chapter 1 Nako x Eunbi


"We'll be down in a second" 

'We' huh. Guess it's a couple. First night on the job and I'm already driving a couple. Not exactly the way I would start this whole Uber thing, but what else can I do. I slipped my phone back onto the holder, getting google maps up. Leaning back, I turned the radio dial, mindlessly flipping through the songs. The tune of Elvis Presley's can't help Falling in Love with you whistled in the car. Sounds like a good enough mood. Not too moody, not too exciting. Just nice I turned the air conditioning down, letting the cool air dim down as I pulled my jacket collar up. The sound of rain slowly pouring down the car roof mixed with the song was mesmerising. It was calming, making this entire thing seem almost worth it. I leaned back, glancing toward the back door, trying to spot my passengers through the rain. 

Through the rain, I could see a short girl, not more than 150. She was looking around, as though looking for something. I'm guessing that's my customer. Guess I gotta be the nice one and go out there and help them. Do Uber drivers do that? Oh who cares? I pulled my hoodie over before getting out of the car. I pulled out a spare umbrella from the side of my seat, before running across the street towards the couple. 

"Sorry! I'm guessing you're Nako?"

"You're my Uber?"

"Yeah. Sorry about this. Your building didn't allow parking or pickups so I had to wait across the street. C'mon, I'll walk you over." 

She was a small one, couldn't have been taller than my shoulders, and I'm only 150+ last I checked. I let her get in first, holding the umbrella up above her as she got in the car, before I ran around to the other side. 

"Sorry bout that."

"It's fine" 
She brushed off some of the droplets off of her jacket, before taking it off and folding up around her arm. 
"So, says here you put in two different locations."

"Right, uh I'd like to go pick someone up first."

"Right, so where to first."

She pointed to the first location, which was the furthest one. I couldn't sigh outright, trying to bite my lips. There goes my gas money. Well, nothing can be done I guess.

"Alright, buckle up miss."

The sound of rain pelting against the car windows created a rhythmic sound, almost hypnotising. Which was a problem, since I was driving. I looked up at the rear view mirror, taking a glance at my young passenger. She was probably 16 or 17, definitely younger than I am. She stared out the window, as though entranced by the world out-side. As though she's never seen Seoul at night. Someone from the countryside? Probably. Although, looking at her features, she doesn't seem all that Korean. Now that I think about it, she did have a slight accent. I looked back at my phone for a second, before realising it. Her phone started ringing, yanking her out of her marvel.

"Ah, hey! Yes, yes I got here fine. Hmmm? Mmhmm. Yeah I'm on my way to pick you up right now. Yes. Yeah sure."

I looked back at the road, slowing down as the cars in front of me came to a halt.

"Are you in a hurry? It seems we might take a while to reach...Traffics kinda slow cause of the rain."

I turned to ask her, judging the situation. She looked down at her phone, trying to calculate the timing in her head.

"No.... I think its fine."

She leaned back, resigned to the fact that we might take a while.

"Your Korean is really good."

She looked at me, surprised. That's cute.

"How did you-"

"Hahahaha just a hunch."

"It's my accent isn't it? Oh man.... I thought I finally lost it."

"Don't worry. It's not your accent. You sound just like a Korean."

"Then how did you-" I pointed to my phone. "Your phone number. It's a foreign number."

"Ah... jeez you scared me there hahahaha." 

I looked up at the mirror again, wanting to see her reaction. She had her head back, laughing with open. She had a really goofy smile, endearing really. At least now she's not as depressed.

"So what brings you here?"

The question was left lingering in the air for a while. She kept quiet, a smile still on her face, but it was slowly fading.

"I.... I just like Korea, and I wanted to visit it."

I could tell that it was a lie, that she wasn't really giving me the full story. Well that's fine. I'm just her Uber driver. I'm not here to dig into their interest or past. 

"That's good then. I hope you have a good time herd"

I gave her a sincere wish, hoping that whatever she was doing here, it would go well for her. Her small smile stopped fading, so I'm guessing that worked. 

"Looks like we'll reach in 5 minutes. I hope your date is ready."

"What? She's not my-"

"Sure thing hun. Sure thing."

She had a look of disbelief, as though amused by my teasing. She was flustered, yes, but she definitely saw the fun in it. I drove into the apartment complex, stopping at the closest sheltered drop off point.

"Do you mind waiting here?"

"Well, normally there's a 5 minute waiting period, but sure. I could use the fresh air anyway." 

We both got out of the car, and she started skipping up the steps to the main lobby. Whoever she was with, was definitely lucky. I leaned against the car, pulling out some mints from my pocket. I popped one into my mouth, letting the numbing mint sting the inside of my mouth. Maybe that was a mistake. The rain and freezing breeze was al-ready mind numbingly cold, now I'm freezing the inside of my mouth too. Guess the nickname cold bith isn't just a name now.

"Hey, I'm back! We can make a move now."

I turned around to see her walking down the steps hand in hand with someone else. Someone older. Probably 7 years older than her. Well That's a surprise.

"Evening ma'am"

Better not to say anything more. I'm just their Uber driver. I turned the radio dial again, unsure what to play. I could feel the two of them talk, as though they were long lost friends, finally meeting after a long time. Well, maybe they were. The older girl is definitely acting like it. I stole a glance at Nako. She was trying, hard. Her whole demeanour changed. Hell, the way she was sitting was different. She had her entire body facing this woman, all of her attention aimed at her. She was whipped. Definitely.

To be fair, I could see why. The lady she was with was Elegant. Was that enough to describe her? She definitely had more to her than just elegance. Her beauty had a sense of maturity to it that was missing in many others. She had.... Experience. She was definitely someone who held herself highly. Her clothes, the way she sat, the way she responded. It was all with an aura of grandeur around her. She had charisma, defi-nitely. A gravitas that would attract anybody's gaze. She sure had mine in a number of instances.

And her voice. It was... Alluring. It had a huskiness to it that was definitely appealing to anyone of any gender, age or type. She really was quite the beauty. Guess I can see why Nako's so enamoured by her. If I was interested in all that crap, maybe I would too. We finally got to our second destination. A fancy restaurant, in a fancier hotel.

Damn, Nako really going all in on this huh.

"Hey thanks for the ride. How much is it? Hey, unnie, could you just wait outside?"

She sent the lady out, while pulling out her wallet.

"That'll be 25 bucks. Oh and good luck in there. Quite the catch you got there."

"HAHAAH thanks  Hey you think you could do me a favour?"

"Is that why you sent her out?"

"You really do catch on fast."

"So, whatchu need?"

"You think you could pick us up after our dinner? I know it's a hassle and all but-"

I didn't really hear the rest of it, trying to figure out the pros and cons of this. Let's see  
I'm only a substitute so I have no idea what Uber drivers actually do, plus I was told I didn't have to work so hard. I just needed to clear out the bookings my friend already had for this week, and Nako's the only one for tonight. 
"Sure, why not." 


"Yeah. Hangang River's not too far away from here. I'll just park there and wait for you guys. Take your time. I want to enjoy Hangang on a rainy day." 

"You're a real G man." 

"I have no idea what that means but thanks. Have fun in there kid." 

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reigngrey #1
Chapter 20: Not gonna lie i was surprise to that you chose sian as eunbi’s partner.

Keep going i really love these stories.
reigngrey #2
Chapter 15: Wow…. No wonder. . . There is no ‘speaking chaeyeon”….. but it hurts. . .

You will be fine sakura.

Looking forward for the next chapter