chapter 5 Nako x Eunbi


"So you drove me out all the way out here... To the most deserted part of the Hangang River."

"Would you have accepted going anywhere else?"

We walked up the path from the carpark up to the riverside. I walked ahead, wanting to check out if the place was empty just like it was an hour ago. And it was. The rain wasn't letting up so maybe that's why the place was still so empty. The only form of life was the lights from the convenience store, the tables outside still unoccupied since I left it. 

"Sit there. I'll get us some drinks and snacks."

Nako didn't say a word as she walked over to the tables. Her short figure made it look like a small kid was sulking, being dragged out here and having to spend time away from her room. Well, it wasn't that far off. I knew leaving her alone to brood in her room would have been fine but, I just felt like she needed someone to be by her side. No one was by mine, so I guess I didn't want her to feel that way. I walked in, walking straight for the drinks section.

I pulled out a couple of oolong tea and cola. I walked back, stopping by the alcohol section. Should I? I mean, drinking when you're feeling down kind off helps. Plus, I was craving some. 

Nah, I still gotta drive her home. What kind of Uber would I be if I drove her home tipsy? Plus, she's definitely underage. I walked up to the counter, picking up some chips along the way.

"Hey, Chaewon, you're back."

I looked at the girl behind the counter. Guess it slipped my mind that there was a new worker here.

"Thanks for the coffee. Appreciated it."

"No problem...?" 

"Ah right, you didn't get my name the first time. Name's Byulyi, but everyone around me calls me Moon."

It took me a second to recognise the pun.

"Ah... that's cute. Byul (star), Moon. Moonbyul. Guess I can only see the moon and stars here tonight then."

"Smooth one kid. Smooth indeed." 

She scanned some of the drinks, smiling at my pathetic attempt at flirting. She suddenly gave off a more mature aura. Maybe it's because I was in a rush before, maybe she was just acting, but I felt that she was a lot older than she looked, and probably more experienced. 

"So... guess you're having your own counselling session?"

She gestured to Nako, looking at her while scanning the last few things on the counter.

"Yeah... she didn't exactly have a great end to her night."

"Rejected huh..."

"That obvious?"

"Yep. Only a heartbroken maiden would look so depressingly into the distance. Must be her first heartbreak. Those are usually the hardest."

Yeah... doesn't help that they were engaged too. I looked at Nako, who was just sitting there, staring at the rainy sky. The radio from outside the store was muffled in here, but it defi-nitely reverberated with her.

"Here, give this to her."

"... Lemon tea?'

"I hear it helps with heartache."

"I don't think that's-" 

"Look Hun, that's just supposed to calm her down. What she needs is to let everything out. That girls basically having an emotional constipation. She's not letting anything out."


I walked out with the bottles and snack in hand, sitting right next to Nako. The radio suddenly changed channels, playing a song I didn't recognise. I turned around to look back inside, Moonbyul giving me the thumbs up. Well, I did bring her here to help her, even if I didn't know how to. I guess this is one way to help her.

"Here, have some of this. It's supposed to help."

She listlessly took the bottle, not even bothering to check what it was. But the moment she tasted the tea, her eyes started watering. Wow... I was not expecting the tea to do that. Maybe the tea really is helpful. Nako wiped the tears running down her cheek. I tried to look for my napkin in my pocket, only to remember I never had such a thing. I'm not one of those people to bring napkins or handkerchiefs. I should have bought some tissues inside. And just as I was thinking that, Moonbyul came out, placing some on the table. 

"Thanks... I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me."

"That's alright Hun, you seem like you've got a lot on your shoulders. It's only natural for it to leak out sometimes. You should probably talk it out. This lady here is ready to listen, since she brought you out here and all."

Moonbyul turned to me, winking at me (non)discreetly before walking back into the store. I could only stare at Nako, as though I had any other choice. I mean, I did bring her out here 
My voice trailed off, not sure how to start or where to even begin. This was not a situation I normally find myself in. Ever. I have never once bothered trying to listen or relate to any of my friend's problems, so this was a first for me. To feel the need to help a person with their problem or heartache, let alone a stranger I met just today. This damn Uber thing is a mess. 

"Guess I was being an idiot this whole time huh..."

"Well, love makes anyone an idiot."

I kicked myself in the foot. I didn't know why that was the first thing that came out of my mouth. Yeah, it's true, but I don't think that's what Nako needed to hear right now.

"True, but I was being the biggest idiot in the world." 

"Well... that's a little too huge of a scale don't ya-"

"I came all the way here, only to find out the one I love is already engaged to someone else, and she might have never shared the same feelings I had for her."

"NYeeeh, people everywhere in the world fall in love and get rejected, and get stuck in a cycle of one sided loves. You're not that special. I guess the whole flying here thing was pretty stupid if confessing was the only reason you came to Korea, but you obviously like Korea more than just that."

"I spent nearly 4 years hung up on one person, only looking at her as my partner for life, never experiencing love with anyone else. Only to get my heart broken by my first love."

"It's your first love. First love never ends well anyway. And it your first heartbreak. There'll be many more in the future."

Nako stared at me, in total disbelief at all the remarks coming out of my mouth.

"You know... you really at this."

"Tell me about it... Guess that's why I'm single and friendless."

I raised my glass of oolong tea, as though in the lameness of my remarks. Guess that was good enough, because Nako started giggling, as though amused at my lack of empathy.

"Hearing you say that I'll have many more heartbreaks in the future, makes me wonder why we even go through it. Why can't I just... lock that emotion away? Love's nothing more than just a ."

Well that sounds familiar. Guess they share more things in common than they need to.

"Who knows, but I do know one thing, that love was enough to get you to study Korean till you're basically as fluent as a local, made you work hard enough to buy a plane ticket here, and maybe a ticket back, and supported you enough to get through those 5 years without her. You should thank it instead, rather than detesting it."

I looked out at the riverside, as though telling myself to accept love as an emotion. Maybe I was. Nako wasn't exactly the only one who feels as though love was nothing more than a nuisance. And yet, I was trying to convince ourselves otherwise. I mean I guess it's true, lie to yourself long enough, you'll start believing those lies. I picked up Nako's lemon tea, intend-ing to try some. Maybe I need some kind of magic to let me pour out too.

"Mind if I try some?" 

She merely nodded her head.

"WHAT THE FU- This isn't lemon tea! It's freaking lemon extract."

The sourness was like a truck. My lower jaw locked up from the sourness, as though ants were crawling down my neck. I turned to look at Moonbyul, who was cracking up inside. I looked back at Nako, who was laughing as well.

"Was that why you were crying?!"

She couldn't even answer me, laughing too hard at my reaction. Well, at least she was finally smiling. Despite the tears flowing down her cheeks. Were they sad tears, happy tears? Who cares. At least she's letting them out. And just as her face brightened up, the night sky started to clear up, the rain finally letting up after a whole night of down pouring. Nako stood up and walked ahead, toward the riverside. She leaned against the railings, breathing in the night air. I followed suit, standing a couple of feet behind her, watching the small figure climb the railing and sit on top of it. She stretched her arms out, puffing her chest as she breathed in again. With that same breath, she started shouting out at the air. She wasn't saying anything in particular, just shouting out into the air, venting her heart out. I walked up to her side, resting my arms on the railing. 

"You know Chae, maybe I'll stay in Korea for a couple more days."

"Oh yeah? And what're you gonna do."

"Who knows? Maybe I'll just I'll go to Lotte world tomorrow. Or Go to Busan."

"Sounds like a plan."


I turned up to look at her. She was looking down at me, a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Wanna come along?"

"HHAHAHAHA sorry girl. I've got a job to do this week. Maybe next time."

"Next time..." 

She looks back out at the river, as though contemplating what to say.


She shouted again out at the river, smiling, crying, and letting it all out. Finally, maybe there's a little light on this rainy Sunday. 

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reigngrey #1
Chapter 20: Not gonna lie i was surprise to that you chose sian as eunbi’s partner.

Keep going i really love these stories.
reigngrey #2
Chapter 15: Wow…. No wonder. . . There is no ‘speaking chaeyeon”….. but it hurts. . .

You will be fine sakura.

Looking forward for the next chapter