" 

"Firstly, she did not 'literally' throw that drink at you. You ran into her. She did no throwing. You're just looking for a reason to bully her."

"You're seriously getting on my nerves you know."

The punk was starting to lose his cool, scratching his pubescent neck as though trying to suppress his anger. God... He must have watched too many gangster movies. Yujin took a step back, as the guys started to close in on her and Wonyoung. She had one hand holding Wonyoung's, trying to calm her down, while the hand was up in a defensive position. She tried to put a defiant face on, to look tough, but even they could see she was feigning. She was scared. She can't fend them off, and she knew that. 
Well, gotta give her credit I guess. She's trying to protect her girlfriend, so, there's merit. But she's still a kid. Time to step in before it escalates.

"Alright, alright, that's enough."

I walked in quickly, slipping in between two of the guys and stood in between them and the two girls. Yujin looked at me in surprise, not sure why she was seeing me here. Wonyoung was still hiding behind Yujin, not realising what was happening. 

"Let's not get ourselves into any more trouble okay? They've already apologised. You mind letting that slide?" 

"What? No?! And who the hell are you, damn busybody."

I felt a slight tinge of anger rise up in my stomach. Man, kids nowadays. I took a slight breath, trying to calm myself down. 

"I'm their uuuh guardian. I'm here to watch over them. To help them if they're in trouble, and this obviously looks like trouble." 

I put my hands on my hips. I looked around, looking at each guy square in the eyes, trying to get a feel of the situation. I took a look at my watch, trying to count down the time. Shouldn't take any longer I think. I look back at the guys surrounding us. Well, I guess if it does come down to it, we might have a chance? Maybe. Who knows? But I definitely can't let either of the two girls get involved. Specially that Yujin girl. She's definitely the type to throw in a punch or two. 

"Yujin, calm down. I don't want you to start doing anything stupid."

I turned my head slightly, trying to tell Yujin to calm down. I kept my eyes on the punks, just in case they'd suddenly throw a surprise punch. I mean, they seem like the type to do that. Knock off branded varsity jackets, nikes, and the whole shebang. They were definitely the type of delinquents you'd see making a scene in Hongdae or something.

"Why don't you pay for them instead then? Someone has to pay for this dry cleaning." 

"Are you seriously that desperate for some kind of pay off in all of this? It was a small accident." 

"Shut up ."

And that snapped me

"Alright ya little wad. Why don't you and your little posse of rodents crawl back to whatever sewer you dragged your sorry asses out of and drown there yeah? in dickwads trying to act all manly. Please, I've seen cheese with more balls than you dickless pieces of s." 

I couldn't even hold my tongue back. It all just spilled out. Everyone was stunned, speechless. Nobody moved an inch, still trying to process what I just said. It took me a second to realise what I just did Ah . I blew it for us. 

It didn't last more than a second before the dude with the wet clothes started retaliating. He rushed in, winding his arm back. At the same time, I took a step forward, closing the distance between the two of us. That made him stop for a second, surprised at me suddenly coming in. I stopped myself right in front of him. That was all the opportunity I needed. I pinched his ear, pulling them upwards. 


"Goddamn punk."

He was too much in pain to try and retaliate, his ear stinging from me pulling it so hard. I didn't even let go, making sure I had him in my grasp. He ended up on his knees, the pain overwhelming him. Hell, I could even see some tears coming out. I pulled out his wallet, jutting out of the inner pocket of his varsity jacket. With my free hands, I looked at the contents of the wallet. It was stacked, credit card by credit card by credit card. Hell there was even a stack of cash in it. 

"You had this much cash to pay for your own laundry and you wanted to ask for these girls to pay for it so badly? Seriously? Man, chivalry truly is dead."

I noticed his Identity Card, looking at it carefully. What I saw pissed me off even more.

"You goddamn punk. You're not even 18 and you're walking around like some kind of gangster? The ?" I smacked his forehead using his wallet a couple of times, emphasizing the fact that he was being rude to an elder.

"Always. Be. Respectful. Of. Someone. Older. You little. wad." 


I looked up, to see two security guards standing in front of me. 

"Finally! What took you so long?"

"Sorry ma'am. We'll take over now."


I passed the punk over without any question. He and his group of goons were dragged to some room somewhere, probably to get this settled. I turned around to look at the two girls. I was not looking happy, and they knew it. Wonyoung was looking down at her feet, unsure what to say. While Yujin, she was looking at me, trying to find the words to defend herself.

"Wonyoung did nothing wrong. It was my fault. She was just caught in all-"

"Zip it."

That was enough to shut her up. She looked back down at the floor. At least she understood that they were in trou-ble. Although, I did feel a little impressed at her need to protect Wonyoung, trying to put the blame on herself.

"Let's go. We're getting out of her."

The car ride was quiet. The two of them didn't even dare to say anything, afraid I'd snap at them. I did feel a little guilty. I did kind of cut their little date short. And I feel bad for that. It was for their sake, sure, but I'm sure they didn't have this kind of luxury before. They really were looking forward to tonight huh. I looked back at the clock. Guess we still have time. I turned the car around. 

"Uhhhh where are we going?"

"Somewhere to relax. And for you to continue your date. It's a nice place. And maybe we can have ice cream." 

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reigngrey #1
Chapter 20: Not gonna lie i was surprise to that you chose sian as eunbi’s partner.

Keep going i really love these stories.
reigngrey #2
Chapter 15: Wow…. No wonder. . . There is no ‘speaking chaeyeon”….. but it hurts. . .

You will be fine sakura.

Looking forward for the next chapter